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Terraform AWS Cloud EKS Module

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This Terraform module creates an AWS Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) along with additional configuration options.


To use this module, you can include it in your Terraform configuration. Here's an example of how to use it:


module "eks" {
  source      = "git::"
  enabled     = true
  name        =
  environment = local.environment

  # EKS
  kubernetes_version     = "1.29"
  endpoint_public_access = true
  # Networking
  vpc_id                            = module.vpc.vpc_id
  subnet_ids                        = module.subnets.private_subnet_id
  allowed_security_groups           = [module.ssh.security_group_id]
  eks_additional_security_group_ids = [module.ssh.security_group_id, module.http_https.security_group_id]
  allowed_cidr_blocks               = [local.vpc_cidr_block]

  managed_node_group_defaults = {
    subnet_ids                          = module.subnets.private_subnet_id
    nodes_additional_security_group_ids = [module.ssh.security_group_id]
    tags = {
      "${module.eks.cluster_name}" = "shared"
      "${module.eks.cluster_name}"        = "shared"
    block_device_mappings = {
      xvda = {
        device_name = "/dev/xvda"
        ebs = {
          volume_size = 50
          volume_type = "gp3"
          iops        = 3000
          throughput  = 150
          encrypted   = true
          kms_key_id  = module.kms.key_arn
  managed_node_group = {
    critical = {
      name           = "${module.eks.cluster_name}-critical-node"
      capacity_type  = "ON_DEMAND"
      min_size       = 1
      max_size       = 2
      desired_size   = 2
      instance_types = ["t3.medium"]

    application = {
      name                 = "${module.eks.cluster_name}-application"
      capacity_type        = "SPOT"
      min_size             = 1
      max_size             = 2
      desired_size         = 1
      force_update_version = true
      instance_types       = ["t3.medium"]

  apply_config_map_aws_auth = true
  map_additional_iam_users = [
      userarn  = "arn:aws:iam::123456789:user/opsstation"
      username = "test"
      groups   = ["system:masters"]


For detailed examples on how to use this module, please refer to the Examples directory within this repository.


Your Name Replace MIT and opsstation with the appropriate license and your information. Feel free to expand this README with additional details or usage instructions as needed for your specific use case.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.


Name Version
terraform >= 1.5.4
aws >= 5.11.0
cloudinit >= 2.0
kubernetes >= 2.0.0, < 3.0.0
null >= 3.0.0
tls >= 2.0.0


Name Version
aws >= 5.11.0
kubernetes >= 2.0.0, < 3.0.0
null >= 3.0.0
tls >= 2.0.0


Name Source Version
eks_managed_node_group ./node_group/ n/a
labels git:: v1.0.0


Name Type
aws_cloudwatch_log_group.default resource
aws_eks_addon.cluster resource
aws_eks_cluster.default resource
aws_iam_instance_profile.default resource
aws_iam_openid_connect_provider.default resource
aws_iam_policy.amazon_eks_node_group_autoscaler_policy resource
aws_iam_policy.amazon_eks_worker_node_autoscaler_policy resource
aws_iam_role.default resource
aws_iam_role.node_groups resource
aws_iam_role_policy.service_role resource
aws_iam_role_policy_attachment.additional resource
aws_iam_role_policy_attachment.amazon_ec2_container_registry_read_only resource
aws_iam_role_policy_attachment.amazon_eks_cluster_policy resource
aws_iam_role_policy_attachment.amazon_eks_cni_policy resource
aws_iam_role_policy_attachment.amazon_eks_node_group_autoscaler_policy resource
aws_iam_role_policy_attachment.amazon_eks_service_policy resource
aws_iam_role_policy_attachment.amazon_eks_worker_node_autoscaler_policy resource
aws_iam_role_policy_attachment.amazon_eks_worker_node_policy resource
aws_kms_key.cloudwatch_log resource
aws_kms_key.cluster resource
aws_security_group.node_group resource
aws_security_group_rule.ingress_cidr_blocks_node_group resource
aws_security_group_rule.ingress_security_groups_node_group resource
aws_security_group_rule.ingress_self resource
aws_security_group_rule.node_group resource
kubernetes_config_map.aws_auth_ignore_changes resource
null_resource.wait_for_cluster resource
aws_caller_identity.current data source
aws_eks_cluster.eks data source
aws_eks_cluster_auth.eks data source
aws_iam_policy_document.amazon_eks_node_group_autoscaler_policy data source
aws_iam_policy_document.assume_role data source
aws_iam_policy_document.cloudwatch data source
aws_iam_policy_document.node_group data source
aws_iam_policy_document.service_role data source
aws_partition.current data source
aws_region.current data source
tls_certificate.cluster data source


Name Description Type Default Required
addons Manages aws_eks_addon resources. list(any)
"addon_name": "kube-proxy",
"addon_version": "v1.29.0-eksbuild.1",
"resolve_conflicts": "OVERWRITE"
"addon_name": "vpc-cni",
"addon_version": "v1.16.0-eksbuild.1",
"resolve_conflicts": "OVERWRITE"
allowed_cidr_blocks List of CIDR blocks to be allowed to connect to the EKS cluster. list(string) [] no
allowed_security_groups List of Security Group IDs to be allowed to connect to the EKS cluster. list(string) [] no
apply_config_map_aws_auth Whether to generate local files from kubeconfig and config_map_aws_auth and perform kubectl apply to apply the ConfigMap to allow the worker nodes to join the EKS cluster. bool true no
attributes Additional attributes (e.g. 1). list(any) [] no
cluster_encryption_config_enabled Set to true to enable Cluster Encryption Configuration bool true no
cluster_encryption_config_kms_key_deletion_window_in_days Cluster Encryption Config KMS Key Resource argument - key deletion windows in days post destruction number 10 no
cluster_encryption_config_kms_key_enable_key_rotation Cluster Encryption Config KMS Key Resource argument - enable kms key rotation bool true no
cluster_encryption_config_kms_key_policy Cluster Encryption Config KMS Key Resource argument - key policy string null no
cluster_encryption_config_resources Cluster Encryption Config Resources to encrypt, e.g. ['secrets'] list(any)
cluster_ip_family The IP family used to assign Kubernetes pod and service addresses. Valid values are ipv4 (default) and ipv6. You can only specify an IP family when you create a cluster, changing this value will force a new cluster to be created string null no
cluster_log_retention_period Number of days to retain cluster logs. Requires enabled_cluster_log_types to be set. See number 30 no
cluster_service_ipv4_cidr The CIDR block to assign Kubernetes service IP addresses from. If you don't specify a block, Kubernetes assigns addresses from either the or CIDR blocks string null no
cluster_service_ipv6_cidr The CIDR block to assign Kubernetes pod and service IP addresses from if ipv6 was specified when the cluster was created. Kubernetes assigns service addresses from the unique local address range (fc00::/7) because you can't specify a custom IPv6 CIDR block when you create the cluster string null no
cluster_timeouts Create, update, and delete timeout configurations for the cluster map(string) {} no
eks_additional_security_group_ids EKS additional security group id list(string) [] no
enabled Whether to create the resources. Set to false to prevent the module from creating any resources. bool true no
enabled_cluster_log_types A list of the desired control plane logging to enable. For more information, see Possible values [api, audit, authenticator, controllerManager, scheduler]. list(string)
endpoint_private_access Indicates whether or not the Amazon EKS private API server endpoint is enabled. Default to AWS EKS resource and it is false. bool true no
endpoint_public_access Indicates whether or not the Amazon EKS public API server endpoint is enabled. Default to AWS EKS resource and it is true. bool true no
environment Environment (e.g. prod, dev, staging). string "" no
iam_role_additional_policies Additional policies to be added to the IAM role map(string) {} no
kubernetes_version Desired Kubernetes master version. If you do not specify a value, the latest available version is used. string "" no
label_order Label order, e.g. name,application. list(any)
local_exec_interpreter shell to use for local_exec list(string)
managed_node_group Map of eks-managed node group definitions to create any {} no
managed_node_group_defaults Map of eks-managed node group definitions to create any {} no
managedby ManagedBy, eg 'opsstation'. string "opsstation" no
map_additional_aws_accounts Additional AWS account numbers to add to config-map-aws-auth ConfigMap list(string) [] no
map_additional_iam_roles Additional IAM roles to add to config-map-aws-auth ConfigMap
rolearn = string
username = string
groups = list(string)
[] no
map_additional_iam_users Additional IAM users to add to config-map-aws-auth ConfigMap
userarn = string
username = string
groups = list(string)
[] no
name Name (e.g. app or cluster). string "" no
nodes_additional_security_group_ids EKS additional node group ids list(string) [] no
oidc_provider_enabled Create an IAM OIDC identity provider for the cluster, then you can create IAM roles to associate with a service account in the cluster, instead of using kiam or kube2iam. For more information, see bool true no
openid_connect_audiences List of OpenID Connect audience client IDs to add to the IRSA provider list(string) [] no
outpost_config Configuration for the AWS Outpost to provision the cluster on any {} no
permissions_boundary If provided, all IAM roles will be created with this permissions boundary attached. string null no
public_access_cidrs Indicates which CIDR blocks can access the Amazon EKS public API server endpoint when enabled. EKS defaults this to a list with list(string)
repository Terraform current module repo string "" no
schedules Map of autoscaling group schedule to create map(any) {} no
subnet_ids A list of subnet IDs to launch the cluster in. list(string) [] no
tags Additional tags (e.g. map(BusinessUnit,XYZ). map(any) {} no
vpc_id VPC ID for the EKS cluster. string "" no
wait_for_cluster_command local-exec command to execute to determine if the EKS cluster is healthy. Cluster endpoint are available as environment variable ENDPOINT string "curl --silent --fail --retry 60 --retry-delay 5 --retry-connrefused --insecure --output /dev/null $ENDPOINT/healthz" no


Name Description
cluster_arn The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the cluster
cluster_certificate_authority_data Base64 encoded certificate data required to communicate with the cluster
cluster_endpoint Endpoint for your Kubernetes API server
cluster_iam_role_arn IAM role ARN of the EKS cluster
cluster_iam_role_name IAM role name of the EKS cluster
cluster_iam_role_unique_id Stable and unique string identifying the IAM role
cluster_id The name/id of the EKS cluster. Will block on cluster creation until the cluster is really ready
cluster_name n/a
cluster_oidc_issuer_url The URL on the EKS cluster for the OpenID Connect identity provider
cluster_platform_version Platform version for the cluster
cluster_primary_security_group_id Cluster security group that was created by Amazon EKS for the cluster. Managed node groups use default security group for control-plane-to-data-plane communication. Referred to as 'Cluster security group' in the EKS console
cluster_status Status of the EKS cluster. One of CREATING, ACTIVE, DELETING, FAILED
node_group_iam_role_arn IAM role ARN of the EKS cluster
node_group_iam_role_name IAM role name of the EKS cluster
node_group_iam_role_unique_id Stable and unique string identifying the IAM role
node_security_group_arn Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the node shared security group
node_security_group_id ID of the node shared security group
oidc_provider_arn The ARN of the OIDC Provider if enable_irsa = true
tags n/a