This is the start of an OAuth test suite based on WireMock.
The goal of this project is to support mostly black box testing against Okta's OAuth endpoints (specifically for testing error conditions, like a JWT token with an invalid signature)
This suite is runnable from a self contained jar (so you can integrate it with a non-java build tool)
You will need these things:
- The projects uberjar (this will be published in the near future, but for now see the build section below)
- testRunner.yml - See section below
- testng.xml - See section below (this will go away too, as we can programmatically configure TestNG)
- code-flow-local-validation - Code Flow with local access token validation
- code-flow-remote-validation - Code Flow with remote access token validation
- custom-code-flow-local-validation - Code Flow with local access token validation using sign-in widget hosted login page
- custom-code-flow-remote-validation - Code Flow with remote access token validation using sign-in widget hosted login page
- implicit-flow-local-validation - Implicit Flow with local access token validation
- implicit-flow-remote-validation - Implicit Flow with remote access token validation
- oidc-code-flow-local-validation - Open ID Connect Code Flow with local access token validation
This is the file that defines how the test scenarios are run.
Example first:
enabled: true
- disabledTest1
- disabledTest2
applicationPort: 8080
mockPort: 9090
command: node
- test/integration-test/resource-server.js
ISSUER: https://localhost:9999/oauth2/default
NODE_EXTRA_CA_CERTS: ./tck-keystore.pem
- The top level scenarios defines how the individual scenarios are runports
- Optional, if not defined the properties will be set to an available ephemeral portcommand
- The script or bin to executeargs
- each args gets a new lineenabled
- Optional, if this scenario doesn't apply, you can set this to false (default set to true) to not run the entire test classdisabledTests
- Tests in a scenario you want to disable. Each disabled test in a scenario gets a new lineenv
- Environment variables to be set in the context of application that's run usingcommand
Note: The args will be interpolated with the two ports. The equivalent command line for the above block would be:
export ISSUER=https://localhost:9999/oauth2/default
export NODE_EXTRA_CA_CERTS=./tck-keystore.pem
node test/integration-test/resource-server.js
Needed temporarily which allows customization of which tests to run. You will to need to understand the structure of classes and test in this project to configure one. See the TestNG doc for more info.
Each forked process gets an individual log file in the format of target/'${command}'-${date}
This project can be build from this directory with a standard mvn install
. This will create an uberjar located target/okta-oidc-tck-${target}-shaded.jar
java -Dconfig=${path-to-testRunner.yml} -jar okta-oidc-tck-${version}-shaded.jar -d test-report-directory path-to-your-testng.xml
Test it out with okta-oidc-js project (
cd packages/oidc-middleware
yarn install
ls "${TCK_FILE}" || curl "${TCK_JAR_URL}" -L -o "${TCK_FILE}"
unzip -p "${TCK_FILE}" BOOT-INF/classes/tck-keystore.pem > "${TCK_PEM}"
java -Dconfig=test/integration-test/resources/testRunner.yml -jar ${TCK_FILE} test/integration-test/resources/testng.xml
Of course, bug @bdemers for details.