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Use modified BFGS to solve Lagrangian (#487)
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odow authored Nov 8, 2021
1 parent b5d2414 commit 23fcaa9
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Showing 7 changed files with 261 additions and 200 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion docs/src/examples/air_conditioning.jl
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Expand Up @@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ function air_conditioning_model(duality_handler)
log_frequency = 10,
duality_handler = duality_handler,
@test SDDP.calculate_bound(model) 62_500.0
@test isapprox(SDDP.calculate_bound(model), 62_500.0, atol = 0.1)

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4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions docs/src/examples/generation_expansion.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ function generation_expansion(duality_handler)
## Meet demand or pay a penalty
unmet >= demand - sum(generation)
## For fewer iterations order the units to break symmetry, units are identical (tougher numerically)
## [j in 1:(num_units - 1)], invested[j].out <= invested[j + 1].out
[j in 1:(num_units-1)], invested[j].out <= invested[j+1].out
## Demand is uncertain
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -94,5 +94,5 @@ function generation_expansion(duality_handler)

## Solve a continuous relaxation only, tough for LagrangianDuality.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions src/SDDP.jl
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Expand Up @@ -46,6 +46,7 @@ include("plugins/risk_measures.jl")
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228 changes: 35 additions & 193 deletions src/plugins/duality_handlers.jl
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Expand Up @@ -144,23 +144,16 @@ duality_log_key(::ContinuousConicDuality) = " "

iteration_limit::Int = 100,
atol::Float64 = 1e-8,
rtol::Float64 = 1e-8,
optimizer = nothing,
method::LocalImprovementSearch.AbstractSearchMethod =
Obtain dual variables in the backward pass using Lagrangian duality and Kelley's
cutting plane method.
Obtain dual variables in the backward pass using Lagrangian duality.
## Arguments
* `iteration_limit` controls the maximum number of iterations
* `atol` and `rtol` are the absolute and relative tolerances used in the
termination criteria
* If `optimizer` is `nothing`, use the same solver as the main PolicyGraph.
Otherwise, pass a new optimizer factory, potentially with different
tolerances to ensure tighter convergence.
* `method`: the `LocalImprovementSearch` method for maximizing the Lagrangian
dual problem.
## Theory
Expand All @@ -176,208 +169,57 @@ L(λ) = min Cᵢ(x̄, u, w) + θᵢ - λ' h(x̄)
st (x̄, x′, u) in Xᵢ(w) ∪ S
and where `h(x̄) = x̄ - x`.
In the maximization case, the optimization senses are reversed, but the sign of
λ stays the same.
The Lagrangian problem is computed using Kelleys cutting plane method.
We solve:
L(λ) <= max t
st t <= s * (L(λ_k) + h(x̄_k)' * (λ - λ_k)) for k=1,...
t <= s * initial_bound
where `s=1` for primal minimization problems and `s=-1` for primal maximization
To generate a new cut we solve the cutting plane problem to generate an estimate
`λ_k`. Then we solve the primal problem:
L(λ_k) = min/max Cᵢ(x̄, u, w) + θᵢ - λ_k' (x̄ - x_k)
st (x̄, x′, u) in Xᵢ(w) ∪ S
using our estimate `λ_k`.
By inspection, subgradient of `L(λ_k)` is the slack term `-(x̄ - x_k)`.
We converge once `L(λ_k) ≈ t` to the tolerance given by `atol` and `rtol`.
This gives us an optimal dual solution `λ_k`. However, since this will be used
in a cut for SDDP, we can go a step further and attempt to find a dual solution
that is "flat" by solving:
min e
st e >= ‖λ‖
t <= s * (L(λ_k) + h(x̄_k)' * (λ - λ_k)) for k=1,...
t <= s * initial_bound
t >= t_star
The L1-norm is implemented as the standard abs-value reformulation:
min Σλ⁺ + Σλ⁻
st t <= s * (L(λ_k) + h(x̄_k)' * ([λ⁺ - λ⁻] - λ_k)) for k=1,...
t <= s * initial_bound
t >= t_star
λ⁺, λ⁻ >= 0
If we hit the iteration limit, then we terminate because something probably went
mutable struct LagrangianDuality <: AbstractDualityHandler

function LagrangianDuality(;
iteration_limit::Int = 100,
atol::Float64 = 1e-8,
rtol::Float64 = 1e-8,
optimizer = nothing,
debug::Bool = false,
method = LocalImprovementSearch.BFGS(100),
return new(iteration_limit, atol, rtol, optimizer, debug)
if length(kwargs) > 0
"Keyword arguments to LagrangianDuality have changed. " *
"See the documentation for details.",
return new(method)

function get_dual_solution(node::Node, lagrange::LagrangianDuality)
# Assume the model has been solved. Solving the MIP is usually very quick
# relative to solving for the Lagrangian duals, so we cheat and use the
# solved model's objective as our bound while searching for the optimal
# duals.
@assert JuMP.termination_status(node.subproblem) == MOI.OPTIMAL
# Query the current MIP solution here. This is used as a bound for the
# cutting plane method.
primal_obj = JuMP.objective_value(node.subproblem)
# A sign bit that is used to avoid if-statements in the models.
s = JuMP.objective_sense(node.subproblem) == MOI.MIN_SENSE ? 1 : -1
# Storage for the cutting plane method.
num_states = length(node.states)
x_in_value = zeros(num_states) # The original value of x.
λ_k = zeros(num_states) # The current estimate for λ
λ_star = zeros(num_states) # The best estimate for λ
# The best estimate for the dual objective value, ignoring optimization
# sense (bigger is better).
L_star = -Inf
h_expr = Vector{AffExpr}(undef, num_states) # The expression for x̄ - x
h_k = zeros(num_states) # The value of x̄_k - x
# Start by relaxing the fishing constraint.
for (i, (_, state)) in enumerate(node.states)
# We're going to need this value later when we reset things.
undo_relax = _relax_integrality(node)
conic_obj, conic_dual = get_dual_solution(node, ContinuousConicDuality())
s = JuMP.objective_sense(node.subproblem) == MOI.MIN_SENSE ? -1 : 1
N = length(node.states)
x_in_value = zeros(N)
λ_star, h_expr, h_k = zeros(N), Vector{AffExpr}(undef, N), zeros(N)
for (i, (key, state)) in enumerate(node.states)
x_in_value[i] = JuMP.fix_value(
h_expr[i] = @expression(node.subproblem, - x_in_value[i])
# Relax the constraint from the problem.
# We need bounds to ensure that the dual problem is feasible. However,
# they can't be too tight. Let's use 1e9 as a default...
lb = has_lower_bound(state.out) ? lower_bound(state.out) : -1e9
ub = has_upper_bound(state.out) ? upper_bound(state.out) : 1e9
JuMP.set_lower_bound(, lb)
JuMP.set_upper_bound(, ub)
λ_star[i] = conic_dual[key]
# Create the model for the cutting plane algorithm
model = JuMP.Model(something(lagrange.optimizer, node.optimizer))
@variable(model, λ⁺[1:num_states] >= 0)
@variable(model, λ⁻[1:num_states] >= 0)
@variable(model, t <= s * primal_obj)
@expression(model, λ, λ⁺ .- λ⁻)
@objective(model, Max, t)
# Step 1: find an optimal dual solution and corresponding objective value.
iter, t_k = 0, s * primal_obj
duals_visited = Vector{Float64}[]
last_λ, no_change = fill(NaN, num_states), 0
while true
iter += 1
@assert JuMP.termination_status(model) == JuMP.MOI.OPTIMAL
t_k = JuMP.objective_value(model)
λ_k .= value.(λ)
if λ_k last_λ
no_change += 1
last_λ .= λ_k
no_change = 0
if isapprox(L_star, t_k, atol = lagrange.atol, rtol = lagrange.rtol)
break # Success
elseif iter >= lagrange.iteration_limit
if debug
for dual in duals_visited
error("Iteration limit exceeded in Lagrangian subproblem.")
elseif no_change > 2
# We keep getting the same damn point. If we haven't converged by
# this iteration, the cutting plane algorithm experienced numerical
# issues. The most likely answer is that a primal MIP solution
# didn't converge to a tight-enough solution. Screw it. Let's keep
# going.
if lagrange.debug
push!(duals_visited, copy(λ_k))
L_k = _solve_primal_problem(node.subproblem, λ_k, h_expr, h_k)
@assert L_k !== nothing
JuMP.@constraint(model, t <= s * (L_k + h_k' *.- λ_k)))
# As an improvement step, add a cut halfway between the current iterate
# and the previous best. This often has great performance when we're
# oscillating!
λ_new = 0.5 .* λ_k + 0.5 .* λ_star
if lagrange.debug
push!(duals_visited, copy(λ_new))
L_new = _solve_primal_problem(node.subproblem, λ_new, h_expr, h_k)
@assert L_new !== nothing
JuMP.@constraint(model, t <= s * (L_new + h_k' *.- λ_new)))
if s * L_k >= L_star
L_star = s * L_k
λ_star .= λ_k
if s * L_new >= L_star
L_star = s * L_new
λ_star .= λ_new
# Check that the conic dual is feasible for the subproblem. Sometimes it
# isn't if the LP dual solution is slightly infeasible due to numerical
# issues.
L_k = _solve_primal_problem(node.subproblem, λ_star, h_expr, h_k)
if L_k === nothing
return conic_obj, conic_dual
# Step 2: given the optimal dual objective value, try to find the optimal
# dual solution with the smallest L1-norm ‖λ‖.
@objective(model, Min, sum(λ⁺) + sum(λ⁻))
# The upper bound of t is `s * primal_obj`, but due to numerical error,
# sometimes `t_k > s * primal_obj` (but only just). GLPK complains if this
# is the case, so add a `min` check here.
set_lower_bound(t, min(t_k, s * primal_obj))
# The worst-case scenario in this for-loop is that we run through the
# iterations without finding a new dual solution. However if that happens
# we can just keep our current λ_star.
for _ in (iter+1):lagrange.iteration_limit
if JuMP.termination_status(model) != JuMP.MOI.OPTIMAL
break # We probably hit some sort of numerical error
L_star, λ_star =
LocalImprovementSearch.minimize(lagrange.method, λ_star) do x
L_k = _solve_primal_problem(node.subproblem, x, h_expr, h_k)
return L_k === nothing ? nothing : (s * L_k, s * h_k)
λ_k .= value.(λ)
L_k = _solve_primal_problem(node.subproblem, λ_k, h_expr, h_k)
@assert L_k !== nothing
if isapprox(L_star, L_k, atol = lagrange.atol, rtol = lagrange.rtol)
# At this point we tried the smallest ‖λ‖ from the cutting plane
# problem, and it returned the optimal dual objective value. No
# other optimal dual vector can have a smaller norm.
λ_star = λ_k
JuMP.@constraint(model, t <= s * (L_k + h_k' *.- λ_k)))
# Restore the fishing constraint == x_in_value
for (i, (_, state)) in enumerate(node.states)
JuMP.fix(, x_in_value[i], force = true)
λ_solution = Dict{Symbol,Float64}(
name => λ_star[i] for (i, name) in enumerate(keys(node.states))
# Remember to correct the sign of the optimal dual objective value.
return s * L_star, λ_solution

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