ASR Errors Simulator
pip install opus-fast-mosestokenizer pathos tqdm Bio numpy
Use for rewriting rules:
$ python3 -h
usage: [-h] [--punct PUNCT] [--casing CASING] [--cap-start] [--full-stop] [--tag-gaps] [--lang LANG] [--seed [SEED]] rules goal_wer data output
positional arguments:
goal_wer Goal WER, a float between 0.0 and 1.0.
data Input file. If -, use stdin.
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--punct PUNCT Punctuation option: keep random no. Keep: the punctuation is kept from the input sentence. Random: punctuation tokens are treated as normal tokens, e.g. as OOV if not in rules, and randomly transmitted/substituted/inserted/deleted. No: all punctuation is
retrieved from input. It can appear in the output only if it is a part of non-punct-only token, or generated by a rule.
--casing CASING Output casing option: keep lower. Keep: keep casing from the input in transmission and substitution. Lower: make everything lowercase.Note that it is assumed that the rules are all in lowercase, so each token is lowercased before searching the rule for it.
--cap-start Capitalize the first character of each output line.
--full-stop Full-stop: make sure that every line of input is terminated by one punctuation mark, "." by default, or "!", "?" or other if keep or random generates it.
--tag-gaps Insert tag for every deleted word. The tag has a form e.g. '<gap:N>', where N is a number of characters.
--lang LANG Language option for MosesTokenizer. Default is "en".
--seed [SEED] Random seed. If this option is unused, the seed is not set. No argument: the seed is 1234.