Pool mode sources can be set up to ignore some addresses returned by the pool
NTP sources use a random client port for every request sent
The metrics exporter will keep trying to startup while its network interface is not yet available
Added option for server to only respond to NTS messages.
Updated dependencies
ntp-udp and ntp-os-clock were replaced by timestamped-socket and clock-steering
Minor improvements to NTS keyset storage errors
Loop detection is handled globally instead of per source
The MSRV was raised to 1.70
The metrics exporter is better able to handle multiple simultaneous connections
Pendulum is now part of Trifecta Tech Foundation (copyright was updated)
Large parts of the daemon code have been refactored to simplify the code
Metrics would not synchronize if the metrics data was too large
ntpd-rs would ignore responses from servers implementing NTPv3
You can’t perform that action at this time.