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池たくみ edited this page Sep 17, 2018 · 5 revisions

You don't need all of these steps if you're using Crankshaft-NG, just select your soundcard and reboot if you're on NG

To get the IQAudio pHAT GPIO Soundcard to work, you will need to tweak a few settings in the OS, please follow the following steps

  1. Remove the SD Card from the Pi, use a card reader to edit config.txt
  2. Please add dtoverlay=iqaudio-dacplus to config.txt
  3. Please add or uncomment the following lines in config.txt
  1. Please remove or comment out dtparam=audio=on
  2. Put your Pi into console mode, please see here for more info
  3. Use sudo apt update and sudo apt install wiringpi to install wiringpi, however it should come preinstalled
  4. Use sudo nano /etc/rc.local to edit the startup script
  5. Add gpio mode 3 out and gpio write 3 1 before exit 0
  6. Reboot and use speaker-test -c 5 -twav to test your setup, the speaker should play front left front right rear left rear right and front centre
  7. If the previous step returns no issue, use sudo nano /boot/crankshaft/ and change DEV_MODE back from 1 to 0


If you cannot get the sound card to be detected or the sound card does not produce any sound

  1. Make sure that the sound card is being sat on the Pi correctly
  2. unplug the display's SDA and SCL cables if you have them plugged in, those are useless and was designed for old versions of Raspberry Pis.
  3. Please attempt rebooting the Pi
  4. Try the steps above on another OS or another Pi

If you still cannot use the sound card after removing the cables, you might have received a DOA unit, please contact your retailer. If your sound card can output sound on another Pi, then their might be a problem with your GPIO, it might be burned out from a short or ESD.

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