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walsh9 committed Jul 24, 2024
1 parent 9027171 commit a5ba01c
Showing 1 changed file with 2 additions and 2 deletions.
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<ul class="centennial-legacy-giving__list">
<svg viewBox="0 0 50 50" xmlns=""><path d="m44.38 47.09-1.92-31.01c-.06-.92-.91-1.65-1.94-1.65h-7.5l-1.25-9.31c-.03-.19-.08-.38-.17-.55-1.26-2.52-3.79-4.08-6.6-4.08s-5.34 1.56-6.6 4.08c-.09.17-.14.36-.17.55l-1.25 9.31h-7.53c-1.03 0-1.88.72-1.94 1.65l-1.94 31.36c-. 1.41.55h34.96s.03 0 .04 0c1.07 0 1.94-.78 1.94-1.74 0-.15-.02-.3-.06-.44zm-22.74-41.19c.7-1.19 1.96-1.92 3.36-1.92s2.66.73 3.36 1.92l1.15 8.53h-9.01l1.15-8.53zm-12.09 39.89 1.73-27.88h5.23l-.2 1.51c-.13.95.54 1.83 1.49 1.83-.54 1.96-1.49l.27-1.97h9.95l.27 1.97c.12.88.87 1.51 1.73 1.51.08 0 .15 0 .23-.02.95-.13 1.62-1.01 1.49-1.96l-.2-1.51h5.19l1.73 27.88z"/><path d="m14.21 28.14c-1.93 0-3.49 1.56-3.49 3.49s1.56 3.49 3.49 3.49 3.49-1.56 3.49-3.49-1.56-3.49-3.49-3.49zm1.31 4.94h-.72l-.59-1.71-.6 1.71h-.72l-.99-2.99h.87l.52 1.72.57-1.73h.71l.57 1.73.52-1.72h.85z"/><path d="m21.4 28.14c-1.93 0-3.49 1.56-3.49 3.49s1.56 3.49 3.49 3.49 3.49-1.56 3.49-3.49-1.56-3.49-3.49-3.49zm1.41 4.91h-.72l-1.27-1.63v1.63h-.81v-2.97h.77l1.22 1.57v-1.57h.81z"/><path d="m28.6 28.14c-1.93 0-3.49 1.56-3.49 3.49s1.56 3.49 3.49 3.49 3.49-1.56 3.49-3.49-1.56-3.49-3.49-3.49zm.41 3.79v1.12h-.82v-1.11l-1.13-1.86h.94l.61 1.08.62-1.08h.92l-1.13 1.85z"/><path d="m35.79 28.14c-1.93 0-3.49 1.56-3.49 3.49s1.56 3.49 3.49 3.49 3.49-1.56 3.49-3.49-1.56-3.49-3.49-3.49zm.11 5.03c-.85 0-1.53-.65-1.53-1.54 0-.87.66-1.55 1.56-1.55.61 0 1 .25 1.26.62l-.62.48c-.17-.21-.37-.35-.65-.35-.42 0-.71.36-.71.79 0 . 0 .49-.14.67-.36l.62.44c-.28.39-.66.67-1.31.67z"/></svg>
<span><strong><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopenenr noreferrer">Become a member</a> or make a <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopenenr noreferrer">one-time donation</a> of any size.</strong></span>
<span><strong><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Become a member</a> of WNYC by making <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">a monthly donation</a>.</strong></span>
<svg viewBox="0 0 50 50" xmlns=""><path d="m36.17 49.23c-.61 0-1.18-.28-1.56-.75l-9.48-11.85c-1.21-1.41-1.89-3.27-1.89-5.19 0-.56.06-1.11.17-1.65h-6.67c-6.27 0-11.36 5.1-11.36 11.36v6.07c0 1.1-.9 2-2 2s-2-.9-2-2v-6.07c0-8.47 6.89-15.36 15.36-15.36h8.81c1.47-1.5 3.51-2.43 5.77-2.43 1.79 0 3.48.58 4.87 1.62 1.39-1.04 3.09-1.62 4.85-1.62 4.45 0 8.07 3.62 8.07 8.07 0 1.92-.69 3.79-1.93 5.24l-9.44 11.8c-.38.47-.95.75-1.56.75zm-4.86-21.87c-2.25 0-4.08 1.83-4.08 4.07 0 .97.35 1.91.97 2.65l7.96 9.95 7.92-9.9c.67-.79 1.02-1.72 1.02-2.69 0-2.25-1.83-4.07-4.07-4.07-1.29 0-2.48.59-3.26 1.63-.76 1-2.44 1-3.2 0-.78-1.04-1.97-1.63-3.26-1.63zm-18.22 21.87c-1.1 0-2-.9-2-2v-7.29c0-1.1.9-2 2-2s2 .9 2 2v7.29c0 1.1-.9 2-2 2zm9.72-25.51c-6.46 0-11.72-5.26-11.72-11.72s5.26-11.72 11.72-11.72 11.72 5.26 11.72 11.72-5.26 11.72-11.72 11.72zm0-19.44c-4.26 0-7.72 3.46-7.72 7.72s3.46 7.72 7.72 7.72 7.72-3.46 7.72-7.72-3.46-7.72-7.72-7.72z"/></svg>
<span><strong>Make a leadership gift of $50,000 or more</strong> to help meet a $5 million challenge grant from one of our leading philanthropic funders, with special recognition in NYPR’s <strong>Centennial Circle</strong> for supporters who make gifts of $100,000 or higher. Contact <strong><a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a></strong> or 646.829.4130 to learn more.</span>
<svg viewBox="0 0 50 50" xmlns=""><path d="m44.32 4.7c-.07 0-.15-.01-.22-.01h-6.29v-2.04c0-1.1-.9-2-2-2s-2 .9-2 2v2.04h-17.82v-2.04c0-1.1-.9-2-2-2s-2 .9-2 2v2.04h-5.88c-3.22 0-5.84 2.62-5.84 5.84v6.21.98 26.58c0 3.22 2.42 5.82 5.64 5.82h37.99c3.22 0 5.84-2.62 5.84-5.84v-33.75c0-2.88-2.43-5.5-5.42-5.83zm-40.05 5.83c0-.88.7-1.84 1.84-1.84h5.88v1.23c0 1.1.9 2 2 2s2-.9 2-2v-1.23h17.82v1.23c0 1.1.9 2 2 2s2-.9 2-2v-1.23h6.15c.84.14 1.77.94 1.77 1.84v5.07h-41.46zm41.47 33.74c0 .88-.7 1.84-1.84 1.84h-37.99c-.88 0-1.84-.7-1.84-1.84v-24.67h41.67z"/><path d="m15.68 27.43-2.93.72-.77-3.02 4.82-1.44h2.52v16.92h-3.65v-13.18z"/><path d="m33.98 33.72c-.86.72-1.97 1.15-3.41 1.15-3.65 0-6-2.02-6-5.42v-.05c0-3.38 2.62-5.88 6.41-5.88 2.26 0 3.58.55 4.85 1.82 1.2 1.2 1.99 3.02 1.99 6.34v.05c0 5.45-2.57 9.17-7.34 9.17-2.45 0-4.1-.82-5.52-1.99l1.94-2.81c1.22.98 2.26 1.44 3.67 1.44 2.54 0 3.26-2.38 3.41-3.82zm.08-4.42v-.05c0-1.49-1.1-2.57-2.95-2.57s-2.86 1.06-2.86 2.54v.05c0 1.49 1.1 2.52 2.93 2.52s2.88-1.06 2.88-2.5z"/></svg>
<span><strong>Join us at the <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopenenr noreferrer">Centennial Gala</a></strong> on Tuesday, November 19, at the Glasshouse (660 12th Avenue). The evening will feature a special anniversary program, and an afterparty with DJs and dancing.</span>
<span><strong>Join us at the <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Centennial Gala</a></strong> on Tuesday, November 19, at the Glasshouse (660 12th Avenue). The evening will feature a special anniversary program, and an afterparty with DJs and dancing.</span>
<svg viewBox="0 0 50 50" xmlns=""><path d="m37.24 49.43h-30.37c-2.96 0-5.38-2.24-5.38-4.99v-38.81c.01-2.75 2.42-4.99 5.38-4.99h30.37c2.96 0 5.38 2.24 5.38 4.99v1.99c0 1.1-.9 2-2 2s-2-.9-2-2v-1.99c0-.53-.64-.99-1.38-.99h-30.37c-.73 0-1.38.46-1.38.99v38.82c0 .53.64.99 1.38.99h30.37c.73 0 1.38-.46 1.38-.99v-11.93c0-1.1.9-2 2-2s2 .9 2 2v11.93c0 2.75-2.41 4.99-5.38 4.99z"/><path d="m27.18 43.46h-5.97c-1.1 0-2-.9-2-2s.9-2 2-2h5.97c1.1 0 2 .9 2 2s-.9 2-2 2z"/><path d="m28.68 33.38c-.53 0-1.04-.21-1.41-.59-.47-.47-.68-1.15-.55-1.81l1.12-5.6c.08-.39.27-.74.55-1.02l12.32-12.32c.75-.75 2.08-.75 2.83 0l4.48 4.48c.78.78.78 2.05 0 2.83l-12.32 12.32c-.28.28-.63.47-1.02.55l-5.6 1.12c-.13.03-.26.04-.39.04zm2.96-6.61-.41 2.06 2.06-.41 10.48-10.48-1.65-1.65-10.47 10.48z"/><path d="m20.09 33.01h-10.26c-1.1 0-2-.9-2-2s.9-2 2-2h10.26c1.1 0 2 .9 2 2s-.9 2-2 2z"/><path d="m21.55 24.76h-11.73c-1.1 0-2-.9-2-2s.9-2 2-2h11.73c1.1 0 2 .9 2 2s-.9 2-2 2z"/><path d="m24.48 16.51h-14.66c-1.1 0-2-.9-2-2s.9-2 2-2h14.66c1.1 0 2 .9 2 2s-.9 2-2 2z"/></svg>
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