This Mono Repo contains three applications to demostrate examples of using PayPal Web SDK in your Native Mobile Applications.
- A Web Application which should be hosted on your Web Server. This web application contains server side application written in Node.js and the client side HTML code.
- A Sample Android Application using Java to show an example of using the above Web Application in your Android Application.
- A Sample iOS Application using SwiftUI to show an example of using the above Web Application in your iOS Application.
Important: PayPal does not recommend using Webview to integrate PayPal Checkout with Native Mobile App. To deliver the best experience use PayPal Android SDK and PayPal iOS SDK. You can also use Braintree iOS and Braintree Android SDK.
You may use this guide as a reference to integrate a web Javascript SDK to launch a checkout experience in your mobile application if you cannot use Native SDKs.
- You have a mobile application which is installed on buyer's mobile device.
- You can host a web based checkout application to render different Payment Options like PayPal Standard Checkout or Card Processing using a Web Technology.
- Your mobile application has a capability to launch SFSafariViewController or Android Custom Tabs.
- Your mobile application must have a configured universal link or deep link to properly return users from your web checkout application to your mobile application. Please refer to Android App Links and iOS Universal links
Before diving into integration, lets understand the payment flow
- User Action: The user initiates a checkout (e.g., by tapping a "Pay" button on your mobile application).
- Mobile-to-Web Application Handoff: You redirect the buyer to your web application to complete checkout.
- Payment Options: Your web application renders supported payment options like PayPal, Venmo, etc.
- User Action: Buyer selects one of the payment options, like PayPal, from your web-based checkout application and approves the payment on
- Confirmation: PayPal returns a success response to your web checkout experience.
- Hand off to App: Your web application redirects the buyer back to success screen of your mobile application.
actor buyer as Buyer
participant app as NativeApp
participant iab as In App Browser
participant server as Your Server Side
participant paypal as PayPal
box rgb(255, 229, 127) Your App on Buyer's Mobile Device
participant app
participant iab
buyer ->> app: Add Items to Cart
app ->> server: Store Cart Iformation
server -->> app: Cryptographically Secure ID<br/>e.g. session ID
buyer ->> app: Taps Checkout
app ->> iab: Open your Web Application using the the ID
iab ->> server: fetch cart information, amount,<br/>supported payment methods, e.g. PayPal
server -->> iab: Item Details,<br/>payment methods,<br/>e.g. Paypal, Venmo
iab ->> paypal: Load Web SDK
paypal --> iab: Web SDK Script
iab ->> iab: Render Paypal Buttons
Note over iab: Subscribe to createOrder and onApprove<br/>Callback of PayPal Web SDK
buyer ->> iab: Click PayPal Button
iab ->>+ iab: createOrder callback
iab ->> server : Create Order
server ->> paypal: Create Order<br/>POST /v2/checkout/orders
paypal -->> server : Order ID
server ->> server: Update buyer session with Order ID
server -->> iab: Order ID
iab ->>+ iab : Return Order ID in createOrder callback
iab ->> iab: PayPal SDK launches PayPal Checkout
buyer ->> iab : Buyer approved Logins on and approves Payment
iab ->> iab : onApprove callback in invoked.
iab ->> server: Validate status of OrderID
server ->> paypal: Fetch Order details using Order ID<br/>GET /v2/checkout/orders/:orderID
Note over server: You can also capture or authorize the Order at this point<br/>if you are using Pay Now flow and<br/>there are no addtional actions required by buyer.
paypal -->> server : Order Details.
server ->> server: validate Order status is APPROVED
server ->> server: Update the buyer session detals<br/>with payment status as approved
server -->> iab : OrderID is approved.
iab ->> iab : Success Screen is rended with Continue back to App Button
buyer ->> iab: Taps Continue back to App button.
iab ->> app: Redirect the Buyer back to Native App using Universal Links / Deep Links.
app ->> server: Validate the payment status of buyer session id
server -->> app: Buyer session has payment status as approved.
app ->> app : Render Success Screen to the Buyer.
Create a web-based checkout application which should serve PayPal's Web SDK. Your web application must have an entry point (url endpoint) which your mobile application will redirect buyers to.
If your mobile application provides a capability to add different items to a shopping cart and checkout, then you should store the cart information on your server and generate a cryptographically secure reference identifier of this shoppint cart.
You should then pass the reference identifier from your mobile application to your web application's URL, when launching it in SFSafariViewController or Android Custom Tabs.
Important: Do not pass cart details in URL query parameters. Use secure REST/GraphQL API calls to store your cart information in your server-side store from your mobile app and only pass a cryptographically secure identifier like a session id or shopping cart id from mobile application to web application.
Your web application should render the supported payment methods, like PayPal, Venmo, Debit or Credit Card on the web application's entry page, using PayPal's Web SDK. Once the buyer clicks one of available payment method, e.g. PayPal, approves the payment, you should present a success message on your web application along with a return to mobile app button.
Important: Attempting a redirection back to your mobile application without any interaction by the user may be declined by Chrome / Safari due to transient activation. You should present a confirmation button to the buyer and redirect in the onclick handler or use a HTML Anchor element to redirect the buyer to mobile application.
From the success page of your web application you should also notify your backend server that the buyer has approved the payment. This is crucial to avoid losing the status of the order if the buyer taps on the close button of SFSafariViewController or Android Custom Tabs after approving the payment.
Your mobile application should determine if the buyer has approved the session by doing a lookup on the reference identifier once the buyer is redirected back to your mobile application.
You should use SFSafariViewController or Android Custom Tabs to launch In App Checkout Experience.
Follow the documentation provided by Android and iOS to handle any contingencies arising during launching of Safari View Controller or Custom Tabs