Images ...
- OS: ArchLinux
- WM: i3-gaps
- GTK-theme: Catppuccin
- Terminal: Alacritty
- Launcher: Rofi
- Bar: Polybar
- Notification: Dunst
- Text Editor: Neovim
- File Manager: Nemo
- i3-gaps (window manager)
- i3-lock
- polybar (status bar)
- alacritty (Terminal)
- rofi (Launcher)
- dunst (Notification daemon)
- picom (Compositor)
- feh or nitrogen (Needed to use script to set wallpaper from Ranger)
- redshift
- power-profiles-daemon
- Qogir-icons (Icon theme used in Rofi)
- catppuccin Theme (Clour Theme useed everywhere)
- autotiling (Autotiler for i3)
- bluez (module bluetooth)
- bluez-utils ()
- lightdm
- lightdm-gtk-greeter
- xfc4-settings (configuration system)
- zsh (Shell)
- htop
- unzip
- neovim
- neofetch
- cmatrix
- Astrovim (Editor requires neovim)
- Vscode (Editor)
- Nemo (file manager)
-> Bindings table
paru -S bluez bluez-cups bluez-hid2hci bluez-libs bluez-plugins bluez-tools bluez-utils pulseaudio-bluetooth blueberry blueman broadcom-bt-firmware