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GOSCOW is pronounced as Moscow, and stands for:


It should be very clear from the naming that:

objective is to optimise back-end development and replacing it with configurations.

Back End Development

Development Today

It is pretty apparent that a lot of back-end "development" goes under:

  1. Trivial CRUD over data sources
  2. Reading from data sources and object massaging - via object mapper, thus mapping input to output
  3. Aggregation of multiple back-end services
  4. Adding random business logic to various section of the API workflows

GOSCOW aims to solve all these 4 problems, such that what was accomplished by 100 of developers can be done by less than 10, a ratio of 90% above in being effective.

How To Do it?

Deprecation : Service Framework

Lately, 10+ people gets allocated to maintain "how to create a service" end point. This must stop. The following must be made true:

  1. Creating a service end point should be just adding configuration
  2. Writing the service should be just typing in scriptable code
  3. Input / Output parameters are to be assumed typeless JSON at worst

"Business" Logic

There should not be any "business logic" in the code. They are susceptible to change, hence they should be hosted outside the API end points - DSL should be created to maintain.

Data Store Access

Any "Service" point requiring any "data store" access need to declare it, specifically as part of the service configuration process. Objective of the engine would be to handle the data transfer. JSON is the choice for data transfer for now.

Current Implementation

Service Configuration

Here is the config:

# This shows how GOSCOW service is routed

# port of the server
port : 8000
# script reloading - automatic
reload : true
# describing end points input -> output 
description: _/scripts/routes.raml
# routes information
    /hello : json@_/scripts/js/hello.js
    /param/:id  : json@_/scripts/js/param.js

    /hello : json@_/scripts/js/hello.js

# db connections
  neo4j :

It simply defines the routes - as well the handler script for such a route. In this way it is very similar to PHP doctrine, as well as DJango or Play.

As of now there are two ways to interpret the output generated by the script:

  1. JSON mapping : apply json@ before the handler script
  2. Raw mapping : Do nothing, this is the default


Is JavaScript. Specifically it is GoJa Engine. Here is how it works:

  1. Client calls server
  2. Server creates a eco.Context object and sends it to a handler function
  3. A script is the handler function which receives the context as $ and can use it to extract whatever it wants.
  4. The abstraction is JSON only.
  5. Spec of such a json can be found in the description

Here is one such example of routes being implemented:

let x = { "id" : $.Param("id") };
x;// return 

The context is defined as:

type (
	// Context represents the context of the current HTTP request. It holds request and
	// response objects, path, path parameters, data and registered handler.
	Context interface {
		// Request returns `*http.Request`.
		Request() *http.Request

		// SetRequest sets `*http.Request`.
		SetRequest(r *http.Request)

		// SetResponse sets `*Response`.
		SetResponse(r *Response)

		// Response returns `*Response`.
		Response() *Response

		// IsTLS returns true if HTTP connection is TLS otherwise false.
		IsTLS() bool

		// IsWebSocket returns true if HTTP connection is WebSocket otherwise false.
		IsWebSocket() bool

		// Scheme returns the HTTP protocol scheme, `http` or `https`.
		Scheme() string

		// RealIP returns the client's network address based on `X-Forwarded-For`
		// or `X-Real-IP` request header.
		// The behavior can be configured using `Echo#IPExtractor`.
		RealIP() string

		// Path returns the registered path for the handler.
		Path() string

		// SetPath sets the registered path for the handler.
		SetPath(p string)

		// Param returns path parameter by name.
		Param(name string) string

		// ParamNames returns path parameter names.
		ParamNames() []string

		// SetParamNames sets path parameter names.
		SetParamNames(names ...string)

		// ParamValues returns path parameter values.
		ParamValues() []string

		// SetParamValues sets path parameter values.
		SetParamValues(values ...string)

		// QueryParam returns the query param for the provided name.
		QueryParam(name string) string

		// QueryParams returns the query parameters as `url.Values`.
		QueryParams() url.Values

		// QueryString returns the URL query string.
		QueryString() string

		// FormValue returns the form field value for the provided name.
		FormValue(name string) string

		// FormParams returns the form parameters as `url.Values`.
		FormParams() (url.Values, error)

		// FormFile returns the multipart form file for the provided name.
		FormFile(name string) (*multipart.FileHeader, error)

		// MultipartForm returns the multipart form.
		MultipartForm() (*multipart.Form, error)

		// Cookie returns the named cookie provided in the request.
		Cookie(name string) (*http.Cookie, error)

		// SetCookie adds a `Set-Cookie` header in HTTP response.
		SetCookie(cookie *http.Cookie)

		// Cookies returns the HTTP cookies sent with the request.
		Cookies() []*http.Cookie

		// Get retrieves data from the context.
		Get(key string) interface{}

		// Set saves data in the context.
		Set(key string, val interface{})

		// Bind binds the request body into provided type `i`. The default binder
		// does it based on Content-Type header.
		Bind(i interface{}) error

		// Validate validates provided `i`. It is usually called after `Context#Bind()`.
		// Validator must be registered using `Echo#Validator`.
		Validate(i interface{}) error

		// Render renders a template with data and sends a text/html response with status
		// code. Renderer must be registered using `Echo.Renderer`.
		Render(code int, name string, data interface{}) error

		// HTML sends an HTTP response with status code.
		HTML(code int, html string) error

		// HTMLBlob sends an HTTP blob response with status code.
		HTMLBlob(code int, b []byte) error

		// String sends a string response with status code.
		String(code int, s string) error

		// JSON sends a JSON response with status code.
		JSON(code int, i interface{}) error

		// JSONPretty sends a pretty-print JSON with status code.
		JSONPretty(code int, i interface{}, indent string) error

		// JSONBlob sends a JSON blob response with status code.
		JSONBlob(code int, b []byte) error

		// JSONP sends a JSONP response with status code. It uses `callback` to construct
		// the JSONP payload.
		JSONP(code int, callback string, i interface{}) error

		// JSONPBlob sends a JSONP blob response with status code. It uses `callback`
		// to construct the JSONP payload.
		JSONPBlob(code int, callback string, b []byte) error

		// XML sends an XML response with status code.
		XML(code int, i interface{}) error

		// XMLPretty sends a pretty-print XML with status code.
		XMLPretty(code int, i interface{}, indent string) error

		// XMLBlob sends an XML blob response with status code.
		XMLBlob(code int, b []byte) error

		// Blob sends a blob response with status code and content type.
		Blob(code int, contentType string, b []byte) error

		// Stream sends a streaming response with status code and content type.
		Stream(code int, contentType string, r io.Reader) error

		// File sends a response with the content of the file.
		File(file string) error

		// Attachment sends a response as attachment, prompting client to save the
		// file.
		Attachment(file string, name string) error

		// Inline sends a response as inline, opening the file in the browser.
		Inline(file string, name string) error

		// NoContent sends a response with no body and a status code.
		NoContent(code int) error

		// Redirect redirects the request to a provided URL with status code.
		Redirect(code int, url string) error

		// Error invokes the registered HTTP error handler. Generally used by middleware.
		Error(err error)

		// Handler returns the matched handler by router.
		Handler() HandlerFunc

		// SetHandler sets the matched handler by router.
		SetHandler(h HandlerFunc)

		// Logger returns the `Logger` instance.
		Logger() Logger

		// Set the logger
		SetLogger(l Logger)

		// Echo returns the `Echo` instance.
		Echo() *Echo

		// Reset resets the context after request completes. It must be called along
		// with `Echo#AcquireContext()` and `Echo#ReleaseContext()`.
		// See `Echo#ServeHTTP()`
		Reset(r *http.Request, w http.ResponseWriter)


Run the main.go file. Once you run it, do this:

curl http://localhost:8000/param/42     

This produce the following:










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