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A compendium of notes and links in order to reduce the time it takes to get an environment up and running to evaluate a continually evolving collection of open-source and commercial tooling around the Tanzu ecosystem.


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A compendium of notes and links in order to reduce the time it takes to get an environment up-and-running to evaluate a continually evolving collection of open-source and commercial tooling within the Tanzu portfolio.

Intent here is to document alternative, curated combinations of tools and products that I've had some experience with, and allow you to choose your own adventure through (a hopefully more expedient evaluation) installation and usage of them.

Table of Contents


The following IaaS providers have been (or will soon be) tread. Documentation will be organized (and updated) accordingly.

  • AWS
  • Azure
  • GCP
  • VMWare


The minimum complement of

CLIs and SDKs
aws git kubectl
az helm leftovers
bosh httpie pivnet
cf java pks
docker jq python
gcloud k14s terraform
ksm yq

Here's a script that will install the above on an Ubuntu Linux VM

Tanzu Portfolio

The following collection of open-source and commercial products are (or will soon be) reviewed and evaluated here

  • TKG (Tanzu Kubernetes Grid)
  • TKGi (formerly PKS)
  • Harbor
  • Velero
  • cf-for-k8s
  • TAS for K8s (Tanzu Application Service for Kubernetes)
  • kpack
  • TBS (Tanzu Build Service)
  • minibroker
  • gcp-service-broker
  • KSM (Container Services Manager)
  • TAC (Tanzu Application Catalog)
  • TO (Tanzu Observability, formerly Wavefront)
  • TMC (Tanzu Mission Control)




TKGi and Harbor

Go visit Niall Thomson's excellent paasify-pks project.

on AWS


on Azure


on GCP

Be sure to peruse and follow the

  • Pre install instructions if you're looking to spin up a jumpbox VM and
  • Post install instructions when you want to complete creating and configuring a Kubernetes cluster with a load balancer using the pks CLI
    • Be sure to follow the Update Plans for PKS section below before attempting to complete step 3. You'll want to create a cluster that's sized to accommodate subsequent cf-for-k8s and kpack installations

Revisit the prerequisites section above so you can successfully complete this phase of evaluation

Make a note of the credentials for

  • Operations Manager
    • Use terraform output inside the paasify-pks directory
  • Harbor
    • Login to Operations Manager, visit the Harbor tile configuration, click on the Credentials tab, click on the Admin Password link
And don't forget to restart your jumpbox... you'll need to restart your compute instance in order for Docker to work appropriately.
sudo shutdown -r

Activate additional plans for TKGi

  • Login to Operations Manager
  • Visit the Enterprise PKS tile and select Plan 2 from the left-hand pane
  • Click on Active radio button underneath Plan heading in the right-hand pane
  • Set the drop-box option underneath the Worker VM Type heading to be large.disk (cpu: 2, ram: 8 GB, disk: 64GB)
  • Make sure the last 3 of 4 checkboxes of the Plan 2 configuration have been checked, then click the Save button
  • Click on the Installation Dashboard link at top of page
  • Click on Review Pending Changes
  • Un-check the checkbox next to the product titled VMWare Harbor Registry, then click on the the Apply Changes button



An open-source project that's meant to deliver the cf push experience for developers who are deploying applications on Kubernetes. It's early days yet, so don't expect to show off a robust set of features.

What we can do today is demonstrate

  • deploying a pre-built Docker image that originates from a secure, private Docker registry (e.g., Harbor) or
  • starting with source code, leveraging a cloud native buildpack to build and package it into an OCI image, and then deploying.

Option 1:

If you haven't yet installed PKS or TKG with Harbor on your IaaS of choice, you might consider a fast-track route for demo/evaluation purposes. Employ Niall Thomson's Tanzu Playground to quickly launch cf-for-k8s on GKE. You may ignore the configure, integrate Harbor, and rollout steps as these are handled.

Generate a kubeconfig entry
gcloud container clusters get-credentials {cluster-name} --zone {availability-zone}

Option 2:

git clone
cd cf-for-k8s

(TAS) Tanzu Application Service for Kubernetes

The commercial distribution based on cf-for-k8s. It must be sourced from the Pivotal Network.

mkdir tas-for-k8s
pivnet download-product-files --product-slug='tas-for-kubernetes' --release-version='0.1.0-build.252' --product-file-id=660279
tar xvf tanzu-application-service.0.1.0-build.252.tar -C tas-for-k8s
cd tas-for-k8s

Update --release-version and --product-file-id when later releases become available


If cf-for-k8s

./hack/ -d {cf-domain} > /tmp/cf-values.yml


./config/cf-for-k8s/hack/ -d {cf-domain} > /tmp/cf-values.yml

Replace {cf-domain} with cf. as the prefix to your PKS sub-domain (e.g., if your sub-domain was, then {cf-domain} would be

Integrate Harbor

If cf-for-k8s

Use vi or some other editor to append the following lines to /tmp/cf-values.yml. We're also enabling Cloud Native Buildpack support by doing this.

  hostname: harbor.{sub-domain}
  repository: library
  username: admin
  password: {harbor-password}


export YTT_TAS_registry__server="harbor.{sub-domain}"
export YTT_TAS_registry__username=admin
export YTT_TAS_registry__password="{harbor-password}"

Replace {sub-domain} with your PKS sub-domain. Replace {harbor-password} by logging into Operations Manager, clicking on the VMWare Harbor Registry tile, clicking on the Credentials tab, then clicking on Link to Credential next to the Admin Password label.


Install cf-for-k8s
./bin/ /tmp/cf-values.yml
Install TAS
./bin/ /tmp/cf-values.yml
(Optional) Add overlays
Determine IP Address of Istio Ingress Gateway
kubectl get svc -n istio-system istio-ingressgateway -o jsonpath='{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[*].ip}'
Set DNS entry
# Sample A record in cloud provider DNS. The IP address below is the address of Ingress gateway's external IP
Domain         Record Type  TTL  IP Address
*.{cf-domain}  A            30


kubectl get pods -n cf-system
kapp delete -a cf


Use cf CLI to setup environment

Target the cf-for-k8s API endpoint and authenticate

cf api --skip-ssl-validation https://{cf-api-endpoint}
cf auth {username} {password}

If you forgot any of the placeholder values above, just cat /tmp/cf-values.yml. Values for {cf-api-endpoint} and {password} should respectively equate to app_domain and cf_admin_password values.

Enable Docker

cf enable-feature-flag diego_docker

Create a new organization and space

cf create-org {organization-name}
cf t -o {organization-name}
cf create-space {space-name}
cf t -s {space-name}

Replace placeholder values above with your own choices

Build and deploy sample application

We're going to clone the source of a Spring Boot 2.3.0.M3 application which when built with Gradle, will automatically assemble a Docker image employing a cloud-native buildpack.


git clone

Assemble image

cd primes
git checkout solution
./gradlew build -b build.boot-image.gradle
If you see an exception like this you will want to restart your jumpbox.
> Task :bootBuildImage FAILED
Building image ''
 > Pulling builder image '' ..................................................
FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':bootBuildImage'.
> Docker API call to 'docker://localhost/v1.24/images/create?' failed with status code 500 "com.sun.jna.LastErrorException: [13] Permission denied"
* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.
* Get more help at

Push image to Harbor

We will need to login to our registry, tag the image, then push it

docker login -u admin https://{harbor-hostname}
docker tag primes:1.0-SNAPSHOT {harbor-hostname}/library/primes:1.0-SNAPSHOT
docker push {harbor-hostname}/library/primes:1.0-SNAPSHOT

Fetch {harbor-hostname} bv visiting your Operations Manager instance, logging in, selecting the VMWare Harbor Registry tile, clicking on the General link in the left-hand pane and copying the value from the field titled Hostname.

Deploy image

Push it... real good

cf push primes -o {harbor-hostname}/library/primes:1.0-SNAPSHOT

Calculate some primes

http http://{app-url}/primes/1/10000

Replace {app-url} above with the route to your freshly deployed application instance

Get environment variables
cf env primes
Show most recent logs
cf logs primes --recent
Tail the logs
cf tail primes
Scale up
cf scale primes -i 2
Inspect events
cf events primes
Show app health and status
cf app primes

Build and deploy from source

Why did we go through all that? What if all we really needed to do was bring our source code to the party; let the platform take care of building, packaging, deploying an up-to-date, secure image to our registry, then push that image out to an environment?

Let's see how we do that. It's as simple as...

cf push primes

Deploy stratos

Stratos is a UI administrative console for managing Cloud Foundry

Add Helm repository
helm repo add stratos
Create new namespace
kubectl create namespace stratos
helm install console stratos/console --namespace=stratos --set console.service.type=LoadBalancer
Get Ingress
kubectl describe service console-ui-ext -n stratos | grep Ingress
helm repo update
helm upgrade console stratos/console --namespace=stratos --recreate-pods
helm uninstall console --namespace=stratos
kubectl delete namespace stratos

Brokered Services

No self-respecting enterprise application functions alone. It's typically integrated with an array of other services (e.g., credentials/secrets management, databases, and messaging queues, to name but a few). How do we curate, launch and integrate services (from a catalog/marketplace) with applications?


Minibroker is an implementation of the Open Service Broker API suited for local development and testing. Rather than provisioning services from a cloud provider, Minibroker provisions services in containers on the cluster. Minibroker uses Kubernetes Helm Charts as its source of provisionable services.

Dan Baskette shared a short video demo and Github repository where he shares the steps for installing and subsequently integrating minibroker with the TAS marketplace.


Google Cloud Service Broker adheres to Open Service Broker API v2.13 and may be installed either via a Helm Chart or with a cf push and subsequently integrated with the TAS marketplace.

If you're considering the latter approach...

git clone
cd gcp-service-broker

Consult and follow the Installing as a Cloud Foundry Application instructions. Pause your progress through these instructions once you've completed the section entitled Set required environment variables.

Create and save a new file named buildpack.yml with contents as follows


Update your manifest.yml to contain

- name: gcp-service-broker
  memory: 1G
    GOVERSION: go1.14
        "type": "service_account",
        "project_id": "REPLACE_ME",
        "private_key_id": "REPLACE_ME",
        "private_key": "-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----\nREPLACE_ME\n-----END PRIVATE KEY-----\n",
        "client_email": "REPLACE_ME",
        "client_id": "REPLACE_ME",
        "auth_uri": "",
        "token_uri": "",
        "auth_provider_x509_cert_url": "",
        "client_x509_cert_url": "REPLACE_ME"

Note that buildpack has been explicitly removed because we're employing Cloud Native Buildpacks rather than the go-buildpack. Also note the required environment variable values that need to be replaced above.

Deploy the app and create a service broker instance

cf push gcp-service-broker-backend
cf create-service-broker gcp-service-broker {username} {password} {service broker url}

Replace occurrences of {username} and {password} above with the values you respectively assigned to SECURITY_USER_NAME, SECURITY_USER_PASSWORD in your manifest.yml.

The occurrence of {service broker url} above should be replaced with the application route for gcp-service-broker-backend.

The aforementioned route should begin with http:// until this issue is addressed.

List the available (to be enabled) service offerings

cf service-access

Enable a complement of services in the TAS marketplace

cf enable-service-access google-spanner
cf enable-service-access google-cloudsql-postgres
cf enable-service-access google-pubsub
cf enable-service-access google-storage

Verify the services appear in the marketplace

cf marketplace

Push a sample application

Have a look at spring-books

(KSM) Container Services Manager

At a minimum a complement of Couchbase, Elasticsearch, Kafka, Mongo, MySQL, Neo4J, Postgres, and Vault offerings would be compelling to curate and deliver to enterprise developers.


(TAC) Tanzu Application Catalog



Now that we've worked out how to build and deploy a Spring Boot application. What about everything else that could be containerized? And how do we offload the work of building images (and keeping them up-to-date) from our jumpbox to some sort of automated CI engine? Let's take a look at what kpack and kpack-viz can do for us.

Seems pretty straight-forward to follow these instructions. You'll want to download the latest release first.

// TODO Add more explicit post-installation instructions

Update images

// TODO Demonstrate a use-case where-in a sub-category of images are updated

(TBS) Tanzu Build Service




What about your backup and recovery needs?


(TO) Tanzu Observability

Great we've deployed workloads to Kubernetes. How are we able to troubleshoot issues in production? At a minimum we'd like to surface health and performance metrics.


(TMC) Tanzu Mission Control

All clusters are not created equally. Most enterprises struggle to apply consistent policies (security and compliance come to mind) across multiple runtime environments operating on-premise and/or in multiple public clouds.






A compendium of notes and links in order to reduce the time it takes to get an environment up and running to evaluate a continually evolving collection of open-source and commercial tooling around the Tanzu ecosystem.








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