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search / 2.2.1

search 2.2.1

Install from the command line:
Learn more about npm packages
$ npm install @limbo-works/search@2.2.1
Install via package.json:
"@limbo-works/search": "2.2.1"

About this version


Vue wrapper component for handling the searching actions on list/search pages. Handles both "simple lists" where the output of the search is an array with pagination, but also "grouped lists" where multiple paginations exist for multiple groups.


yarn add @limbo-works/search

Using the wrapper component

Install the component by extending the layer in nuxt.config.js.

export default defineNuxtConfig({
    extends: [

Then you can use the LimboSearch component anywhere within that solution:

<!-- As written in Vue -->
		endpointUrl: '/api/search/',
		fields: [/* some fields expected syntax: {name:'freetext', value: ''}, {name:'siteId', value: ''}*/ ],
	#default="{ data, pagination }"
	<pre>{{ data }}</pre>
	<pre>{{ pagination }}</pre>

<!-- As it may appear in the dom -->
<div class="c-limbo-search">
	<pre>[{ title: "test1" },...,{ title: "test12" }]</pre>
	<pre>{ limit: 12, offset: 0, total: 99 }</pre>

You can also use the useLimboSearch composable within a solution. This is a more flexible solution in many cases.

const limboSearch = await useLimboSearch({
	searchKey: route.path, /* or whatever key you want. This makes the search not interfere with other searches */
	searchFilters: {
		endpointUrl: '/api/search/',
		fields: [/* some fields expected syntax: {name:'freetext', value: ''}, {name:'siteId', value: ''}*/ ],
	config: {
		immediateSearch: { useUrlQuery: true, ssr: true },

useLimboSearch gives access to

props description
searchData contains results, pagination etc.
state A state object giving information about the current state of the LimboSearch component through the properties hasFetchedOnce, hasMoreItems, isAppend, isLoading and isInitiated. All of these are boolean values, except if doing a grouped search, then hasMoreItems is an object with keys for each group id (which will then have a boolean value).
  • hasFetchedOnce: Whether the LimboSearch component has executed at least one search.
  • hasMoreItems: Whether there is more items to be fetched.
  • isAppend: Whether the current search is an appending search ("Fetch more/all").
  • isLoading: Whether the current search is currently fetching.
  • isInitiated: Wheter the search component has been initiated. This property will be false until either the created-event has run, or (if immediate search is turned on) until right before the first request is made. This property may be used to only insert the search filters or other elements on the page after the search is ready, to make sure the set values are in sync.
query Object containing the parameters-property, which in turn contains the current search parameters in object form.
requestSearch performs a search without resetting pagination
fetchMore fetches more results
fetchAll fetches all available results
submit submits a search
setUrlQuery update the url
resetPagination resets pagination
getSerializedParams get serialized params
lastRequestedUrl get previous search url
latestResponse get previous search result

Props overview

Prop Description Default value Data type
tag The element tag to use for the wrapper. `null` will result in wrapper-less mode. 'div' String
searchFilters Required, an object containing the endpointUrl (String) and the filtering input fields fields (Array). n/a Object
extraParameters Extra parameters to add to the search, which does not already exist in the filters. This could be a site or context id. These will be set with a low priority, meaning they may be overwritten by search filters sharing or url parameters sharing the same name. {} Object
parameterOverwrites This is for when you want to overwrite a parameter value, whether it be an url set parameter, a search filter or some of the set extra parameters. {} Object
config The config object will be explained in the overview below. In short, it is an object to configure how the search behaves in various ways. See below Object

Config overview

The configuration object (config-prop) allows you to finely tune the behaviour of the search component.

Property Description Default value Data type
callMethod Can handle 'POST' and 'GET' GET String
enableLiveSearch Can be either an array of particular parameters that should trigger a live search or simply a true or false value. false Boolean|Array
immediateSearch Tells whether the LimboSearch component should trigger a search immediately on creation. The value may be either a boolean value or an object (which will be read as a truthy value), whereas the object can have a true useUrlQuery property to have the component read parameter values from the url query. ssr decides if results should be server side rendered on load. { useUrlQuery: true, ssr: true } Boolean|Object
clearRouterHashOnSearch If set to true or given an object, a new search will trigger a removal of the hash from the route. Per default the initial search does not trigger this, but this can be changed by passing an object with includeInitialSearch set to true. false Boolean|Object
limit The number of search results to fetch per search. If a numeric limit is set, it will be used for both values - grouped paginations* should be set with the corresponding ids (fx. limit: { 1: { initial: 18, value: 12 }, 2: { initial: 15, value: 6 } }). When an object is used, the initial-property dictates the limit of a new search, whereas the value-property dictates the limit of additive searches ("fetch more"). The initial-property is not required. { initial: 12, value: 12 } Number|Object
enableGroupedSearch* Make use of grouped pagination (l1, o1, l2, o2, (ie. l{id}, o{id}) etc.) instead of simply "limit" and "offset". false Boolean
groupParameter When needing to "fetch more / all" and grouped search is enabled*, we need a parameter to filter that. The group parameter will then be assigned the id of the group currently being further searched. 'groups' String
updateUrlQueryOnSearch This will update the url-query to reflect the search. true Boolean
updateVueRouteOnSearch This will make the Vue router reflect the search. It may cause trouble if, for example, the page key uses the query, so beware. false Boolean
clearSearchDataOnError If set to false, the search data from the previous search will persist if the new search was not succesful. true Boolean
allowSearchFiltersMutation If turned on, the LimboSearch component is allowed to mutate the passed in filters/fields in the search data to reflect the search. Else it will work from an internal copy. false Boolean
updateSearchFiltersOnBindingChange Whether a change in the bound search filter property should trigger an update of the internally used data. true Boolean
persistentParameters Parameters that should always be present in a search (empty or not). ['contextId'] Array
hiddenParameters Parameters that should not be shown in the url but still be part of the search if present. ['siteId', 'contextId', 'cultureId'] Array
defaultParameterValues If the current parameter value is the same as the default value set here, the parameter will be hidden from the url query. {} Object
searchResponseTransformerMethod You can insert a method here to transform the response data from the endpoint in cases where the responses are formatted differently than expected**. res => res Function
searchBodyTransformerMethod You can insert a method here to transform the searchBody data, ONLY used when callMethod is POST, can be used to send extra data to endpoint. Currently only used when calling external endpoint. data => data Function
dataMergerMethod If using grouped searching* or if the search result isn't simply an array/as expected**, you can insert a method here to handle the merging of data when doing a "fetch more/all" action. (newData, oldData) => {/* appends newData to oldData */} Function
dataOutputTransformerMethod Method to change the search data output without changing the internal data or values. (data) => data Function
searchDelay A delay in milliseconds between changing filters and the actual search being executed. Required if using live-search. 0 Number

* Grouped searches

One important feature of this search component is the ability to do grouped searches, ie. multiple separate searches with individual paginations. This is handled by having an id assigned to each group, which will then be combined with paginations (l1, o1, l2, o2, etc.) and used to sort out the search data. When "fetching more", to tell the endpoint which group to fetch more of, the groupParameter is sent as part of the request.

** Expected response from the endpoint

The response from the endpoint is expected to look somewhat like this:

    data: [
        /* array of items */
    pagination: {
        limit: 12,
        offset: 0,
        total: 99,

Ie. .data is expected to be an array of items and .pagination is expected to contain the currently set limit, offset as well as the total - the total amount of existing results for the search. These values are required for the searching to work internally in the component. Of course status code etc. should be naturally part of the response as well.

If the response data is different, the searchResponseTransformerMethod should be used to make sure .data and .pagination is there. If the data is formatted differently, but you for some reason or another want to keep it that way, you should use the dataMergerMethod to manually handle the merging when doing "fetch more/all".

The response may also contain the properties .facets, .meta and/or .misc, which will be relayed to the slot-props and event data as well. This allows extra data to be sent from the API, but are not used by the LimboSearch component itself in any capacity.

Grouped searches

When doing grouped searches, the response data is expected to look a little different, as we need to handle the groups:

    groups: [
        // Instead of .data and .pagination, an array of groups are expected
            id: 9, // Each group needs an id
            items: [
                /* array of items in the group */
            limit: 12,
            offset: 0,
            total: 99,

Ie. the grouped search adds an extra layer to it all and moves the pagination to the root of each individual group, but other than that the logic stays the same. Especially the pagination is important to get right, as this is handled entirely internally - the items/data you can always just handle with the dataMergerMethod.

Events overview

Event Description
@init An event triggering only once whenever the component is initiated. If immediate search is enabled, this will be right before the first search request is made, else it will be emitted from the component's created event. The only event data attached to the event, is the value true. This event may be used to only insert the search filters on the page after the search is ready, to make sure the set values are in sync.
@update Whenever a search update happens (a new or appended search is started or the results have come in), this event will trigger with an object of properties attached as the event data. These properties will be layed out below.
@error If a request results in an error, this event will trigger with the error object attached as the event data.

The update event is the most important event here, mirroring the same data you will have accessible through the slot props. Following are the properties you will receive through the event:

Property Description
state A state object giving information about the current state of the LimboSearch component through the properties hasFetchedOnce, hasMoreItems, isAppend, isLoading and isInitiated. All of these are boolean values, except if doing a grouped search, then hasMoreItems is an object with keys for each group id (which will then have a boolean value).
  • hasFetchedOnce: Whether the LimboSearch component has executed at least one search.
  • hasMoreItems: Whether there is more items to be fetched.
  • isAppend: Whether the current search is an appending search ("Fetch more/all").
  • isLoading: Whether the current search is currently fetching.
  • isInitiated: Wheter the search component has been initiated. This property will be false until either the created-event has run, or (if immediate search is turned on) until right before the first request is made. This property may be used to only insert the search filters or other elements on the page after the search is ready, to make sure the set values are in sync.
query Object containing the parameters-property, which in turn contains the current search parameters in object form.
data The .data fetched from the endpoint (after potentially being transformed by the searchResponseTransformerMethod or merged with previous data through the dataMergerMethod). Typically an array.
facets The .facets fetched from the endpoint (if any, and after potential transformations).
meta The .meta fetched from the endpoint (if any, and after potential transformations).
misc The .misc fetched from the endpoint (if any, and after potential transformations).
action An object of available functions to execute.

  • submit(): A method to submit a new search as-is.
  • fetchMore([id],[amount]): A method to fetch more results of the current search. If an amount isn't specified, the configured amount will be used. If doing grouped searches, the group id of the group to fetch more from should be supplied as the first argument.
  • fetchAll([id]): A method to fetch all the remaining results of the current search. If doing grouped searches, the group id of the group to fetch all from should be supplied.
error If the last request ended with an error, the error object will exist on this property.

Exposed slot props

The exposed slot props on the default slot will be the same data as sent out by the update-event. Refer to the same table above.

General notes

  • Currently, when using allowSearchFiltersMutation, only single values are accepted. This means that array-parameters (ie. for checkbox lists) will not be correctly set or mutated. Only use when such filters/inputs aren't needed.
  • facets, meta and misc exist in the component, as they were part of the legacy SkyList solution, and they may be a good place for extra data relevant to the search.

Notes on possible improvement

  • Make allowSearchFiltersMutation handle multi-value inputs and parameters as well.
  • Insert a small cache of the most recent search, to allow for easy back-button'ing without doing a re-search.
  • Allow for deep-linking alá "when the search is done, go to this result".
  • Make a server-side search so that the results are already there when the page loads.
  • Improve handling of extra data from the search.
  • Important: Re-align with [forms]( setup in terms of filter mutation and query transformation.
  • Possibly move these items to be issues.



  • search-2.2.1.tgz

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