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Terraform Azure Cloud FIREWALL Module

This Terraform configuration defines an Azure infrastructure using the Azure provider.

Table of Contents


This module provides a Terraform configuration for deploying various Azure resources as part of your infrastructure. The configuration includes the deployment of resource groups, virtual networks, subnets, firewall.


To use this module, you should have Terraform installed and configured for AZURE. This module provides the necessary Terraform configuration for creating AZURE resources, and you can customize the inputs as needed. Below is an example of how to use this module:


Example: complete

module "firewall" {
  depends_on          = [module.name_specific_subnet]
  source              = "git::"
  name                =
  environment         = local.environment
  resource_group_name = module.resource_group.resource_group_name
  location            = module.resource_group.resource_group_location
  subnet_id           = module.name_specific_subnet.specific_subnet_id
  public_ip_names     = ["ingress", "vnet"] // Name of public ips you want to create.
  firewall_enable     = true
  policy_rule_enabled = true
  application_rule_collection = [
      name     = "example_app_policy"
      priority = 200
      action   = "Allow"
      rules = [
          name              = "app_test"
          source_addresses  = ["*"] // ["X.X.X.X"]
          destination_fqdns = ["*"] // ["X.X.X.X"]
          protocols = [
              port = "443"
              type = "Https"
              port = "80"
              type = "Http"

  network_rule_collection = [
      name     = "example_network_policy"
      priority = "100"
      action   = "Allow"
      rules = [
          name                  = "ssh"
          protocols             = ["TCP"]
          source_addresses      = ["*"] // ["X.X.X.X"]
          destination_addresses = ["*"] // ["X.X.X.X"]
          destination_ports     = ["22"]

      name     = "example_network_policy-2"
      priority = "101"
      action   = "Allow"
      rules = [
          name                  = "smtp"
          protocols             = ["TCP"]
          source_addresses      = ["*"] // ["X.X.X.X"]
          destination_addresses = ["*"] // ["X.X.X.X"]
          destination_ports     = ["587"]

  nat_rule_collection = [
      name     = "example_nat_policy-1"
      priority = "101"
      rules = [
          name                = "http"
          protocols           = ["TCP"]
          source_addresses    = ["*"] // ["X.X.X.X"]
          destination_ports   = ["80"]
          source_addresses    = ["*"]
          translated_port     = "80"
          translated_address  = ""                           #provide private ip address to translate
          destination_address = module.firewall.public_ip_address[1] //Public ip associated with firewall. Here index 1 indicates 'vnet ip' (from public_ip_names     = ["ingress" , "vnet"])

          name                = "https"
          protocols           = ["TCP"]
          destination_ports   = ["443"]
          source_addresses    = ["*"]
          translated_port     = "443"
          translated_address  = ""                           #provide private ip address to translate
          destination_address = module.firewall.public_ip_address[1] //Public ip associated with firewall


      name     = "example-nat-policy-2"
      priority = "100"
      rules = [
          name                = "http"
          protocols           = ["TCP"]
          source_addresses    = ["*"] // ["X.X.X.X"]
          destination_ports   = ["80"]
          translated_port     = "80"
          translated_address  = ""                           #provide private ip address to translate
          destination_address = module.firewall.public_ip_address[0] //Public ip associated with firewall.Here index 0 indicates 'ingress ip' (from public_ip_names     = ["ingress" , "vnet"])

          name                = "https"
          protocols           = ["TCP"]
          source_addresses    = ["*"] // ["X.X.X.X"]
          destination_ports   = ["443"]
          translated_port     = "443"
          translated_address  = ""
          destination_address = module.firewall.public_ip_address[0]

Example: firewall-with-isolated-rules

module "firewall-rules" {
  depends_on          = [module.firewall]
  source              = "git::"
  name                =
  environment         = local.environment
  policy_rule_enabled = true
  firewall_policy_id  = module.firewall.firewall_policy_id
  application_rule_collection = [
      name     = "example_app_policy"
      priority = 200
      action   = "Allow"
      rules = [
          name              = "app_test"
          source_addresses  = ["*"] // ["X.X.X.X"]
          destination_fqdns = ["*"] // ["X.X.X.X"]
          protocols = [
              port = "443"
              type = "Https"
              port = "80"
              type = "Http"
  network_rule_collection = [
      name     = "example_network_policy"
      priority = "100"
      action   = "Allow"
      rules = [
          name                  = "ssh"
          protocols             = ["TCP"]
          source_addresses      = ["*"] // ["X.X.X.X"]
          destination_addresses = ["*"] // ["X.X.X.X"]
          destination_ports     = ["22"]

      name     = "example_network_policy-2"
      priority = "101"
      action   = "Allow"
      rules = [
          name                  = "smtp"
          protocols             = ["TCP"]
          source_addresses      = ["*"] // ["X.X.X.X"]
          destination_addresses = ["*"] // ["X.X.X.X"]
          destination_ports     = ["587"]

  nat_rule_collection = [
      name     = "example_nat_policy-1"
      priority = "101"
      rules = [
          name                = "http"
          protocols           = ["TCP"]
          source_addresses    = ["*"] // ["X.X.X.X"]
          destination_ports   = ["80"]
          source_addresses    = ["*"]
          translated_port     = "80"
          translated_address  = ""                           #provide private ip address to translate
          destination_address = module.firewall.public_ip_address[1] //Public ip associated with firewall. Here index 1 indicates 'vnet ip' (from public_ip_names     = ["ingress" , "vnet"])

          name                = "https"
          protocols           = ["TCP"]
          destination_ports   = ["443"]
          source_addresses    = ["*"]
          translated_port     = "443"
          translated_address  = ""                           #provide private ip address to translate
          destination_address = module.firewall.public_ip_address[1] //Public ip associated with firewall

      name     = "example-nat-policy-2"
      priority = "100"
      rules = [
          name                = "http"
          protocols           = ["TCP"]
          source_addresses    = ["*"] // ["X.X.X.X"]
          destination_ports   = ["80"]
          translated_port     = "80"
          translated_address  = ""                           #provide private ip address to translate
          destination_address = module.firewall.public_ip_address[0] //Public ip associated with firewall.Here index 0 indicates 'ingress ip' (from public_ip_names     = ["ingress" , "vnet"])

          name                = "https"
          protocols           = ["TCP"]
          source_addresses    = ["*"] // ["X.X.X.X"]
          destination_ports   = ["443"]
          translated_port     = "443"
          translated_address  = ""                           #provide private ip address to translate
          destination_address = module.firewall.public_ip_address[0] //Public ip associated with firewall

Example: firewall-with-public-ip-prefix

module "firewall" {
  depends_on              = [module.name_specific_subnet]
  source                  = "git::"
  name                    =
  environment             = local.environment
  resource_group_name     = module.resource_group.resource_group_name
  location                = module.resource_group.resource_group_location
  subnet_id               = module.name_specific_subnet.specific_subnet_id
  public_ip_prefix_enable = true
  prefix_public_ip_names  = ["test-1", "test-2"]
  public_ip_prefix_length = 31
  enable_prefix_subnet    = true
  firewall_enable     = true
  policy_rule_enabled = true
  application_rule_collection = [
      name     = "example_app_policy"
      priority = 200
      action   = "Allow"
      rules = [
          name              = "app_test"
          source_addresses  = ["*"] // ["X.X.X.X"]
          destination_fqdns = ["*"] // ["X.X.X.X"]
          protocols = [
              port = "443"
              type = "Https"
              port = "80"
              type = "Http"

  network_rule_collection = [
      name     = "example_network_policy"
      priority = "100"
      action   = "Allow"
      rules = [
          name                  = "ssh"
          protocols             = ["TCP"]
          source_addresses      = ["*"] // ["X.X.X.X"]
          destination_addresses = ["*"] // ["X.X.X.X"]
          destination_ports     = ["22"]

      name     = "example_network_policy-2"
      priority = "101"
      action   = "Allow"
      rules = [
          name                  = "smtp"
          protocols             = ["TCP"]
          source_addresses      = ["*"] // ["X.X.X.X"]
          destination_addresses = ["*"] // ["X.X.X.X"]
          destination_ports     = ["587"]

  nat_rule_collection = [
      name     = "example_nat_policy-1"
      priority = "101"
      rules = [
          name                = "http"
          protocols           = ["TCP"]
          source_addresses    = ["*"] // ["X.X.X.X"]
          destination_ports   = ["80"]
          source_addresses    = ["*"]
          translated_port     = "80"
          translated_address  = ""                                  #provide private ip address to translate
          destination_address = module.firewall.prefix_public_ip_address[1] //Public ip associated with firewall. Here index 1 indicates 'vnet ip' (from public_ip_names     = ["ingress" , "vnet"])

          name                = "https"
          protocols           = ["TCP"]
          destination_ports   = ["443"]
          source_addresses    = ["*"]
          translated_port     = "443"
          translated_address  = ""                                  #provide private ip address to translate
          destination_address = module.firewall.prefix_public_ip_address[1] //Public ip associated with firewall


      name     = "example-nat-policy-2"
      priority = "100"
      rules = [
          name                = "http"
          protocols           = ["TCP"]
          source_addresses    = ["*"] // ["X.X.X.X"]
          destination_ports   = ["80"]
          translated_port     = "80"
          translated_address  = ""                                  #provide private ip address to translate
          destination_address = module.firewall.prefix_public_ip_address[0] //Public ip associated with firewall.Here index 0 indicates 'ingress ip' (from public_ip_names     = ["ingress" , "vnet"])

          name                = "https"
          protocols           = ["TCP"]
          source_addresses    = ["*"] // ["X.X.X.X"]
          destination_ports   = ["443"]
          translated_port     = "443"
          translated_address  = ""                                  #provide private ip address to translate
          destination_address = module.firewall.prefix_public_ip_address[0] //Public ip associated with firewall

This example demonstrates how to create various AZURE resources using the provided modules. Adjust the input values to suit your specific requirements.


For detailed examples on how to use this module, please refer to the examples directory within this repository.


This Terraform module is provided under the MIT License. Please see the LICENSE file for more details.


Your Name Replace MIT and OpsStation with the appropriate license and your information. Feel free to expand this README with additional details or usage instructions as needed for your specific use case.


Name Version
terraform >= 1.3.0
azurerm >=2.90.0


Name Version
azurerm >=2.90.0


Name Source Version
labels git:: v1.0.0


Name Type
azurerm_firewall.firewall resource
azurerm_firewall_policy.policy resource
azurerm_firewall_policy_rule_collection_group.app_policy_rule_collection_group resource
azurerm_firewall_policy_rule_collection_group.nat_policy_rule_collection_group resource
azurerm_firewall_policy_rule_collection_group.network_policy_rule_collection_group resource
azurerm_public_ip.prefix_public_ip resource
azurerm_public_ip.public_ip resource
azurerm_public_ip_prefix.pip-prefix resource
azurerm_user_assigned_identity.identity resource


Name Description Type Default Required
additional_public_ips List of additional public ips' ids to attach to the firewall.
name = string,
public_ip_address_id = string
[] no
app_policy_collection_group (optional) Name of app policy group string "DefaultApplicationRuleCollectionGroup" no
application_rule_collection One or more application_rule_collection blocks as defined below.. any {} no
dnat-destination_ip Variable to specify that you have destination ip to attach to policy or not.(Destination ip is public ip that is attached to firewall) bool true no
dns_servers DNS Servers to use with Azure Firewall. Using this also activate DNS Proxy. list(string) null no
enable_ip_subnet Should subnet id be attached to first public ip name specified in public ip names variable. To be true when there is no individual public ip. bool true no
enable_prefix_subnet Should subnet id be attached to first public ip name specified in public ip prefix name varible. To be true when there is no individual public ip. bool false no
enabled Set to false to prevent the module from creating any resources. bool true no
environment Environment (e.g. prod, dev, staging). string "" no
firewall_enable n/a bool false no
firewall_policy_id The ID of the Firewall Policy. string null no
firewall_private_ip_ranges A list of SNAT private CIDR IP ranges, or the special string IANAPrivateRanges, which indicates Azure Firewall does not SNAT when the destination IP address is a private range per IANA RFC 1918. list(string) null no
identity_type Specifies the type of Managed Service Identity that should be configured on this Storage Account. Possible values are SystemAssigned, UserAssigned, SystemAssigned, UserAssigned (to enable both). string "UserAssigned" no
label_order Label order, e.g. sequence of application name and environment name,environment,'attribute' [webserver,qa,devops,public,] . list(any)
location The location/region where the virtual network is created. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. string "" no
managedby ManagedBy, eg 'opsstation'. string "" no
name Name (e.g. app or cluster). string "" no
nat_policy_collection_group (optional) Name of nat policy group string "DefaultDnatRuleCollectionGroup" no
nat_rule_collection One or more nat_rule_collection blocks as defined below. any {} no
net_policy_collection_group (optional) Name of network policy group string "DefaultNetworkRuleCollectionGroup" no
network_rule_collection One or more network_rule_collection blocks as defined below. any {} no
policy_rule_enabled Flag used to control creation of policy rules. bool false no
prefix_public_ip_allocation_method n/a string "Static" no
prefix_public_ip_names Name of prefix public ips. list(string) [] no
prefix_public_ip_sku n/a string "Standard" no
public_ip_allocation_method Defines the allocation method for this IP address. Possible values are Static or Dynamic any "Static" no
public_ip_names n/a list(string) [] no
public_ip_prefix_enable Flag to control creation of public ip prefix resource. bool false no
public_ip_prefix_ip_version The IP Version to use, IPv6 or IPv4. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. Default is IPv4 string "IPv4" no
public_ip_prefix_length Specifies the number of bits of the prefix. The value can be set between 0 (4,294,967,296 addresses) and 31 (2 addresses). Defaults to 28(16 addresses). Changing this forces a new resource to be created. number 31 no
public_ip_prefix_sku SKU for public ip prefix. Default to standard. string "Standard" no
public_ip_sku The SKU of the Public IP. Accepted values are Basic and Standard. Defaults to Basic any "Standard" no
repository Terraform current module repo string "" no
resource_group_name A container that holds related resources for an Azure solution any "" no
sku_name (optional) describe your variable string "AZFW_VNet" no
sku_policy Specifies the firewall-policy sku string "Standard" no
sku_tier Specifies the firewall sku tier string "Standard" no
subnet_id Subnet ID string "" no
threat_intel_mode (Optional) The operation mode for threat intelligence-based filtering. Possible values are: Off, Alert, Deny. Defaults to Alert. string "Alert" no


Name Description
firewall_id Firewall generated id
firewall_name Firewall name
firewall_policy_id n/a
prefix_public_ip_address n/a
prefix_public_ip_id n/a
private_ip_address Firewall private IP
public_ip_address n/a
public_ip_id n/a
public_ip_prefix_id n/a


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