Simple graphical interface for controlling neopixel RGB LEDs on a Raspberry Pi
This is a graphical interface for controlling NeoPixels and other RGB PixelStrips. It is created using Python and Pygame.
The user interface is intentionally basic in appearance using large buttons. This is so that it is suitable for use in a disco environment using a touchscreen (eg. using VNC from a touchscreen laptop).
The Apply button needs to be pressed for the changes to take effect, which allows the user to choose all the appropriate settings prior to applying them.
This is designed to run on a Raspberry Pi with a level-shifter to convert from 3.3V to 5V. It has been tested with the MOS-FET inverting level shifter. Using a MOS-FET requires that the LEDinvert be selected.
This is a summary - full details of how to install the software is included in the file
First install the Python 3 library from GitHub rpi-ws281x-python.
You may also need to disable the sound module snd_bcm2835 if not already done.
Download and extract files into a new folder named /home/pi/neopixel Copy the appropriate desktop and startmenu files as listed in the guide. Restart the lxpanel and then the icon should appear on the normal start menu.
A more detailed install guide is provided in the file
After choosing the appropriate sequence you need to click the Apply button for it to take effect. This allows you to pre-prepare the sequence before making it active.
More information is available at