Admin panel for everything Element is a beautifully designed administration panel for Everything. Carefully crafted by the O₂ team to make you the most productive developer in the galaxy.
login: admin
password: adminpass
Dependencies: docker, docker-compose, nginx
To install an element in your project, run the command at the root of your project:
composer create-project odvapro/element --no-dev
git clone
cd element
docker compose up -d
Enter this rule in nginx config and restart nginx.service:
location /element {
proxy_set_header Host $host;
Go to <your domain>/element/
If you are opening this address for the first time, you will see a form to configure a connection to a database.
Fill in all the fields provided, leave the database host unchanged and click the install button.
Then you will see the authorization form
Login "admin", password "adminpass" After the authorization don't forget to change the standard password