The SmtpClient for Qt is small library writen for Qt 4 (C++ version) that allows application to send complex emails (plain text, html, attachments, inline files, etc.) using the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP).
##New in version 1.1:
TLS (STARTTLS) connection is now supported
multiple types of recipients (to, cc, bcc)
nested mime emails (mixed/alternative, mixed/related)
output compilant with RFC2045
TCP and SSL connections to SMTP servers
SMTP authentication (PLAIN and LOGIN methods)
sending MIME emails (to multiple recipients)
plain text and HTML (with inline files) content in emails
multiple attachments and inline files (used in HTML)
different character sets (ascii, utf-8, etc) and encoding methods (7bit, 8bit, base64)
error handling
Lets see a simple example:
#include <QtGui/QApplication>
#include "../src/SmtpMime"
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
QApplication a(argc, argv);
// This is a first demo application of the SmtpClient for Qt project
// First we need to create an SmtpClient object
// We will use the Gmail's smtp server (, port 465, ssl)
SmtpClient smtp("", 465, SmtpClient::SslConnection);
// We need to set the username (your email address) and the password
// for smtp authentification.
smtp.setUser("[email protected]");
// Now we create a MimeMessage object. This will be the email.
MimeMessage message;
message.setSender(new EmailAddress("[email protected]", "Your Name"));
message.addRecipient(new EmailAddress("[email protected]", "Recipient's Name"));
message.setSubject("SmtpClient for Qt - Demo");
// Now add some text to the email.
// First we create a MimeText object.
MimeText text;
text.setText("Hi,\nThis is a simple email message.\n");
// Now add it to the mail
// Now we can send the mail
For more examples see the Wiki/Examples.
This project (all files including the demos/examples) is licensed under the GNU LGPL, version 2.1.
Copyright (c) 2011 - Tőkés Attila