The cleanest way to fill your database
Require and add a document. The first argument is the name of the document, the other is and object with the specification of the type, the parameter for the type function and the helper function
var dust = require("../lib/dust").dust;
"posts", {
title : { type: "words", helper:"flatten" },
name : ["name"],
email : "email",
post : ["paragraphs", 5, 'flatten']
You can add types, the scope of the function is the helper object, so you can call any helper function from inside
dust.use("id", function(mask){
return this.numerify(mask || "#####")
You can also add helpers
dust.helper("capitalize", function(string){
return string.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + string.substring(1);
Same scope rule
dust.helper("flatten", function(words){
return this.capitalize(words.join(" "));
Thats how you add 3 documents
You can default any attribute
dust.posts.add(1, {name: 'Rob'});
Thats the result
[ { title: 'In consequatur aut'
, name: 'Rob'
, email: '[email protected]'
, post: 'Ut consequatur aut perferendis sit voluptatem accusantium dolorem. Itaque consequatur aut perferendis. Fugit consequatur aut perferendis. Consequatur consequatur aut perferendis. Voluptatum consequatur aut perferendis sit. Tempora consequatur aut perferendis sit. Perferendis consequatur aut alias sit voluptatem. Nobis consequatur aut perferendis sit voluptatem accusantium. Voluptatem consequatur aut perferendis. Et consequatur aut perferendis.'
Same goes to remove, the first removes any 3 documents, the second, 1 document named Rob and the third removes all documents with name John
dust.posts.remove(1, {name: 'Rob'});
dust.posts.remove(1, {name: 'John'});
Finding documents
dust.posts.find() //all documents
dust.posts.find({name: 'Rob'}) //only docs named Rob
It stores in an array, but its easy to change that
var FileAdapter = new Class({
constructor: function(name, path){},
push: function(el, callback){},
remove: function(number, o, callback){}
find: function(o, callback){ }
You can also set the path of the db, if any
this.setting("dbpath", "./store");