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Lecture 3: Rainfall

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This is an implementation of rainfall in Rust. The design factors input, computation, and output into separate functions. Instead of reading from stdin and writing to stdout, the IO functions are parameterized to support unit testing:

Additionally, instead of panicking on errors, the IO functions report errors by returning std::io::Results.

Iterators and error propagation

You may find read_measurements difficult to read, as it’s written in a functional style using Iterator tranformers. So first let's consider two simpler versions of the function.

Function read_measurements0 also uses iterator tranformers, but because it punts on error handling, it may be easier to understand. In particular, it:

  1. creates an iterator over the lines of the input,
  2. checks for errors and panics if it encounters one,
  3. trucates the stream if it sees the termination code "999" (where |…| … is Rust syntax for a lambda, with the parameters between the pipes and the body after),
  4. attempts to parse each line into an f64, filtering parsing failures out of the stream,
  5. filters out negative readings, and finally
  6. collects the remaining readings into an Vec<f64>.

Step 6 may seem kind of magical, because the Iterator::collect method can accumulate the values of an iterator into a variety of different collection types. For example, the item impl FromIterator<char> for String means that an iterator over characters can be collected into a string, whereas the item impl FromIterator<String> for String means that an iterator over strings can also be collected into a string. The impl used by this step 6 is impl<T> FromIterator for Vec<T>.

Next, function read_measurements1 propagates errors to its caller rather than panicking, but rather than using the functional/iterator style, it’s written in an imperative style using a mutable vector variable, a for loop, a break statement, and several ifs. This is close to how you’d write it in C++. Note that let line = line?; checks whether line (a Result) is an error or okay. If it’s an error then the function returns immediately, propagating the error; but if line is okay then ? extracts the String from it and binds line (a different variable that happens to have the same name) to that.

The imperative implementation read_measurements1 is correct, and you don’t need to be able to write fancy iterator transformer chains to write excellent Rust. You should, though, at least be able to read both ways of expressing this kind of algorithm. So let’s return to read_measurements and read through it step by step. It:

  1. creates an iterator over the lines of the input,
  2. trucates the stream if it sees the termination code "999",
  3. attempts to parse each line into an f64, filtering it out of the stream when parsing fails,
  4. filters out negative readings, and finally
  5. collects the remaining readings into an std::io::Result<Vec<f64>>.

This time, step 5 is particularly interesting. As in the other implementations, the stream of lines returned by BufRead::lines is an iterator not over Strings but over std::io::Result<String>s; but unlike in read_measurements0, we don’t bail out on errors. Instead, steps 2–4 all have to deal with the possibility of errors, which is why steps 2 and 3 use Result::map to work on Ok results while passing Err results through unchanged, and why step 4 uses Result::unwrap_or to map errors to a number that the filter predicate accepts.

Thus, coming out of step 4 and into step 5 is a stream of std::io::Result<f64>s, and Iterator::collect must turn an iterator over std::io::Result<f64>s turn into an std::io::Result<Vec<f64>>. What does this mean? If every std::io::Result<f64> in the stream is Ok then it returns Ok of a vector containing all the f64s, but if it ever encounters Err of some std::io::Error e then it returns Err(e) immediately as well. Here is the impl logic:

impl<T, E, C> FromIterator<Result<T, E>> for Result<C, E>
    C: FromIterator<T>

That is:

  • For any types T (the element), E (the error), and C (the container),
  • if an iterator over Ts can be collected into a C,
  • then an iterator over Result<T, E>s can be collected into a Result<C, E>.

Noting that std::io::Result<A> is a synonym for Result<A, std::io::Error>, we can see that step 5 uses the aforementioned impl with T = f64, E = std::io::Error, and C = Vec<f64>.

Testing IO

Making our IO functions generic over the Read and Write traits means that it’s easy to test read_measurements and write_output from within Rust’s built-in unit testing framework.

In fact occasionally we might write our whole program as a function from input to output. (Don’t do this on your homework, because all your homework programs are intended to be interactive.)

In any case, parameterizing our functions this way lets us write assertions that:

  • read_measurements parses a particular input (given as a string literal) into a particular internal representation;

  • write_output unparses a particular internal representation into a particular output (given as a string literal); and

  • transform transforms a particular input into a particular output (both given as string literals).

When writing tests that require some special setup or comparison, it’s not very nice to repeat that code. It’s much nicer to abstract the boilerplate into a function like assert_read, assert_write, or assert_transform, and then express each of your test cases in terms of your new assertion. Read assert_transform carefully to see how it:

  1. creates an empty vector of bytes to use as a mock Write,
  2. views a string as a byte array to use as a mock Read,
  3. attempts to convert the Vec<u8> output into a UTF-8 string, failing the test if it can’t, and finally
  4. asserts that the output was what we expected.


Computes the average rainfall.






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