Silk is a fully automated test platform for validating OpenThread function, feature and system performance with real devices. This codebase is Python 3 compatible. The initial supported device is Nordic nRF52840 Development board.
Silk runs on a Raspberry Pi or an ubuntu Linux PC.
Install libraries and dependencies:
cd silk
Install and Build:
sudo make install-cluster
The project can create a Python virtualenv under env
directory, which avoids collisions with system managed packages. Some of the packages
used by this project tend to collide with apt
managed packages (python3-urllib3
and python3-psutil
, for example), and will cause some
system tools to fail. This option properly sets up a Python venv that doesn't install to system Python dist-packages
This option is by default not applied, since most of the testbeds don't have this problem, because they might not have tools that depend on those libraries; but for development environments that do, it can be activated with:
cd silk
./ -v
Install and Build:
sudo make install-cluster-venv
To run any test script using venv, use full path of Python in venv, i.e. sudo ./env/bin/python3 silk/unit_tests/
Silk relies on configuration files to determine what devices that are connected to your computer are eligible to be used in tests.
An example of hwconfig.ini
is in silk/tests
The hardware model should be defined as 'Nrf52840' or 'NordicSniffer' in hwconfig.ini
file. A cluster ID should be assigned
to the config file as well, providing an offset for node IDs for visualizing multiple clusters by the same OTNS service.
Attaching clusters with the same ID to the OTNS service could result in conflicts.
ClusterID: 0
LayoutCenter: 300, 300
LayoutRadius: 100
HwModel: Nrf52840
HwRev: 1.0
InterfaceSerialNumber: E1A5012E8A7D
USBInterfaceNumber: 1
DutSerial: 683536778
OTNSVisPosition: 200, 200
HwModel: NordicSniffer
HwRev: 1.0
InterfaceSerialNumber: E992D833CBAF
USBInterfaceNumber: 1
DutSerial: 683906489
A tool called usbinfo is installed as part of Silk which can be used to find out the Interface Serial Number and Usb Interface Number. DutSerial is the SN number printed on the chip or displayed by usbinfo for J-Link product.
Silk reads thread mode (NCP or RCP mode) from clusters.conf
which should be added to /opt/openthread_test
An example of clusters.conf
is in silk/config
usage: [-h] [-d ResPath] [-c ConfFile] [-v X] [-s OtnsServer] P [P ...]
Run a suite of Silk Tests
positional arguments:
P test file search pattern
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-d ResPath, --results_dir ResPath
Set the directory path for test results
-c ConfFile, --hwconfig ConfFile
Name the hardware config file
-v X, --verbose X, --verbosity X
Set the verbosity level of the console (0=quiet,
1=default, 2=verbose)
-s OtnsServer, --otns OtnsServer,
Set the OTNS server address to send OTNS messages to
There is an example of test run script
under unit_tests
OpenThread Network Simulator is a Thread network visualization and management tool.
Using this tool the topology and messages of a network in Silk's control could be visualized. Run the following to install OTNS.
Note that it requires Go which can be installed from, after which $(go env GOPATH)/bin
should be added
to $PATH
git clone ./otns
cd otns
Then follow these steps to use Silk with OTNS:
- Configure
for the cluster. There are two ways to lay out nodes for the cluster:- Specify
for each node inhwconfig.ini
. Canvas is the same size in pixel as the monitor on which OTNS runs, so usually a 50px distance is clear enough. - Specify
for the cluster inhwconfig.ini
and notOTNSVisPosition
. This will tell OTNS Manager to calculate each node's position dynamically based on their roles in the network. - OTNS Manager will default to not using auto layout if all node's visualization positions have been set. Otherwise, it turns to auto layout.
- Specify
- Flash each board with the images compiled with OpenThread
flag turned on. - Run OTNS in real mode using
otns -raw -real -ot-cli otns-silk-proxy
. - Run Silk with
, supplying-s OtnsServer
argument. If the server is running on the same machine, uselocalhost
The SilkReplayer
allows offline playback of Silk log file for visualization on OTNS platform. The playback speed can be controlled
via command line arguments. Usage:
usage: [-h] [-d ResPath] [-c ConfFile] [-v X] [-s OtnsServer] [-p PlaybackSpeed] P
Run a suite of Silk Tests
positional arguments:
P Log file path
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-r ResPath, --results_dir ResPath
Set the path for run results. Defaults to current folder.
-c ConfFile, --hwconfig ConfFile
Name the hardware config file. Defaults to `/opt/openthread_test/hwconfig.ini`.
-v X, --verbose X, --verbosity X
Set the verbosity level of the console (0=quiet,
1=default, 2=verbose)
-s OtnsServer, --otns OtnsServer,
Set the OTNS server address to send OTNS messages to. Defaults to `localhost`.
-p PlaybackSpeed, --speed PlaybackSpeed,
Speed of log replay. e.g. 20 means speeding up to 20x. 1.0 by default.
There is an example of test run script
under unit_tests
git clone
cd silk/silk/shell
git clone
Please note that the openthread image should have child-supervision, mac-filter and log-output enabled (listed in detail in script
To build openthread image for testbed devices and sniffer you can make use of script
cd silk/silk/shell
To utilize OTNS, OTNS=1
flag needs to be turned on when compiling the image.
an openthread image ot-ncp-ftd.hex
will be created and copied to location /opt/openthread_test/nrf52840_image/
To flash the build on testbed device attach usb cable to j-link port and replace chip serial number printed on the
chip(e.g. 683906489
cd silk/silk/shell
./ --erase-all 683906489
./ --flash /opt/openthread_test/nrf52840_image/ot-ncp-ftd.hex 683906489
Note: On raspberry Pi JLink installed should be of the form JLink_Linux_XXX_arm.tgz
and present at /opt/SEGGER
. Create
a symbolic link for JLink_Linux_XXX
to "JLink". Make sure to run the command sudo cp 99-jlink.rules /etc/udev/rules.d/
given in README.txt
of JLink and reboot the system.
Example output of Jlink executable:
user@user:/opt/SEGGER$ ls -l
total 4
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 23 Sep 26 2018 JLink -> /opt/SEGGER/JLink_V634g
drwxr-xr-x 8 root root 4096 Aug 20 10:21 JLink_V634g
nRF52840 can be used as a Thread Sniffer in Silk which can capture all 15.4 traffic in the specific wireless channel during test suite execution. The pcap file will be saved to the test result folder.
It is required that the OpenThread spinel-cli tools are installed.
git clone
cd pyspinel
sudo python develop
which (should show up in /usr/local/bin)
You now have two options.
Option 1: Add /usr/local/bin
to your secure path.
Option 2: Create a symlink from a secure path location to the
you found above.
Recommend to flash the image for the Sniffer in a Linux PC.
# Prepare firmware
make -f examples/Makefile-nrf52840 USB=1
arm-none-eabi-objcopy -O ihex output/nrf52840/bin/ot-rcp ot-rcp-nrf52840-115200.hex
# Flash to device
nrfjprog -f nrf52 --chiperase --reset --program ot-rcp-nrf52840-115200.hex chip-serial-number
nrfjprog -f nrf52 --pinresetenable chip-serial-number
nrfjprog -f nrf52 --reset chip-serial-number
# Disable MSD, this is very important
cd /opt/SEGGER/JLink_XXX).
./JLinkExe -SelectEmuBySN 683906489
This is not an officially supported Google product.