Pydantic models generated from the Kubernetes API, for the pykube k8s client.
The official Python client for Kubernetes is based on the OpenAPI Client Generator. I find the auto-generated client to be quite un-ergonomic to work with, and it doesn't include any of the modern Python type-hinting features that make for easy to use IDE integrations.
Pykube provides a simple Python client with some nice Django-like utilities, which make it quite nice to work with for
simple workflows. However it doesn't have any knowledge of the Kubernetes OpenAPI spec, just a few basic classes that
are hand-coded like Deployment. These hand-coded classes take an obj
dictionary and so there's also no type
Pydantic provides nice type-hint-enabled data models which can be generated from OpenAPI specs. It should be possible to generate a set of Pydantic models once per k8s version, and use these to render the spec dict that Pykube expects.
- Figure out Pydantic constructor type hinting
- Should be able to do this in mypy like:
- Couldn't get this set up immediately
- Can also get this done with PyCharm plugin:
- Should be able to do this in mypy like:
- Full mypy testing?
- Figure out / report datamodel-code-generator bug: no packages for some generated modules, just the leaf modules.
- Set up a pypi package?
- Define dependencies (poetry? setup.cfg?)
- datamodel-code-generator
- pytest
- mypy
- Test strategy?
- GH Actions?
- Revisit pytest - had to add to src/models to get pytest to find the src/ modules.
- Investigate baking in the apiVersion/kind to the base models; shouldn't need to re-specify.
- Maybe could use a different base class? In datamodel-code-generator: --base-class BASE_CLASS Base Class (default: pydantic.BaseModel)
- Strategy for versioning? Probably want to support different k8s API versions.