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Ongoing Projects and Future Directions (Obsolete content dating from 2018)

Density functional theory (DFT), time-dependent DFT (TD-DFT) and properties

  • Discrete interaction model/quantum mechanical method (DIM/QM) for describing the response properties of molecules adsorbed on metal nanoparticles. Developers: Justin Moore, Lasse Jensen (Penn State University).
  • Development of exact two-component relativistic theory and calculations of magnetic response parameters. Developers: Jochen Autschbach (SUNY Buffalo).
  • Generalization of real-time TDDFT to include spin-orbit effects . Developers:Niri Govind (PNNL), Ken Lopata (LSU).

Future projects

Dynamics on excited-state surfaces, surface hopping, GW/BSE for molecular systems, Spin-flip TDDFT, Non-collinear DFT, spin-orbit TDDFT, interface to QWalk Quantum Monte-Carlo Program (w/ Lucas Wagner University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign)

Plane-Wave Density Functional Theory (DFT), Ab Initio Molecular Dynamics, and NWPhys

  • Parallel in Time Algorithms. Developers: Eric J. Bylaska (PNNL), Jonathan Q. Weare (University of Chicago), John H. Weare (UCSD).
  • New free energy methods based on diffusion Monte-Carlo algorithm. Developers: Eric J. Bylaska (PNNL), Ying Chen (UCSD), John H. Weare (UCSD).
  • Dynamic Mean Field Theory (DMFT). Developers: Duo Song (UCSD), Eric J. Bylaska (PNNL), John H. Weare (UCSD).
  • Development of new methods to calculate XPS and XANES spectra. Developers: Eric J. Bylaska (PNNL), Niri Govind (PNNL), John Rehr (University of Washington).
  • Implementation of electric field gradients and NMR in NWPW Developers: Eric J. Bylaska (PNNL).
  • Implementation of the fast multipole method (FMM) in the combined Ab initio molecular dynamics and molecular dynamics (AIMD/MM) code. Developers: Eric J. Bylaska (PNNL).
  • Constant pressure ab initio molecular dynamics. Developers: Eric J. Bylaska (PNNL).
  • New implementation of the projector augmented wave method in NWPW. Developers: Eric J. Bylaska (PNNL).
  • Initial implementation of orbital free DFT in NWPW. Developers: Eric J. Bylaska (PNNL).
  • implementation of Hybrid openmp-mpi and offloading intel MIC algorithms in NWPW. Developers: Eric J. Bylaska (PNNL).

Future projects

New NWPhys module development (w/ John Rehr University of Washington) which will include new methods to calculate XPS and XANES spectra. Interface to QWalk Quantum Monte-Carlo Program (w/ Lubos Mitas University of North Carolina).

High-level Coupled-Cluster methods

  • Development of multi-reference coupled-cluster capabilities for quasidegenerate systems. Developers: Jiri Pittner (J Heyrovsky Institute of Physical Chemistry), Karol Kowalski (PNNL).
  • Electron-affinity/ionization-potential Equation-of-motion Coupled-Cluster methods. Developers: Kiran Bhaskaran-Nair (LSU), Mark Jarrell (LSU), Juana Moreno (LSU), William Shelton (LSU), Karol Kowalski (PNNL).
  • Green function Coupled Cluster formalism. Developers: LSU, PNNL.

Future projects

CC/EOMCC analytical gradients, Multi-reference CC formulations employing incomplete model spaces.

Long-term NWChem development plans

  • Development of new algorithms for heterogeneous computer system (beyond the existing NWChem GPU implementations).
  • Implementation of reduced-scaling methods for electronic structure calculations (local formulations, tensor hypercontractions, resolution-of-identity based approaches),
  • Development of novel methodologies for extending temporal scales in ab-initio molecular dynamic and molecular dynamics simulations
  • Approximate electronic structure methods for very large-scale simulations (various semi-empirical methods, order N->N2 DFT algorithms - orbital free DFT)
  • Integration and extension of existing capabilities towards predictive models for mesoscale systems (for example, aerosol particles, soil chemistry, biosystems, hormone-cofactor functionality in proteins, ionic liquids in cells, large-scale reactions containing multiple steps).
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