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Osiris 中文汉化版本。介绍:免费开源的《反恐精英:全球攻势》作弊软件,用现代 C++ 编写。图形界面由 Dear ImGui 提供。


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适用于 反恐精英: 全球攻势 的免费、开源、跨平台的作弊软件。设计为内部作弊 - 动态链接库 (DLL) 可加载到游戏进程中。与 Steam 版本的游戏兼容。适用于 Windows 和 Linux 系统。

如果你需要反馈任何并非由翻译造成的问题,请前往 Osiris 仓库提交 Issue。


  • 自瞄 - 瞄准辅助
  • 开火 - 当准心瞄准敌人时自动开火
  • 回溯 - 利用延迟补偿以使玩家及时回退
  • 描边 - 在实体上渲染光晕效果
  • 上色 - 给玩家模型上色,以提高可见性
  • ESP - 显示玩家、投掷武器和射弹的信息
  • 视觉 - 其他视觉选项
  • 物品替换 - 将武器皮肤、贴纸、刀、手套、奖牌等添加到游戏的库存中
  • 声音 - 修改某些声音效果的音量
  • 主题 - 选择菜单窗口布局和颜色
  • 其他 - 杂项功能
  • 配置 - 基于 JSON 的配置系统
  • 自瞄 - aim assistance

    • 启用 - 主开关
    • On key [ key ] - 自瞄仅在选中的键按下时工作
    • Aimlock - brings your aim to the target (affected by Smooth).
    • Silent - aimbot is not visible on your screen (client-sided only)
    • Friendly fire - treat allies as enemies
    • Visible only - aim only on visible players
    • Scoped only - aimbot works only when using scope (applies only to sniper rifles)
    • Ignore flash - ignore flashbang i.e. aim when local player is flashed
    • Ignore smoke - ignore smoke i.e. aim when target is in smoke
    • Auto shot - shoot automatically when target found
    • Auto scope - automatically scopes sniper rifle before shooting
    • Bone - bone which aimbot aims at
    • Fov - field-of-view which aimbot operates [0-255]
    • Smooth - smooth aimbot movement in order to seem more human-like
    • Max aim inaccuracy - maximum weapon inaccuracy allowing aimbot to run, lowering this value will e.g. disable aimbot while jumping or running
  • 开火 - automatically fires when crosshair is on enemy

    • 启用 - 主开关
    • On key [ key ] - triggerbot works only when chosen key is being held
    • Friendly fire - treat allies as enemies
    • Scoped only - triggerbot works only when using scope (applies only to sniper rifles)
    • Ignore flash - ignore flashbang i.e. shoot when local player is flashed
    • Ignore smoke - ignore smoke i.e. shoot when target is in smoke
    • Hitgroup - body parts on which triggerbot works
    • Shot delay - delay time in ms (milliseconds)
    • Min damage - minimal damage to fire.
  • 回溯 - abuse lag compensation in order to move players back in time

    • 启用 - 主开关
    • Ignore smoke - ignore smoke i.e. backtrack when target is in smoke
    • Time limit - limit the backtracking window [1-200ms]
  • 描边 - render glow effect on entities

    Allies, Enemies, Planting (player planting bomb), Defusing (player defusing bomb), Local player, Weapons (dropped weapons), C4, Planted C4, Chickens, Defuse kits, Projectiles, Hostages, Ragdolls / All, Visible, Occluded

    • 启用 - 主开关
    • Health based - color is based on player's hp
    • Color - glow color in rgba format
    • Style - glow style { Default, Rim3d, Edge, Edge Pulse }
  • 上色 - color player models to improve visibility

    Allies, Enemies, Planting (player planting bomb), Defusing (player defusing bomb), Local player, Weapons (dropped weapons), Hands (view model hands), Backtrack (requires backtrack to be enabled), Sleeves (view model) / All, Visible, Occluded

    • 启用 - 主开关
    • Health based - color is based on player's hp
    • Blinking - change transparency frequently
    • Material - material applied to model { Normal, Flat, Animated, Platinum, Glass, Chrome, Crystal, Silver, Gold, Plastic, Glow }
    • Wireframe - render triangle mesh instead of solid material
    • Cover - draw chams material on top of the original material instead of overriding it
    • Ignore-Z - draw material through walls
  • ESP - show additional information about players and game world

    1. Allies, Enemies

      • All, Visible, Occluded
    2. Weapons

    3. Projectiles

      • Flashbang, HE Grenade, Breach Charge, Bump Mine, Decoy Grenade, Molotov, TA Grenade, Smoke Grenade, Snowball
    4. Danger Zone

      • Sentries, Drones, Cash, Cash Dufflebag, Pistol Case, Light Case, Heavy Case, Explosive Case, Tools Case, Full Armor, Armor, Helmet, Parachute, Briefcase, Tablet Upgrade, ExoJump, Ammobox, Radar Jammer
    • 启用 - 主开关
    • Font - esp text font
    • Snaplines - draw snapline to player
    • Eye traces - draw player eye traces (shows where player looks)
    • Box - draw 2D box over player model
    • Name - draw player name
    • Health - draw player health
    • Health bar - draw rectangle indicating player health
    • Armor - draw player armor
    • Armor bar - draw rectangle indicating player armor
    • Money - draw player money
    • Head dot - draw dot on player's head
    • Active Weapon - draw player equipped weapon
  • 视觉 - miscellaneous visual options

    • Disable post-processing - disable post-processing effects in order to increase FPS
    • Inverse ragdoll gravity - inverse gravitational acceleration on falling player ragdoll corpse (during death sequence)
    • No fog - remove fog from map for better visibility
    • No 3d sky - remove 3d skybox from map - increases FPS
    • No visual recoil - remove visual recoil punch effect
    • No hands - remove arms / hands model from first-person view
    • No sleeves - remove sleeves model from first-person view
    • No weapons - remove weapons model from first-person view
    • No smoke - remove smoke grenade effect
    • No blur - remove blur
    • No scope overlay - remove black overlay while scoping
    • No grass - remove grass from map in Danger Zone mode (dz_blacksite and dz_sirocco maps)
    • No shadows - disable dynamic shadows
    • Wireframe smoke - render smoke skeleton instead of particle effect
    • Zoom [ key ] - enable zoom on unzoomable weapons
    • Thirdperson - thirdperson view
    • Thirdperson distance - camera distance in thirdperson view
    • View model FOV - change view model FOV [-60-0-60] (0 - actual view model, negative values - decreased view model, positive values - increased view model)
    • FOV - change view FOV [-60-0-60] (0 - actual view fov, negative values - decreased, positive values - increased)
    • Far Z - far clipping range, useful after disabling fog on large maps (e.g dz_sirocco) to render distant buildings
    • Flash reduction - reduces flashbang grenade effect [0-100%] (0 - full flash, 100 - no flash)
    • Brightness - control game brightness [0.0-1.0]
    • Skybox - change sky(box)
    • World color - set world material ambient light color
    • Deagle spinner - play "spinning" inspect animation when holding Deagle
    • Screen effect - screenspace effect - Drone cam, Drone cam with noise, Underwater, Healthboost, Dangerzone
    • Hit effect - show screen effect on enemy hit
    • Hit marker - show a cross detail on enemy hit
  • 物品替换 - add weapon skins, stickers, knives, gloves, medals and more to your in-game inventory

  • 声音 - modify volume of certain sound effects

    • Chicken volume - volume of chicken sounds

    Local player, Allies, Enemies

    • Master volume - overall volume of sounds emitted by player
    • Headshot volume - volume of headshot sound (when player gets headshoted)
    • Weapon volume - volume of player weapon shots
    • Footstep volume - volume of player footsteps
  • 其他 - miscellaneous features

    • Menu key [ key ] - menu toggle key

    • Menu style - menu style toggle (Classic / One window)

    • Menu colors - menu color theme (Dark / Light / Classic)

    • Anti AFK kick - avoid auto-kick by server for inactivity

    • Auto strafe - automatically strafe in air following mouse movement

    • Bunny hop - automatically simulate space bar press / release while jump button is being held; increases movement speed

    • Clan tag - set custom clan tag

    • Animated clan tag - animate clan tag

    • Fast duck - remove crouch delay

    • Sniper crosshair - draw crosshair while holding sniper rifle

    • Recoil crosshair - crosshair follows recoil pattern

    • Auto pistol - fire pistols like automatic rifles

    • Auto reload - automatically reload if weapon has empty clip

    • Auto accept - automatically accept competitive match

    • Radar hack - show enemies positions on radar

    • Reveal ranks - show player ranks in scoreboard in competitive modes

    • Reveal money - show enemies' money in scoreboard

    • Spectator list - show nicknames of players spectating you

    • Watermark - show cheat name in the upper-left screen corner and fps & ping in the upper-right corner

    • Offscreen Enemies - draw circles on the screen indicating that there are enemies behind us

    • Fix animation LOD - fix aimbot inaccuracy for players behind local player

    • Fix bone matrix - correct client bone matrix to be closer to server one

    • Disable model occlusion - draw player models even if they are behind thick walls

    • Kill message - print message to chat after killing an enemy

    • Name stealer - mimic other players names

    • Custom clantag - set a custom clantag

    • Fast plant - plants bomb on bombsite border, when holding LMB or E key

    • Fast Stop - stops the player faster than normal

    • Quick reload - perform quick weapon switch during reload for faster reload

    • Prepare revolver [ key ] - keep revolver cocked, optionally on key

    • Fix tablet signal - allow use tablet on underground (dangerzone)

    • Hit Sound - sound emitted when hurting enemy

    • Chocked packets - length of sequence of chocked ticks

    • Max angle delta - maximum viewangles change per tick

    • Aspect Ratio - allows you to change the aspect ratio

    • Purchase List - show the purchased equipment by enemies.

    • Reportbot - automatically report players on server for cheating or other abusive actions

      • 启用 - 主开关
      • Target - report target Enemies/Allies/All
      • Delay - delay between reports, in seconds
      • Aimbot - report for aim assistance
      • Wallhack - report for visual assistance
      • Other - report for other assistance
      • Griefing - report for griefing
      • Abusive Communications - report for abusive communications
    • Unhook - unload cheat

  • Config - JSON-based configuration system

    • Create config - create new configuration file
    • Reset config - restore default configuration settings (does not touch saved configuration)
    • Load selected - load selected configuration file
    • Save selected - save selected configuration file
    • Delete selected - delete selected configuration file
    • Reload configs - reload configs list



Microsoft Visual Studio 2019 16.10 (或更新版本), 平台工具集 v142 和 Windows SDK 10.0.x.x。如果你没有, 可以在 这里 下载 Visual Studio (安装过程中将会安装 Windows SDK)。



没有 git

如果你只需要源代码,并且你不打算参与开发,请选择此选项。下载大小约为 600 KB。

点击 此处 下载源代码。

使用 git

如果你打算参与开发或者想要使用版本控制系统,请选择此选项。下载大小约为 4 MB。没安装 git 或不会用的自行百度。

打开 git 命令行并输入以下命令:

git clone --depth=1

Osiris-CHS 文件夹应该已成功创建,包含所有源文件。



当您获取了源代码副本后,下一步是在 Microsoft Visual Studio 2019 中打开 Osiris.sln

然后将构建配置更改为 Release | x86并点击 生成解决方案 即可。

如果一切顺利,你应该得到 Osiris.dll 二进制文件。


Install dependencies:

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install -y libsdl2-dev libfreetype-dev

Configure with CMake:

cmake -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -D CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=g++-11 -S . -B build

Instead of g++-11 you can use g++-12, clang++-13, clang++-14, clang++-15.


cmake --build build -j $(nproc --all)

After following these steps you should receive file in build directory.

加载 / 注入游戏进程


打开你喜欢的 DLL 注入器 并将 Osiris.dll 注入进 csgo.exe 进程.

注入后,可通过 INSERT 键打开菜单。


You can run the following script in the directory containing

sudo gdb -batch-silent -p $(pidof csgo_linux64) -ex "call (void*)__libc_dlopen_mode(\"$PWD/\", 2)"


如果您的 CPU 支持 AVX / AVX2 / AVX-512 指令集,则可以在项目设置中启用它。这将产生更高性能的代码,并针对您的 CPU 进行优化。当前在项目设置中选择 SSE2 指令。



当焦点在游戏窗口时按 INSERT 键。


配置文件保存在你账户的 文档 文件夹 (%USERPROFILE%\Documents\Osiris)。配置文件为可读的格式,并且你可以编辑。有时在更新后,需要删除并重新创建配置文件。

Osiris 使用什么 hook 方法?

当前使用的 hook 方法有:

  • MinHook - trampoline hook
  • VmtHook - hook a function directly in a vtable
  • VmtSwap - create a copy of a vtable and swap the pointer on the class instance

hook 实现文件位于 Hooks 目录。



Copyright (c) 2018-2023 Daniel Krupiński

This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.


  • Anubis - 为 反恐精英:全球攻势 设计的免费开源作弊程序
  • GOESP - 适用于 反恐精英:全球攻势 的免费开源跨平台的 streamproof ESP 工具,使用现代 C++ 编写


Osiris 中文汉化版本。介绍:免费开源的《反恐精英:全球攻势》作弊软件,用现代 C++ 编写。图形界面由 Dear ImGui 提供。







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  • C++ 99.5%
  • Other 0.5%