Created by Paulo Albuquerque
Email: [email protected]
This is a simple Weblogic password decryptor.
Useful if you forgot a password for the admin user, any of the datasources passwords or other domain passwords.
- Compile the class (weblogic.jar or wlfullclient.jar required in the classpath for compilation)
- Copy the script decrypt.(sh/cmd) to the same location as the java .class file
- Run the command: DOMAIN_HOME WLS_HOME
- DOMAIN_HOME is the full path to the domain which you want to decrypt its passwords.
- WLS_HOME is the full path to the Weblogic Binaries for the domain which you want to decrypt its passwords.
example: /u02/oracle/domains/base_domain /u01/oracle/Middleware/wlserver_10.3
The Java program will scan the domain and try to decrypt the passwords from config.xml, (if present) and all datasource xml under /config/jdbc/.