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results-list-block / 5.18.1-arc-themes-release-version-

results-list-block 5.18.1-arc-themes-release-version-

Install from the command line:
Learn more about npm packages
$ npm install @wpmedia/results-list-block@5.18.1-arc-themes-release-version-
Install via package.json:
"@wpmedia/results-list-block": "5.18.1-arc-themes-release-version-"

About this version


Displays a results list where each result card will have a description, headline, byline block and publish date.


Prop Required Type Description
listContentConfig no Content info to be displayed
showItemOverline no Boolean Do or do not display the item overline. Default value is true.
showHeadline no Boolean Do or do not display the headline text. Default value is true.
showImage no Boolean Do or do not display the image. Default value is true
showDescription no Boolean Do or do not display the description text. Default value is true.
showByline no Boolean Do or do not display the byline, showing the author of the content. Defaults to true, showing the byline
showDate no Boolean Do or do not display the date, showing the time and day of the content. Defaults to true, showing the date info
lazyLoad no Boolean Prevent block display until when nearly in-view for the user. Default is false. Set as true to activate it.

ANS Fields

  • content_elements[x].description.basic
  • content_elements[x].headlines.basic
  • content_elements[x].display_date
  • content_elements[x]
  • content_elements[x].promo_items
  • content_elements[x].websites

Internationalization fields

Phrase key Default (English)
results-list-block.see-more-button See More
results-list-block.and-text and
results-list-block.see-more-button-aria-label See more stories about this topic