This project combines and processes multiple data sources (mainly CSV files) into one and stores it in a database. The combined information is exposed through different REST endpoints.
Currently there are two type of CSV files which are fetched from these links:
These files contain information about the Inpatient, Day Case and Outpatient lists. The OP Waiting List report shows the total number of patients waiting, across the various time bands, for a first appointment at a consultant-led Outpatient clinic. The IPDC Waiting List report shows the total number of patients waiting, across the various time bands, for Inpatient and Day case treatment in each Specialty. More information can be found on the links above.
The project is configured with PostgreSQL database and the parameters can be changed in the application.yml.template
(make sure to rename the file to application.yml
Update these parameters to suit your needs:
url: jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/database
username: postgres
password: password
In case you want to open the project in the IntelliJ IDEA, first run: gradlew cleanIdea idea
. That will create the necessary files for the IDE.
The recommended minimum Java version is 1.8.0_144
To build it on windows run the gradlew clean build
in the hospital-waiting-list
folder, which will build all three projects (model, business, web).
On linux you might have to set the execution flag on the gradlew file first, otherwise you get a permission denied error. To do that, run: chmod +x gradlew
Once the project is built, navigate to hospital-waiting-list-web/build/libs/
and run:
java -jar hospital-waiting-list-web-<version>-SNAPSHOT.jar
That will start up the application and create the necessary tables in the previously defined database.
You can either check out the controllers, or once the application is up and running, you can navigate to /hospital-waiting-list/swagger-ui.html where you can find all the endpoints and information about them.
There are some examples about how to lookup and fine tune your queries in the DetailsController JavaDoc.
To check the code coverage run the command: gradlew test jacocoTestReport
or if you already ran the tests, then the test
can be left out from the command.
You can find the html output file in ${buildDir}/reports/jacoco/html/index.html
and the xml file in ${buildDir}/reports/jacoco/xml/resport.xml
for each projects.
Go to the folder of the root project and run the command: gradlew alljavadoc
. This will generate the JavaDoc for all the subprojects into the docs
folder in the root.