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Strongly Typed C# Models for OpenActive


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OpenActive.NET Nuget Tested and Published on NuGet

.NET classes and resources supporting RPDE feed creation and Open Booking API implementation, to create something like the feeds available here (or any of the other feeds available at the examples listed here).

This package is intended to simplify the creation of OpenActive RPDE Feeds using templates.

Please find full documentation that covers creation and scaling of RPDE feeds at

OpenActive aims to provide strongly typed models for all classes defined in the Modelling Specification and Open Booking API Specification across the PHP, Ruby, and .NET languages. This library is specific to .NET; see also the PHP and Ruby implementations.

Table of Contents


This library is compatible with .NET Standard 1.1 and later (.NET Framework 4.5 and .NET Core 1.0).


OpenActive.NET includes objects as strongly typed C# POCO classes for use in .NET. All classes can be serialized into JSON-LD, to provide easy conformance with the Modelling Specification and Open Booking API Specification.

Note that empty strings are automatically ignored during serialization, however empty lists need to be explicitly set to null in order to conform to the OpenActive serialization rules.

An extension method .ToListOrNullIfEmpty() is provided for this purpose, which should be used on any lists being set on the model.


Classes for all OpenActive classes are available in the OpenActive.NET namespace, and can be easily serialized to JSON-LD, as follows. Enumerations are available as enums for properties that require their use.

var event = new Event()
    Name = "Virtual BODYPUMP",
    EventStatus =  Schema.NET.EventStatusType.EventScheduled
var jsonLd = OpenActiveSerializer.Serialize(event);

Value of jsonLd:

  "@context": "",
  "@type": "Event",
  "name": "Virtual BODYPUMP",
  "eventStatus": ""

The OpenActive data model builds on top of, which means that you are free to use additional properties within OpenActive published data.

To reflect this, OpenActive.NET uses inheritance to build on top of Schema.NET, and so makes it easy to use additional properties from on any given type.

To avoid naming conflicts between OpenActive.NET and Schema.NET, it is recommended that you import using OpenActive.NET; to reference OpenActive model types, and use fully qualified references for Schema.NET types (e.g. Schema.NET.Thing).

var event = new Event()
    Name = "Virtual BODYPUMP",
    Review = new Schema.NET.Review
        ReviewBody = "So was I really there?"
var jsonLd = OpenActiveSerializer.Serialize(event);

Value of jsonLd:

  "@context": "",
  "@type": "Event",
  "name": "Virtual BODYPUMP",
  "review": {
      "@type": "Review",
      "reviewBody": "So was I really there?"

Full Models Example

var event = new Event()
    Name = "Virtual BODYPUMP",
    Description = "This is the virtual version of the original barbell class, which will help you get lean, toned and fit - fast. Les Mills™ Virtual classes are designed for people who cannot get access to our live classes or who want to get a ‘taste’ of a Les Mills™ class before taking a live class with an instructor. The classes are played on a big video screen, with dimmed lighting and pumping surround sound, and are led onscreen by the people who actually choreograph the classes.",
    Duration = TimeSpan.FromDays(1),
    StartDate = new DateTimeOffset(2017, 4, 24, 19, 30, 0, TimeSpan.FromHours(-8)),
    Location = new Place()
        Name = "Santa Clara City Library, Central Park Library",
        Address = new PostalAddress()
            StreetAddress = "2635 Homestead Rd",
            AddressLocality = "Santa Clara",
            PostalCode = "95051",
            AddressRegion = "CA",
            AddressCountry = "US"
    Image = new List<ImageObject>() { new ImageObject { Url = new Uri("") } },
    EndDate = new DateTimeOffset(2017, 4, 24, 23, 0, 0, TimeSpan.FromHours(-8)),
    Offers = new List<Offer>() { 
        new Offer()
            Url = new Uri(""), 
            Price = 30, 
            PriceCurrency = "USD", 
            ValidFrom = new DateTimeOffset(2017, 1, 20, 16, 20, 0, TimeSpan.FromHours(-8))
    AttendeeInstructions = "Ensure you bring trainers and a bottle of water.",
    MeetingPoint = ""
var jsonLd = OpenActiveSerializer.Serialize(event);

The code above outputs the following JSON-LD:

  "@context": "",
  "@type": "Event",
  "name": "Virtual BODYPUMP",
  "description": "This is the virtual version of the original barbell class, which will help you get lean, toned and fit - fast. Les Mills™ Virtual classes are designed for people who cannot get access to our live classes or who want to get a ‘taste’ of a Les Mills™ class before taking a live class with an instructor. The classes are played on a big video screen, with dimmed lighting and pumping surround sound, and are led onscreen by the people who actually choreograph the classes.",
  "attendeeInstructions": "Ensure you bring trainers and a bottle of water.",
  "duration": "P1D",
  "image": [
      "@type": "ImageObject",
      "url": ""
  "location": {
    "@type": "Place",
    "name": "Santa Clara City Library, Central Park Library",
    "address": {
      "@type": "PostalAddress",
      "addressCountry": "US",
      "addressLocality": "Santa Clara",
      "addressRegion": "CA",
      "postalCode": "95051",
      "streetAddress": "2635 Homestead Rd"
  "offers": [
      "@type": "Offer",
      "price": 30.0,
      "priceCurrency": "USD",
      "url": "",
      "validFrom": "2017-01-20T16:20:00-08:00"
  "startDate": "2017-04-24T19:30:00-08:00",
  "endDate": "2017-04-24T23:00:00-08:00"

RPDE Feed Publishing

To publish an OpenActive data feed (see this video explainer), OpenActive.NET provides a drop-in solution to render the feed pages. This also includes validation for the underlying feed query.

Modified Timestamp and ID Ordering Strategy

RpdePage(feedBaseUrl, afterTimestamp, afterId, items)

Creates a new RPDE Page based on the RPDE Items provided using the Modified Timestamp and ID Ordering Strategy, given the afterTimestamp and afterId parameters of the current query. Also validates that the items are in the correct order, throwing a SerializationException if this is not the case.

var items = new List<RpdeItem>
    new RpdeItem
        Id = "1",
        Modified = 3,
        State = RpdeState.Updated,
        Kind = RpdeKind.SessionSeries,
        Data = @event
    new RpdeItem
        Id = "2",
        Modified = 4,
        State = RpdeState.Deleted,
        Kind = RpdeKind.SessionSeries,
        Data = null

var jsonLd = new RpdePage(new Uri(""), 1, "1", items).ToString();

Incrementing Unique Change Number Ordering Strategy

RpdePage(feedBaseUrl, afterChangeNumber, items)

Creates a new RPDE Page based on the RPDE Items provided using the Incrementing Unique Change Number Ordering Strategy, given the afterChangeNumber parameter of the current query. Also validates that the items are in the correct order, throwing a SerializationException if this is not the case.

var items = new List<RpdeItem>
    new RpdeItem
        Id = "1",
        Modified = 3,
        State = RpdeState.Updated,
        Kind = RpdeKind.SessionSeries,
        Data = @event
    new RpdeItem
        Id = "2",
        Modified = 4,
        State = RpdeState.Deleted,
        Kind = RpdeKind.SessionSeries,
        Data = null

var jsonLd = new RpdePage(new Uri(""), 2, items).ToString();

Full RPDE Example

Implementation requires implementing ConvertToOpenActiveModel to return an instance of e.g. OpenActive.NET.ScheduledSession or OpenActive.NET.Event as per the OpenActive.NET Model section below.

using OpenActive.NET.Rpde.Version1;

public abstract class RPDEBase<DatabaseType> where DatabaseType : RPDEBase<DatabaseType>, new()
    protected abstract RpdeKind RpdeKind { get; }
    protected abstract Schema.NET.Thing ConvertToOpenActiveModel(DatabaseType record, string baseUrl);

    private async Task<RpdePage<Schema.NET.Thing>> GetRPDEPage(long? afterChangeNumber, string feedUrl, string baseUrl, int limit)
        var items = new List<RpdeItem>();

        DatabaseFactory.ColumnSerializer = new NPocoSerializer();
        using (Database db = new Database("DefaultConnection"))
            // Get the table name manually as we are constructing the query by hand
            var tableName = db.PocoDataFactory.ForType(typeof(DatabaseType)).TableInfo.TableName;

            // Query for paging as shown in
            // Note due to the issues with big endian vs little endian conversion when converting from rowversion in SQL Server to int64 in C#, it is best to do the
            // conversion in both directions in SQL Server, as below
            var whereClause = afterChangeNumber != null ? "WHERE Modified > Convert(ROWVERSION, @0)" : "";
            var results = await db.QueryAsync<DatabaseType>($"SELECT TOP {limit} Convert(BIGINT,Modified) as ChangeNumber, u.* from {tableName} u (nolock) {whereClause} ORDER BY Modified", afterChangeNumber);

            items = results.Select(row => new RpdeItem
                Id = row.ID,
                Modified = row.modified,
                Data = row.Deleted ? null : ConvertToOpenActiveModel(row, baseUrl),
                State = row.Deleted ? RpdeState.Deleted : RpdeState.Updated,
                Kind = RpdeKind

        return new RpdePage(feedUrl, afterChangeNumber, items);
    public static async Task<HttpResponseMessage> ServeRPDEPage(HttpRequestMessage req, int limit)
        // parse query parameter 'afterChangeNumber'
        long? afterChangeNumber = Convert.ToInt64(req.GetQueryNameValuePairs()
            .FirstOrDefault(q => string.Compare(q.Key, "afterChangeNumber", true) == 0)

        // Get base Urls
        var urlHelper = new System.Web.Mvc.UrlHelper(HttpContext.Current.Request.RequestContext);
        var baseUrl = req.RequestUri.RewriteHttps().GetLeftPart(UriPartial.Authority) + urlHelper.Content("~/");
        var feedUrl = req.RequestUri.RewriteHttps().GetLeftPart(UriPartial.Path);

        // Instantiate DatabaseType to make use of inheritance in GetRPDEPage
        var rpdePage = await (new DatabaseType()).GetRPDEPage(afterChangeNumber, feedUrl, baseUrl, limit);

        // If no page returned, return error
        if (rpdePage == null)
            return req.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, "Invalid parameters");

        // Render reponse as JSON
        var response = req.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK);
        response.Content = rpdePage.ToStringContent();

        // Always use MaxAge cache header for a full page
        if (rpdePage?.Items?.Count > 0)
            response.Headers.CacheControl = new CacheControlHeaderValue()
                Public = true,
                MaxAge = TimeSpan.FromHours(1),
                SharedMaxAge = TimeSpan.FromHours(1)
            response.Headers.CacheControl = new CacheControlHeaderValue()
                Public = true,
                MaxAge = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(8),
                SharedMaxAge = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(8)
        return response;

Serialization Methods

Empty Lists

Empty strings are automatically ignored during serialization, however empty lists need to be explicitly set to null in order to conform to the OpenActive specification.

An extension method .ToListOrNullIfEmpty() is provided for this purpose, which should be used on any lists being set on the model.

var event = new Event()
    Name = "Virtual BODYPUMP"
    Offers = offers.ToListOrNullIfEmpty();
var jsonLd = OpenActiveSerializer.Serialize(event);

OpenActiveSerializer.Serialize<T>(T obj)

Returns the JSON-LD representation of a JsonLdObject.

var event = new Event()
    Name = "Virtual BODYPUMP"
var jsonLd = OpenActiveSerializer.Serialize(event);

Value of jsonLd:

  "@context": "",
  "@type": "Event",
  "name": "Virtual BODYPUMP"

OpenActiveSerializer.SerializeList<T>(List<T> obj)

Returns the JSON-LD representation of a list of JsonLdObject.

var concepts = new List<Concept>
    new Concept
        Id = new Uri(""),
        PrefLabel = "Grass",
        InScheme = new Uri("")
var jsonLd = OpenActiveSerializer.SerializeList(event);

Value of jsonLd:


OpenActiveSerializer.SerializeToHtmlEmbeddableString<T>(T obj)

Returns the JSON-LD representation of an JsonLdObject, including "" in the "@context" property, to make the output compatible with search engines, for SEO.

This method should be used when you want to embed the output raw (as-is) into a web page. It uses serializer settings with HTML escaping to avoid Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities if the object was constructed from an untrusted source.

var event = new Event()
    Name = "Virtual BODYPUMP"
var jsonLd = OpenActiveSerializer.SerializeToHtmlEmbeddableString(event);

Value of jsonLd:

  "@context": ["", ""],
  "@type": "Event",
  "name": "Virtual BODYPUMP"

OpenActiveSerializer.SerializeRpdePage(RpdePage obj)

Returns the serialized representation of an RpdePage. Note that OpenActiveSerializer.Serialize<T> cannot be used on an RpdePage, as RPDE itself is not a JSON-LD based format.

OpenActiveSerializer.Deserialize<T>(string str)

Returns a strongly typed model of the JSON-LD representation provided.

Note this will return null if the deserialized JSON-LD class cannot be assigned to T.

Hence OpenActiveSerializer.Deserialize<SessionSeries>(eventJson); would return null where eventJson represented an Event.

OpenActiveSerializer.DeserializeList<T>(string str)

Returns a strongly typed list of models of the given type of the JSON-LD representation provided.

OpenActiveSerializer.DeserializeRpdePage<T>(string str)

Returns a strongly typed model of the RPDE page provided.


Automatic model regeneration

Data model updates automatically trigger model regeneration in CI, which generates a new PR with the changes.

The models-lib code generator is used to generate the model classes in this repository.

Pull requests

Contributions are very welcome. Please raise an issue or pull request as appropriate.

Please note that updates to the data models themselves will not be accepted as pull requests if made separately from automatic model regeneration, and must instead be made upstream in the Data Models, Test Interface or Beta Namespace repositories.

Publishing to NuGet through CI

New commits to the master branch will trigger an automatic patch version bump and push to NuGet. To increment the major or minor version of the library, update this file within your PR.

Publishing to NuGet

  1. Bump the version number of OpenActive.NET
  2. Rebuild OpenActive.NET
  3. Generate new API key from
  4. dotnet nuget push C:\repos\OpenActive.NET\OpenActive.NET\bin\Release\OpenActive.NET.8.6.3.nupkg -k qz2jga8pl3dvn2akksyquwcs9ygggg4exypy3bhxy6w6x6 -s