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Data Integrity Module

This module provides a way of writing rules that evaluate missing and invalid data within encounters, visits and observations.

The rules can be run manually or automatically by a job which is based on OpenMRS scheduler Task that is scheduled to run at a configurable regular interval which runs all the rules.

Writing a rule

  • Rules can be written in java and groovy. Every rule should extend RuleDefinition
  • The RuleDefn can return data violations in org.openmrs.Patient and org.openmrs.PatientProgram entities.
  • The RuleDefinition returns RuleResult. It contains the entity details (like Patient or PatientProgram) with some extra information like notes and actionUrl (for some UI action in case of integrity issues).
  • Rule can be made available in any module. Once the rule is written, it has to updated in the dataintegrity_rule table in the following ways.
    • Return non-null DataIntegrityRule instance from the getRule() method of the RuleDefinition interface which is automatically saved to the database.
    • The following is a sample insert command.
insert into dataintegrity_rule(rule_name,rule_category,handler_config,handler_classname) values('Questionable date of death','patient','java','org.openmrs.module.dataintegrity.InvalidDateOfDeath');
  • Rules are evaluated by a scheduled task called DataIntegrityTask. This is based on OpenMRS Scheduler task. The job is automatically added when this OMOD is deployed. It can be seen in the (Admin > Manage Scheduler)[http://localhost:8081/openmrs-standalone/admin/scheduler/scheduler.list] screen. It is configured to run every night. The schedule can be modified as per your requirement. The result of evaluation are stored in dataintegrity_result table and it is re-populated on every execution.
  • Once installed a Data Quality app is provided on the home page, which shows the results of the rules run and provides a way to manually run any or all rules. Please note that this method may result in an HTTP timeout for many rules.

Sample Java Rule

package org.openmrs.module.dataintegrity;

import org.hibernate.Criteria;
import org.hibernate.Session;
import org.hibernate.SessionFactory;
import org.hibernate.criterion.Restrictions;
import org.openmrs.Patient;
import org.openmrs.api.context.Context;
import org.openmrs.module.dataintegrity.DataIntegrityRule;
import org.openmrs.module.dataintegrity.rule.RuleDefinition;
import org.openmrs.module.dataintegrity.rule.RuleResult;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;

import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.List;

public class InvalidDateOfDeath implements RuleDefinition<Patient> {

	public List<RuleResult<Patient>> evaluate() {
		Criteria criteria = getSession().createCriteria(Patient.class, "patient");
		criteria.add(Restrictions.eq("voided", false));
		criteria.add("deathDate", new Date()));
		List<Patient> patientList = criteria.list();
		return patientToRuleResultTransformer(patientList);

	private List<RuleResult<Patient>> patientToRuleResultTransformer(List<Patient> patients) {
        List<RuleResult<Patient>> ruleResults = new ArrayList<>();
        for (Patient patient : patients) {
            RuleResult<Patient> ruleResult = new RuleResult<>();
            ruleResult.setNotes("Patient with invalid date");
		return ruleResults;
	public DataIntegrityRule getRule() {
		DataIntegrityRule rule = new DataIntegrityRule();
		rule.setRuleName("Invalid Date of Death");
		return rule;
	private Session getSession() {
		return Context.getRegisteredComponent("sessionFactory", SessionFactory.class).getCurrentSession();

Groovy Rules

  • Groovy rules needs to be available in <openmrs_app_data_directory>/dataQualityRules/.groovy. The dataintegrity_rule should contain the handler_config='groovy' and handler_classname='.groovy'


This project is selected in Google Summer of Code - 2017. More details can be found in the Project wiki page.


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Code Style

Please follow the coding convention used by OpenMRS. They are listed here.


This project is licensed under the OpenMRS Public License, see the license file for details.
