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edoroshenko edited this page Mar 14, 2014 · 6 revisions

How to debug



npm install node-inspector

#  Run descript with cpus set to 2.
#  This will start only one worker process.
descript --cpus 2 -p 2000
>> master 15970
>> forked 16101

#  Connect debugger:
kill -USR1 16101
>> Hit SIGUSR1 - starting debugger agent.
>> debugger listening on port 5858

#  Start node-inspector:
node_modules/.bin/node-inspector &
>> visit to start debugging

#  Go to this url using some webkit based browser:
#  http://your-server:8080/debug?port=5858
#  You will see standart web-inspector debugger.

How to generate URL to handler with params from config?

Use {config.<name>}:


How to proxy params to http block?

Use ? at the end of the url (or & if some parameters are predefined). All params from current URL will be passed to http block request.


Parameters are passed without index suffixes:

will be

How to make a redirect from *.jsx handler?

Use context.response object:

    data: http('http://{}/action?', {
        after: function(context, result) {
            context.state.redirect_url = '...'; // generate redirect URL here.
    }) +1, // Ensure this block to be executed before redirect.

    more: function(context) {
        context.response.setRedirect(context.state.redirect_url); // Redirect now.

??? we cannot redirect from the after handler, only from func block.

How to run tests?

There is no special autotesting environment in descript yet. There is a number of pages, that can be run the following way:

  1. Create a page .jsx file in folder tests/pages
  2. Start the descript server by calling ./descript -c test/config.js in the project root
  3. Call a page by requesting{page file name} via browser or curl utility, and check the result visually.