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Signature Help
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3Rafal committed Apr 26, 2024
1 parent 23e9de3 commit b7fd76b
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Showing 8 changed files with 599 additions and 0 deletions.
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -22,10 +22,12 @@ Thu Feb 22 14:00:42 CET 2024
- Jump to `module-type` (#1728, partially fixes #1656)
- Exposes stable functions for configuration handling and pattern variable
destruction. (#1730)
- Add `signature-help` command (#1720)
+ editor modes
- vim: load merlin under the ocamlinterface and ocamllex filetypes (#1340)
- Fix merlinpp not using binary file open (#1725, fixes #1724)

merlin 4.13
Fri Dec 1 15:00:42 CET 2023
Expand Down
259 changes: 259 additions & 0 deletions src/analysis/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,259 @@
open Std

type parameter_info =
{ label : Asttypes.arg_label
; param_start : int
; param_end : int
; argument : Typedtree.expression option

type application_signature =
{ function_name : string option
; function_position : Msource.position
; signature : string
; parameters : parameter_info list
; active_param : int option

(* extract a properly parenthesized identifier from (expression_desc (Texp_ident
(Longident))) *)
let extract_ident (exp_desc : Typedtree.expression_desc) =
let rec longident ppf : Longident.t -> unit = function
| Lident s -> Format.fprintf ppf "%s" (Misc_utils.parenthesize_name s)
| Ldot (p, s) ->
Format.fprintf ppf "%a.%s" longident p (Misc_utils.parenthesize_name s)
| Lapply (p1, p2) -> Format.fprintf ppf "%a(%a)" longident p1 longident p2
match exp_desc with
| Texp_ident (_, { txt = li; _ }, _) ->
let ppf, to_string = Format.to_string () in
longident ppf li;
Some (to_string ())
| _ -> None

(* Type variables shared across arguments should all be printed with the same
name. [Printtyp.type_scheme] ensure that a name is unique within a given
type, but not across different invocations. [reset] followed by calls to
[mark_loops] and [type_sch] provide that *)
let pp_type env ppf ty =
let module Printtyp = Type_utils.Printtyp in
Printtyp.wrap_printing_env env ~verbosity:(Lvl 0) (fun () ->
Printtyp.shared_type_scheme ppf ty)

(* surround function types in parentheses *)
let pp_parameter_type env ppf ty =
match Types.get_desc ty with
| Tarrow _ -> Format.fprintf ppf "(%a)" (pp_type env) ty
| _ -> pp_type env ppf ty

(* print parameter labels and types *)
let pp_parameter env label ppf ty =
match (label : Asttypes.arg_label) with
| Nolabel -> pp_parameter_type env ppf ty
| Labelled l -> Format.fprintf ppf "%s:%a" l (pp_parameter_type env) ty
| Optional l ->
(* unwrap option for optional labels the same way as
[Raw_compat.labels_of_application] *)
let unwrap_option ty =
match Types.get_desc ty with
| Types.Tconstr (path, [ ty ], _) when Path.same path Predef.path_option
-> ty
| _ -> ty
Format.fprintf ppf "?%s:%a" l (pp_parameter_type env) (unwrap_option ty)

(* record buffer offsets to be able to underline parameter types *)
let print_parameter_offset ?arg:argument ppf buffer env label ty =
let param_start = Buffer.length buffer in
Format.fprintf ppf "%a%!" (pp_parameter env label) ty;
let param_end = Buffer.length buffer in
Format.pp_print_string ppf " -> ";
Format.pp_print_flush ppf ();
{ label; param_start; param_end; argument }

let separate_function_signature ~args (e : Typedtree.expression) =
Type_utils.Printtyp.reset ();
let buffer = Buffer.create 16 in
let ppf = Format.formatter_of_buffer buffer in
let rec separate ?(i = 0) ?(parameters = []) args ty =
match (args, Types.get_desc ty) with
| (_l, arg) :: args, Tarrow (label, ty1, ty2, _) ->
let parameter =
print_parameter_offset ppf buffer e.exp_env label ty1 ?arg
separate args ty2 ~i:(succ i) ~parameters:(parameter :: parameters)
| [], Tarrow (label, ty1, ty2, _) ->
let parameter = print_parameter_offset ppf buffer e.exp_env label ty1 in
separate args ty2 ~i:(succ i) ~parameters:(parameter :: parameters)
(* end of function type, print remaining type without recording offsets *)
| _ ->
Format.fprintf ppf "%a%!" (pp_type e.exp_env) ty;
{ function_name = extract_ident e.exp_desc
; function_position = `Offset e.exp_loc.loc_end.pos_cnum
; signature = Buffer.contents buffer
; parameters = List.rev parameters
; active_param = None
separate args e.exp_type

let active_parameter_by_arg ~arg params =
let find_by_arg = function
| { argument = Some a; _ } when a == arg -> true
| _ -> false
try Some (List.index params ~f:find_by_arg) with Not_found -> None

let active_parameter_by_prefix ~prefix params =
let common = function
| Asttypes.Nolabel -> Some 0
| l
when String.is_prefixed ~by:"~" prefix
|| String.is_prefixed ~by:"?" prefix ->
Some (String.common_prefix_len (Btype.prefixed_label_name l) prefix)
| _ -> None

let rec find_by_prefix ?(i = 0) ?longest_len ?longest_i = function
| [] -> longest_i
| p :: ps -> (
match (common p.label, longest_len) with
| Some common_len, Some longest_len when common_len > longest_len ->
find_by_prefix ps ~i:(succ i) ~longest_len:common_len ~longest_i:i
| Some common_len, None ->
find_by_prefix ps ~i:(succ i) ~longest_len:common_len ~longest_i:i
| _ -> find_by_prefix ps ~i:(succ i) ?longest_len ?longest_i)
find_by_prefix params

let is_arrow t =
match Types.get_desc t with
| Tarrow _ -> true
| _ -> false

let application_signature ~prefix = function
(* provide signature information for applied functions *)
| (_, Browse_raw.Expression arg)
:: ( _
, Expression { exp_desc = Texp_apply (({ exp_type; _ } as e), args); _ }
:: _
when is_arrow exp_type ->
let result = separate_function_signature e ~args in
let active_param = active_parameter_by_arg ~arg result.parameters in
let active_param =
match active_param with
| Some _ as ap -> ap
| None -> active_parameter_by_prefix ~prefix result.parameters
Some { result with active_param }
(* provide signature information directly after an unapplied function-type
value *)
| (_, Expression ({ exp_type; _ } as e)) :: _ when is_arrow exp_type ->
let result = separate_function_signature e ~args:[] in
let active_param = active_parameter_by_prefix ~prefix result.parameters in
Some { result with active_param }
| _ -> None

module String = struct
include String
let rfindi =
let rec loop s ~f i =
if i < 0 then None
else if f (String.unsafe_get s i) then Some i
else loop s ~f (i - 1)
fun ?from s ~f ->
let from =
let len = String.length s in
match from with
| None -> len - 1
| Some i ->
if i > len - 1 then failwith "rfindi: invalid from"
else i
loop s ~f from

let rec check_prefix s ~prefix len i =
i = len || (s.[i] = prefix.[i] && check_prefix s ~prefix len (i + 1))

let lsplit2 s ~on =
match String.index_opt s on with
| None -> None
| Some i ->
Some (sub s ~pos:0 ~len:i, sub s ~pos:(i + 1) ~len:(length s - i - 1))

let is_prefix s ~prefix =
let len = length s in
let prefix_len = length prefix in
len >= prefix_len && check_prefix s ~prefix prefix_len 0

(** @see <> reference *)
let prefix_of_position ~short_path source position =
match Msource.text source with
| "" -> ""
| text ->
let from =
let (`Offset index) = Msource.get_offset source position in
min (String.length text - 1) (index - 1)
let pos =
let should_terminate = ref false in
let has_seen_dot = ref false in
let is_prefix_char c =
if !should_terminate then false
match c with
| 'a' .. 'z'
| 'A' .. 'Z'
| '0' .. '9'
| '\''
| '_'
(* Infix function characters *)
| '$'
| '&'
| '*'
| '+'
| '-'
| '/'
| '='
| '>'
| '@'
| '^'
| '!'
| '?'
| '%'
| '<'
| ':'
| '~'
| '#' -> true
| '`' ->
if !has_seen_dot then false
else (
should_terminate := true;
| '.' ->
has_seen_dot := true;
not short_path
| _ -> false
String.rfindi text ~from ~f:(fun c -> not (is_prefix_char c))
let pos =
match pos with
| None -> 0
| Some pos -> pos + 1
let len = from - pos + 1 in
let reconstructed_prefix = String.sub text ~pos ~len in
(* if we reconstructed [~f:ignore] or [?f:ignore], we should take only
[ignore], so: *)
String.is_prefix reconstructed_prefix ~prefix:"~"
|| String.is_prefix reconstructed_prefix ~prefix:"?"
match String.lsplit2 reconstructed_prefix ~on:':' with
| Some (_, s) -> s
| None -> reconstructed_prefix
else reconstructed_prefix
25 changes: 25 additions & 0 deletions src/analysis/signature_help.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
type parameter_info =
{ label : Asttypes.arg_label
; param_start : int
; param_end : int
; argument : Typedtree.expression option

type application_signature =
{ function_name : string option
; function_position : Msource.position
; signature : string
; parameters : parameter_info list
; active_param : int option

val application_signature :
-> Mbrowse.t
-> application_signature option

val prefix_of_position :
short_path: bool
-> Msource.t
-> Msource.position
-> string
14 changes: 14 additions & 0 deletions src/frontend/ocamlmerlin/new/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -665,6 +665,20 @@ The return value has the shape:
command "signature-help"
~doc:"Returns LSP Signature Help response"
~spec: [
arg "-position" "<position> Position of Signature Help request"
(marg_position (fun pos (expr,_pos) -> (expr,pos)));
begin fun buffer (_,pos) ->
match pos with
| `None -> failwith "-position <pos> is mandatory"
| #Msource.position as pos ->
run buffer (Query_protocol.Signature_help pos)

(* Used only for testing *)
command "dump"
Expand Down
21 changes: 21 additions & 0 deletions src/frontend/ocamlmerlin/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -216,6 +216,10 @@ let dump (type a) : a t -> json =
| `Unqualify -> "unqualify");
"position", mk_position pos;
| Signature_help pos ->
mk "signature-help" [
"position", mk_position pos
| Version -> mk "version" []

let string_of_completion_kind = function
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -349,6 +353,22 @@ let json_of_locate resp =
| `Found (Some file,pos) ->
`Assoc ["file",`String file; "pos", Lexing.json_of_position pos]

let json_of_signature_help resp =
let param { label_start; label_end } =
`Assoc ["label", `List [`Int label_start; `Int label_end]] in
match resp with
| None -> `Assoc []
| Some { label; parameters; active_param; active_signature } ->
let signature =
["label", `String label;
"parameters", `List ( ~f:param parameters);] in
["signatures", `List [signature];
"activeParameter", `Int active_param;
"activeSignature", `Int active_signature;

let json_of_response (type a) (query : a t) (response : a) : json =
match query, response with
| Type_expr _, str -> `String str
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -438,5 +458,6 @@ let json_of_response (type a) (query : a t) (response : a) : json =
let with_file = scope = `Project in
`List ( locations
~f:(fun loc -> with_location ~with_file loc []))
| Signature_help _, s -> json_of_signature_help s
| Version, version ->
`String version
23 changes: 23 additions & 0 deletions src/frontend/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -848,6 +848,29 @@ let dispatch pipeline (type a) : a Query_protocol.t -> a =
let cmp l1 l2 = Lexing.compare_pos (loc_start l1) (loc_start l2) in
List.sort ~cmp locs

| Signature_help pos ->
let typer = Mpipeline.typer_result pipeline in
let poss = Mpipeline.get_lexing_pos pipeline pos in
let node = Mtyper.node_at typer poss in
let source = Mpipeline.input_source pipeline in
let prefix = Signature_help.prefix_of_position ~short_path:true source pos in
let application_signature = Signature_help.application_signature ~prefix node in
let param offset (p: Signature_help.parameter_info) =
{ label_start = offset + p.param_start; label_end = offset + p.param_end} in
(match application_signature with
| Some s ->
let prefix =
let fun_name =
Option.value ~default:"_" s.function_name
sprintf "%s : " fun_name in
Some { label = prefix ^ s.signature;
parameters = ~f:(param (String.length prefix)) s.parameters;
active_param = Option.value ~default:0 s.active_param;
active_signature = 0;
| None -> None)

| Version ->
Printf.sprintf "The Merlin toolkit version %s, for Ocaml %s\n"
Merlin_config.version Sys.ocaml_version;

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