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wheresaddie edited this page Mar 2, 2013 · 3 revisions

milestone updates (Feb 20, 2013)

by end of Feb

  • establishing simple file format done
  • setting up to redirect documentation/rss the workflow wiki on Git done
  • database 70% there
  • need a cute icon/est GUI fonts/color ref# done
  • github clean up and publish root GUI code (bootstrap ftw) done
  • GUI display of list + basic 3d project upload ( at this point there will be no logins or web based editing of BOMs) 70% there

by end of May 2

  • user accounts
  • link organized on index organized by 2 columns (- most popular- recently updated/activity when logged in)
  • web based editing
  • GUI development with list editing on web
  • git hosted BOMfu files which can be embedded in websites

by early July 3

  • community features- such as comments, forking
  • rank list for alternative supplies which can be voted up/down
  • new feed for updates on homepage when logged in or not logged in reads most popular feed
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