This is my vim setup to be able of clone my vim setup on any machine. Just clone this repo under your .vim folder and run
If you already have a .vim folder and a .vimrc file backup them first. The installer will remove them.
mkdir ~/.vim
cd ~/.vim
git clone .
It includes the follow bundles:
- AutoClose
- haproxy
- nerdtree
- supertab
- tComment
- vibrantink
- vim-endwise
- vim-haml
- vim-puppet
- vim-repeat
- vim-snippets
- vim-textobj-user
- conque
- powerline
- syntastic
- tlib_vim
- vim-addon-mw-utils
- vim-fugitive
- vim-lawrencium
- vim-ragtag
- vim-ruby
- vim-surround
- vundle
- Gist.vim
- nagios-syntax
- Specky
- tabular
- vagrant.vim
- vim-cucumber
- vim-git
- vim-markdown
- vim-rails
- vim-snipmate
- vim-textobj-rubyblock
- YankRing.vim