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effects: An experimental C++ runtime effect system

effects.hpp provides a header-only library for tracking effects in C++ to facilitate runtime checking of how impure source code currently is. Relying on effects.hpp for effect tracking helps to prevent source code from becoming worse in the future as it changes and it encourages source code to have more referentially transparent functions.

What is Referential Transparency?

Referential transparency is often misunderstood and considered unimportant, though referential transparency provides a clear benefit for ensuring source code is reliable, both in its current form and as it changes in the future. A function is referentially transparent if a function call with specific arguments can always be substituted with its return value.

When functions are referentially transparent, all testing can be limited to the function inputs to ensure the function outputs are valid. If functions are not referentially transparent, their testing will always require modifying global state in ways that are typically undefined and the source code will avoid being maintainable (causing both unstable execution as source code changes and increased labor costs when the source code is used). All source code generally is unable to have all functions be referentially transparent, due to necessary effects. The goal of effects.hpp is to represent all possible effects in C++ to make their tracking simpler and easier to understand.

Often IO operations are considered the main processing that prevents a function from being referentially transparent, but that is an oversimplification that avoids tracking the types of effects that exist.

What is "purity"?

When software developers use the term "purity" or "pure function" they are describing the least effects common to their programming language. Mathematical purity is referential transparency in all possible execution environments (any hardware variation with any operating system). The Haskell programming language has its purity (in source code outside of monads with lazy evaluation) as execution that can be nonterminating, contain (asynchronous) exceptions and have variation due to the Operating System (OS) used or the hardware.used.

A programming language may describe its purity as only relating to a single execution (in a single execution environment) and that can be called "operational purity" instead of mathematical purity. Pure functions with operational purity could provide different return values with the same function arguments if different execution environments are compared (different Operating Systems and/or different hardware).

How is effects.hpp used?

The effect kind is the type of effect tracked as effects::kind bit field values stored with bitwise-OR:

pure                = 0x0000, // mathematical purity
nonterminating      = 0x0001, // execution may not terminate
exception           = 0x0002, // throw/(signal)/exit/abort
reference           = 0x0004, // reference to global data not owned
write               = 0x0008, // write to global (heap) data owned
fpe                 = 0x0010, // Floating-Point Exceptions (FPE)
variation_os        = 0x0020, // Operating System (OS) variation
variation_hardware  = 0x0040, // hardware variation

To track the effects inside a function or through multiple function calls, an effects::context object is created to track the use of allocated data. An example from tests.cpp is provided below:

context c(kind::reference | kind::fpe, context_type::terminating);
region<double> value_rounded = c(2.0 / 3);

The effects::context constructor requires the effects that are considered valid execution and whether execution will always terminate in a finite amount of time. The effects::region data is created for manipulating the data while the effects::context object tracks the related effects during execution.

When the effects::context usage is complete, the valid function should be checked with an assert function (that is not omitted with compilation options).



  • The nonterminating effect depends only on the effects::context constructor parameter and whether the developer knows if timeouts are finite and infinite loops are impossible.
  • The exception effect requires the developer identifies all usage of throw to throw C++ exceptions, exit/abort function call paths, and any way an unignored signal could be raised. For each instance, the developer should use the effects::context set_exception function.
  • The effects::region<T &> type is assumed to be a reference to global data.
  • Using stdout, stderr, or other file descriptors is a reference effect that could be created as a effects::region<T &> type using a local variable but requires the developer is aware of the file descriptors being used.
  • All effects::region non-null pointers are assumed to be allocated from the heap (to create a write effect).
  • The variation_os and variation_hardware effects require that the developer is aware of different execution in different environments. For each instance, the developer should use the effects::context set_variation_os and set_variation_hardware functions (respectively).

While these limitations may look intimidating, the verification of effects is still helpful for ensuring source code is reliable.

A programming language with a compile-time effect system connected to the programming language's type system would help to avoid developer mistakes and ensure enforcement.

Futher Information

effects.hpp was partly inspired by "Function Effect Tags" in the ATS2/Postiats programming language (described here and here).




Michael Truog (mjtruog at protonmail dot com)


MIT License