Installs location content handler to produce specific output.
- #1 produces the predefined output "Hello, world!"
- #2 allows setting text and HTTP status code
- #3 supports variables in output text
Installs an ACCESS phase handler and checks if user is allowed to access the resource.
- #1 makes sure the User-Agent header contains the specified string
- #2 verifies user-provided hash md5(uri, secret).
Installs header filter handler and allows to add output headers.
- #1 one header is supported
- #2 multiple headers are supported
- #3 variables are supported in header values
Installs header and body filter handlers and allows appending text to the output.
- #1 a string is appended
- #2 md5 hash of the entire body is appended
- #3 subrequest text is appended
Creates a variable with the md5 of the provided complex value.
For more information on module development, see the NGINX development guide:
Learning NGINX modules is a lot easier in VS Code, use instructions below to setup your Linux C/C++ development environment.
Download NGINX into nginx directory
git clone
hg clone
Install dependencies
Install NGINX build dependencies or use your package manager:
sudo dnf install -y pcre-devel zlib-devel openssl-devel
Install C/C++ IntelliSense extension in VS Code GUI or run from terminal:
code --install-extension ms-vscode.cpptools
Install GDB:
sudo dnf install -y gdb
Open access_1/ngx_http_ua_access_module.c in VS Code
Run initial NGINX build (one time)
Navigate to "Terminal > Run Task" and choose
nginx: initial configure and build active module
Open access_1/ngx_http_ua_access_module.c to compile access_1 module
Run default build task using: "Ctrl + Shift + B" or choose
Terminal > Run Build Task...
This task from .vscode/tasks.json builds NGINX with module that is currently active in editor and stops NGINX.
Run and/or debug
Press "F5" to start nginx under GDB. GDB launch configration is defined in .vscode/launch.json
Set a breakpoint in module's handler (ie access_1/ngx_http_ua_access_module.c:76) and make a request:
curl localhost:8000
- See VS Code debugging documentation for more details
Press "Shift F5" to stop debugging session.