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Terraform Infrastructure as Code (IaC) - aws elasticache Module

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This Terraform module creates structured elasticache for aws resources with specific attributes.


  • Use the module by referencing its source and providing the required variables.


module "memcached" {
  source = "git::"

  name        = "memcached"
  environment = "test"
  label_order = ["name", "environment"]

  vpc_id        = module.vpc.vpc_id
  allowed_ip    = [module.vpc.vpc_cidr_block]
  allowed_ports = [11211]

  cluster_enabled                          = true
  memcached_ssm_parameter_endpoint_enabled = true
  memcached_route53_record_enabled         = false
  engine                                   = "memcached"
  engine_version                           = "1.6.17"
  parameter_group_name                     = ""
  az_mode                                  = "cross-az"
  port                                     = 11211
  node_type                                = "cache.t2.micro"
  num_cache_nodes                          = 2
  subnet_ids                               = module.subnet.public_subnet_id
  availability_zones                       = ["eu-west-1a", "eu-west-1b"]
  extra_tags = {
    Application = "opsstation"

  route53_record_enabled         = false
  ssm_parameter_endpoint_enabled = false
  dns_record_name                = "prod"
  route53_ttl                    = "300"
  route53_type                   = "CNAME"
  route53_zone_id                = "SERFxxxx6XCsY9Lxxxxx"



module "redis" {
  source = "git::"

  name        = "redis"
  environment = "test"
  label_order = ["name", "environment"]

  vpc_id        = module.vpc.vpc_id
  allowed_ip    = [module.vpc.vpc_cidr_block]
  allowed_ports = [6379]

  cluster_replication_enabled = true
  engine                      = "redis"
  engine_version              = "7.0"
  parameter_group_name        = "default.redis7"
  port                        = 6379
  node_type                   = "cache.r6g.large"
  subnet_ids                  = module.subnet.public_subnet_id
  availability_zones          = [""]
  automatic_failover_enabled  = false
  multi_az_enabled            = false
  num_cache_clusters          = 1
  retention_in_days           = 0
  snapshot_retention_limit    = 7

  log_delivery_configuration = [
      destination_type = "cloudwatch-logs"
      log_format       = "json"
      log_type         = "slow-log"
      destination_type = "cloudwatch-logs"
      log_format       = "json"
      log_type         = "engine-log"
  extra_tags = {
    Application = "opsstation"

  route53_record_enabled         = false
  ssm_parameter_endpoint_enabled = false
  dns_record_name                = "prod"
  route53_ttl                    = "300"
  route53_type                   = "CNAME"
  route53_zone_id                = "Z017xxxxDLxxx0GH04"


module "redis-cluster" {
  source = "git::"

  name        = "redis-cluster"
  environment = "test"
  label_order = ["environment", "name"]

  vpc_id        = module.vpc.vpc_id
  allowed_ip    = [module.vpc.vpc_cidr_block]
  allowed_ports = [6379]

  cluster_replication_enabled = true
  engine                      = "redis"
  engine_version              = "7.0"
  parameter_group_name        = "default.redis7.cluster.on"
  port                        = 6379
  node_type                   = "cache.t2.micro"
  subnet_ids                  = module.subnet.public_subnet_id
  availability_zones          = ["eu-west-1a"]
  num_cache_nodes             = 1
  snapshot_retention_limit    = 7
  automatic_failover_enabled  = true
  extra_tags = {
    Application = "opsstation"

  route53_record_enabled         = false
  ssm_parameter_endpoint_enabled = false
  dns_record_name                = "prod"
  route53_ttl                    = "300"
  route53_type                   = "CNAME"
  route53_zone_id                = "SERFxxxx6XCsY9Lxxxxx"

Please ensure you specify the correct 'source' path for the module.

Module Inputs

  • name: Name (e.g. app or cluster).
  • environment: Environment (e.g. prod, dev, staging)..
  • label_order: Label order, e.g. name,application.
  • enabled: Enable or disable of elasticache.
  • managedby: ManagedBy, eg 'opsstation'.
  • engine : The name of the cache engine to be used for the clusters in this replication group. e.g. redis.

Module Outputs

  • This module currently does not provide any outputs.


For detailed examples on how to use this module, please refer to the 'example' directory within this repository.


Your Name Replace '[License Name]' and '[Your Name]' with the appropriate license and your information. Feel free to expand this README with additional details or usage instructions as needed for your specific use case.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.


Name Version
terraform >= 1.7.3
aws >= 5.9.0
random >= 3.0, < 4.0


Name Version
aws >= 5.9.0
random >= 3.0, < 4.0


Name Source Version
labels git:: v1.0.0


Name Type
aws_cloudwatch_log_group.default resource
aws_elasticache_cluster.default resource
aws_elasticache_replication_group.cluster resource
aws_elasticache_subnet_group.default resource
aws_kms_alias.default resource
aws_kms_key.default resource
aws_route53_record.elasticache resource
aws_route53_record.memcached_route_53 resource
aws_security_group.default resource
aws_security_group_rule.egress resource
aws_security_group_rule.egress_ipv6 resource
aws_security_group_rule.ingress resource
aws_ssm_parameter.memcached_secret-endpoint resource
aws_ssm_parameter.secret resource
aws_ssm_parameter.secret-endpoint resource
random_password.auth_token resource
aws_caller_identity.current data source
aws_iam_policy_document.default data source
aws_partition.current data source


Name Description Type Default Required
alias The display name of the alias. The name must start with the word alias followed by a forward slash. string "alias/redis" no
allowed_ip List of allowed ip. list(any) [] no
allowed_ports List of allowed ingress ports list(any) [] no
apply_immediately Specifies whether any modifications are applied immediately, or during the next maintenance window. Default is false. bool false no
at_rest_encryption_enabled Enable encryption at rest. bool true no
auth_token The password used to access a password protected server. Can be specified only if transit_encryption_enabled = true. string null no
auth_token_enable Flag to specify whether to create auth token (password) protected cluster. Can be specified only if transit_encryption_enabled = true. bool true no
auto_minor_version_upgrade Specifies whether a minor engine upgrades will be applied automatically to the underlying Cache Cluster instances during the maintenance window. Defaults to true. bool true no
automatic_failover_enabled Specifies whether a read-only replica will be automatically promoted to read/write primary if the existing primary fails. If true, Multi-AZ is enabled for this replication group. If false, Multi-AZ is disabled for this replication group. Must be enabled for Redis (cluster mode enabled) replication groups. Defaults to false. bool true no
availability_zones A list of EC2 availability zones in which the replication group's cache clusters will be created. The order of the availability zones in the list is not important. list(string) n/a yes
az_mode (Memcached only) Specifies whether the nodes in this Memcached node group are created in a single Availability Zone or created across multiple Availability Zones in the cluster's region. Valid values for this parameter are single-az or cross-az, default is single-az. If you want to choose cross-az, num_cache_nodes must be greater than 1. string "single-az" no
cluster_enabled (Memcache only) Enabled or disabled cluster. bool false no
cluster_replication_enabled (Redis only) Enabled or disabled replication_group for redis cluster. bool false no
customer_master_key_spec Specifies whether the key contains a symmetric key or an asymmetric key pair and the encryption algorithms or signing algorithms that the key supports. Valid values: SYMMETRIC_DEFAULT, RSA_2048, RSA_3072, RSA_4096, ECC_NIST_P256, ECC_NIST_P384, ECC_NIST_P521, or ECC_SECG_P256K1. Defaults to SYMMETRIC_DEFAULT. string "SYMMETRIC_DEFAULT" no
deletion_window_in_days Duration in days after which the key is deleted after destruction of the resource. number 7 no
dns_record_name The name of the record. string "" no
egress_rule Enable to create egress rule bool true no
enable Enable or disable of elasticache bool true no
enable_key_rotation Specifies whether key rotation is enabled. string true no
enable_security_group Enable default Security Group with only Egress traffic allowed. bool true no
engine The name of the cache engine to be used for the clusters in this replication group. e.g. redis. string "" no
engine_version The version number of the cache engine to be used for the cache clusters in this replication group. string "" no
environment Environment (e.g. prod, dev, staging). string "" no
is_enabled Specifies whether the key is enabled. bool true no
is_external enable to udated existing security Group bool false no
key_usage Specifies the intended use of the key. Defaults to ENCRYPT_DECRYPT, and only symmetric encryption and decryption are supported. string "ENCRYPT_DECRYPT" no
kms_description The description of the key as viewed in AWS console. string "Parameter Store KMS master key" no
kms_key_enabled Specifies whether the kms is enabled or disabled. bool true no
kms_key_id The ARN of the key that you wish to use if encrypting at rest. If not supplied, uses service managed encryption. Can be specified only if at_rest_encryption_enabled = true. string "" no
kms_multi_region Indicates whether the KMS key is a multi-Region (true) or regional (false) key. bool false no
label_order Label order, e.g. name,application. list(any) [] no
length n/a number 25 no
log_delivery_configuration The log_delivery_configuration block allows the streaming of Redis SLOWLOG or Redis Engine Log to CloudWatch Logs or Kinesis Data Firehose. Max of 2 blocks. list(map(any)) [] no
maintenance_window Maintenance window. string "sun:05:00-sun:06:00" no
managedby ManagedBy, eg 'opsstation'. string "" no
memcached_route53_record_enabled Whether to create Route53 record memcached set. bool false no
memcached_ssm_parameter_endpoint_enabled Name of the parameter. bool false no
multi_az_enabled Specifies whether to enable Multi-AZ Support for the replication group. If true, automatic_failover_enabled must also be enabled. Defaults to false. bool false no
name Name (e.g. app or cluster). string "" no
node_type The compute and memory capacity of the nodes in the node group. string "cache.t2.small" no
notification_topic_arn An Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of an SNS topic to send ElastiCache notifications to. string "" no
num_cache_clusters (Required for Cluster Mode Disabled) The number of cache clusters (primary and replicas) this replication group will have. If Multi-AZ is enabled, the value of this parameter must be at least 2. Updates will occur before other modifications. number 1 no
num_cache_nodes (Required unless replication_group_id is provided) The initial number of cache nodes that the cache cluster will have. For Redis, this value must be 1. For Memcache, this value must be between 1 and 20. If this number is reduced on subsequent runs, the highest numbered nodes will be removed. number 1 no
parameter_group_name The name of the parameter group to associate with this replication group. If this argument is omitted, the default cache parameter group for the specified engine is used. string "default.redis5.0" no
port the port number on which each of the cache nodes will accept connections. string "" no
protocol The protocol. If not icmp, tcp, udp, or all use the. string "tcp" no
replication_group_description Name of either the CloudWatch Logs LogGroup or Kinesis Data Firehose resource. string "User-created description for the replication group." no
repository Terraform current module repo string "" no
retention_in_days Specifies the number of days you want to retain log events in the specified log group. number 0 no
route53_record_enabled Whether to create Route53 record set. bool false no
route53_ttl (Required for non-alias records) The TTL of the record. string "" no
route53_type The record type. Valid values are A, AAAA, CAA, CNAME, MX, NAPTR, NS, PTR, SOA, SPF, SRV and TXT. string "" no
route53_zone_id Zone ID. string n/a yes
security_group_names A list of cache security group names to associate with this replication group. list(string) null no
sg_description The security group description. string "Instance default security group (only egress access is allowed)." no
sg_egress_description Description of the egress and ingress rule string "Description of the rule." no
sg_egress_ipv6_description Description of the egress_ipv6 rule string "Description of the rule." no
sg_ids of the security group id. list(any) [] no
sg_ingress_description Description of the ingress rule string "Description of the ingress rule use elasticache." no
snapshot_arns A single-element string list containing an Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of a Redis RDB snapshot file stored in Amazon S3. list(string) null no
snapshot_name The name of a snapshot from which to restore data into the new node group. Changing the snapshot_name forces a new resource. string "" no
snapshot_retention_limit (Redis only) The number of days for which ElastiCache will retain automatic cache cluster snapshots before deleting them. For example, if you set SnapshotRetentionLimit to 5, then a snapshot that was taken today will be retained for 5 days before being deleted. If the value of SnapshotRetentionLimit is set to zero (0), backups are turned off. Please note that setting a snapshot_retention_limit is not supported on cache.t1.micro or cache.t2.* cache nodes. string "0" no
snapshot_window (Redis only) The daily time range (in UTC) during which ElastiCache will begin taking a daily snapshot of your cache cluster. The minimum snapshot window is a 60 minute period. string null no
special n/a bool false no
ssm_parameter_description SSM Parameters can be imported using. string "Description of the parameter." no
ssm_parameter_endpoint_enabled Name of the parameter. bool false no
ssm_parameter_type Type of the parameter. string "SecureString" no
subnet_group_description Description for the cache subnet group. Defaults to Managed by Terraform. string "The Description of the ElastiCache Subnet Group." no
subnet_ids List of VPC Subnet IDs for the cache subnet group. list(any) [] no
tags Additional tags (e.g. map(BusinessUnit,XYZ). map(any) {} no
transit_encryption_enabled Whether to enable encryption in transit. bool true no
vpc_id The ID of the VPC that the instance security group belongs to. string "" no


Name Description
Memcached_ssm_name A list of all of the parameter values
auth_token Auth token generated value
hostname DNS hostname
id Redis cluster id.
memcached_arn Memcached arn
memcached_endpoint Memcached endpoint address.
memcached_hostname DNS hostname
port Redis port.
redis_arn Redis arn
redis_endpoint Redis endpoint address.
redis_ssm_name A list of all of the parameter values
sg_id n/a
tags A mapping of tags to assign to the resource.