My portfolio website.
Clone the repo, and install dependencies:
The site uses Jekyll to build static templates, so the next step is to install it (see their website for further instructions):
gem install jekyll
In two terminal tabs, run the following commands:
yarn run watch
jekyll serve
View the site at http://localhost:4000/
The site uses PostCSS for post-processing and concatenation of CSS files.
The SuitCSS component naming conventions are followed.
To lint the CSS:
yarn run lint:css
The JS uses Webpack to keep files separated and to protect scope.
ESLint is used to keep JS consistent.
To lint the JS:
yarn run lint:js
The main heading font is Raleway
Webfont versions have been downloaded from fontpro
...apart from the WOFF and WOFF2 files that have been manually converted:
The main body font is EB Garamond
This has been downloaded from and converted with Font Squirrel
When adding a new portfolio project or lab, the following images need prepping:
- featured.jpg - ratio 5:1 - roughly 2000x400
- thumb-desktop.jpg - ratio 8:6 - roughly 1024x768
- thumb-mobile.jpg - ratio 4:6 - roughly 400x600
- desktop images
- mobile images
To check for outdated packages:
yarn outdated
To update packages:
yarn upgrade-interactive --latest
npx npm-check-updates -u