struct bit fields + un(packing), similar-ish to C bit fields (with Go idioms)
type s1 struct {
X bool `len:"1"`
Y uint `len:"8"` // bits length
_ struct{} `len:"0"` // fill to nearest byte
Z []s2
type s2 struct {
X []byte `len:"8"` // bytes length
Y []byte `upack:"customUnpack" pack:"customPack"`
Z []byte `len:"0"` // fill all the bytes left
dst := s1{}
bitfield.Unpack(&dst, []byte{})
bitfield.Unpack(&dst, src) is equivalence of bitfield.BigEndian.Unpack(&dst, src)
For little endianness, use:
bitfield.LittleEndian.Unpack(&dst, src)