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Ant Design Mobile for Flutter


Flutter implementation of Ant Design Mobile


Add antd_mobile as a dependency to your pubspec.yaml.


import 'package:antd_mobile/antd_mobile.dart';

class MyWidget extends StatelessWidget {
  const MyWidget({super.key});

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    // Widgets are prefixed with `Ant`, for example:
    return AntButton(
      child: const Text('Button'),
      onClick: () {
        // do something


Ant Design Mobile has a rich set of components, only a small part of which has been implemented so far. There is still a lot of work to be done, and contributions are very welcome!


  • Common
    • Button
    • Icon
  • Layout
    • AutoCenter
    • Divider
    • Grid
    • SafeArea
    • Space
  • Navigation
    • CapsuleTabs
    • IndexBar
    • JumboTabs
    • NavBar
    • SideBar
    • TabBar
    • Tabs
  • Data Display
    • Avatar
    • Card
    • Collapse
    • Ellipsis
    • FloatingPanel
    • Image
    • ImageViewer
    • InfiniteScroll
    • List
    • PageIndicator
    • Steps
    • Swiper
    • Tag
    • WaterMark
    • Footer
  • Data Entry
    • Cascader
    • CascaderView
    • CheckList
    • Checkbox
    • Form
    • Input
    • Picker
    • PickerView
    • Radio
    • Rate
    • SearchBar
    • Selector
    • Slider
    • Stepper
    • Switch
    • TextArea
  • Feedback
    • ActionSheet
    • Dialog
    • Empty
    • ErrorBlock
    • Loading
    • Mask
    • Modal
    • Popover
    • Popup
    • ProgressBar
    • ProgressCircle
    • PullToRefresh
    • Result
    • Skeleton
    • SwipeAction
    • Toast
  • Guidance
    • Badge
    • NoticeBar
