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Capstone24 home wiki

Howard Pritchard edited this page Sep 3, 2024 · 18 revisions

Wiki page for capstone24

This wiki has various odds and ends and ideas to help with the Univ. Louisville capstone24 project.

Developer related links

Smoke testing

After building Open MPI, and making sure that you've prepended the folder where you installed the MPI compiler scripts like mpicc to your PATH, you can try to build the example codes in the top level examples folder. To test that they work try things like

mpirun -np 2 ./hello_c
mpirun -np 2 ./ring_c
mpirun -np 2 ./connectivity_c


MPI4PY . MPI4PY has an extensive set of tests of an MPI implementation via the Python MPI bindings. There's a script in our project odds-and-ends repo that can be used to build MPI4PY against your MPI build, and run the testsuite using different numbers of processes. A script to use for building MPI4PY and running smoke tests of the package is at . Note you do not need to rebuild MPI4PY unless you make changes to Open MPI (and hence its libraries). So you may want to make a second script which only runs the tests.

Opening PRs against the project main development branches for PRRTE

Assuming here that we went with using capstone_devel for the branch where the team's work will first be staged:

  1. In your Open MPI workarea, move to the 3rd-party/prrte folder and create and checkout a branch
  2. Make any changes
  3. From top level of the repo do the steps to install the OMPI package
  4. Run make distcheck
  5. Build/run MPI4PY testsuite
  6. If things seem to work, follow instructions in the project home wiki for opening a Pull Request (PR) against capstone_devel of the capstone fork of PRRTE, otherwise go back to step 2 and repeat.
  7. Check that CI passes, if not go back to step 2.
  8. Once the PR is merged into the capstone PRRTE fork, open a PR against the capstone_devel branch of the capstone fork of OMPI to advance the PRRTE submodule SHA to include the PRRTE changes

Opening PRs against the project main development branches for Open MPI

  1. In your Open MPI workarea, create a branch in the top level folder
  2. Make any changes
  3. Do the steps to install the OMPI package
  4. Run make distcheck
  5. Build/run MPI4PY testsuite'
  6. If things work well proceed on otherwise go back to step 2.
  7. Open a PR against the capstone_devel branch in the capstone fork of OMPI
  8. Check that CI passes. If not, got back to step2.
  9. Merge in to capstone_devel branch in the capstone fork of OMPI


Papers and docs to read first