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Merge pull request haskell#698 from peterwicksstringfield/enable_prog…
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Fix and enable progress message tests.
  • Loading branch information
jneira authored Dec 27, 2020
2 parents 38151a0 + ba7ee5d commit 9ac127e
Showing 1 changed file with 82 additions and 95 deletions.
177 changes: 82 additions & 95 deletions test/functional/Progress.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,118 +1,105 @@
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Progress (tests) where

import Control.Applicative.Combinators
import Control.Lens
import Control.Lens hiding ((.=))
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Data.Aeson
import Data.Aeson (encode, decode, object, toJSON, Value, (.=))
import Data.Default
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
import Data.List (delete)
import Data.Text (Text, pack)
import Ide.Plugin.Config
import Language.Haskell.LSP.Test
import Language.Haskell.LSP.Messages -- TODO: Move this into haskell-lsp-types
import Language.Haskell.LSP.Types
import qualified Language.Haskell.LSP.Types.Lens as L
import Language.Haskell.LSP.Types.Capabilities
import System.FilePath ((</>))
import Test.Hls.Util
import Test.Tasty
import Test.Tasty.ExpectedFailure (ignoreTestBecause)
import Test.Tasty.HUnit

tests :: TestTree
tests = testGroup "window/workDoneProgress" [
ignoreTestBecause "Broken" $ testCase "sends indefinite progress notifications" $
-- Testing that ghc-mod sends progress notifications
testCase "sends indefinite progress notifications" $
runSession hlsCommand progressCaps "test/testdata" $ do
doc <- openDoc "ApplyRefact2.hs" "haskell"

skipMany loggingNotification

createRequest <- message :: Session WorkDoneProgressCreateRequest
liftIO $ do
createRequest ^. L.params @?= WorkDoneProgressCreateParams (ProgressNumericToken 0)

startNotification <- message :: Session WorkDoneProgressBeginNotification
liftIO $ do
-- Expect a stack cradle, since the given `hie.yaml` is expected
-- to contain a multi-stack cradle.
startNotification ^. L.params . L.value . L.title @?= "Initializing Stack project"
startNotification ^. L.params . L.token @?= (ProgressNumericToken 0)

reportNotification <- message :: Session WorkDoneProgressReportNotification
liftIO $ do
reportNotification ^. L.params . L.value . L.message @?= Just "Main"
reportNotification ^. L.params . L.token @?= (ProgressNumericToken 0)

-- may produce diagnostics
skipMany publishDiagnosticsNotification

doneNotification <- message :: Session WorkDoneProgressEndNotification
liftIO $ doneNotification ^. L.params . L.token @?= (ProgressNumericToken 0)

-- Initial hlint notifications
_ <- publishDiagnosticsNotification

-- Test incrementing ids
sendNotification TextDocumentDidSave (DidSaveTextDocumentParams doc)

createRequest' <- skipManyTill loggingNotification (message :: Session WorkDoneProgressCreateRequest)
liftIO $ do
createRequest' ^. L.params @?= WorkDoneProgressCreateParams (ProgressNumericToken 1)

startNotification' <- message :: Session WorkDoneProgressBeginNotification
liftIO $ do
startNotification' ^. L.params . L.value . L.title @?= "loading"
startNotification' ^. L.params . L.token @?= (ProgressNumericToken 1)

reportNotification' <- message :: Session WorkDoneProgressReportNotification
liftIO $ do
reportNotification' ^. L.params . L.value . L.message @?= Just "Main"
reportNotification' ^. L.params . L.token @?= (ProgressNumericToken 1)

doneNotification' <- message :: Session WorkDoneProgressEndNotification
liftIO $ doneNotification' ^. L.params . L.token @?= (ProgressNumericToken 1)

-- Initial hlint notifications
_ <- publishDiagnosticsNotification
return ()

, ignoreTestBecause "Broken" $ testCase "sends indefinite progress notifications with liquid" $
-- Testing that Liquid Haskell sends progress notifications
runSession hlsCommand progressCaps "test/testdata" $ do
doc <- openDoc "liquid/Evens.hs" "haskell"

skipMany loggingNotification

_ <- message :: Session WorkDoneProgressCreateRequest
_ <- message :: Session WorkDoneProgressBeginNotification
_ <- message :: Session WorkDoneProgressReportNotification
_ <- message :: Session WorkDoneProgressEndNotification

-- the hie-bios diagnostics
_ <- skipManyTill loggingNotification publishDiagnosticsNotification

-- Enable liquid haskell plugin
let config = def { liquidOn = True, hlintOn = False }
sendNotification WorkspaceDidChangeConfiguration (DidChangeConfigurationParams (toJSON config))

-- Test liquid
sendNotification TextDocumentDidSave (DidSaveTextDocumentParams doc)

-- hlint notifications
-- TODO: potential race between typechecking, e.g. context intialisation
-- TODO: and disabling hlint notifications
-- _ <- skipManyTill loggingNotification publishDiagnosticsNotification

let startPred (NotWorkDoneProgressBegin m) =
m ^. L.params . L.value . L.title == "Running Liquid Haskell on Evens.hs"
startPred _ = False

let donePred (NotWorkDoneProgressEnd _) = True
donePred _ = False

_ <- skipManyTill anyMessage $ between (satisfy startPred) (satisfy donePred) $
many (satisfy (\x -> not (startPred x || donePred x)))
return ()
let path = "hlint" </> "ApplyRefact2.hs"
_ <- openDoc path "haskell"
expectProgressReports [pack ("Setting up hlint (for " ++ path ++ ")"), "Processing"]
, testCase "eval plugin sends progress reports" $
runSession hlsCommand progressCaps "test/testdata/eval" $ do
doc <- openDoc "T1.hs" "haskell"
expectProgressReports ["Setting up eval (for T1.hs)", "Processing"]
[evalLens] <- getCodeLenses doc
let cmd = evalLens ^?! L.command . _Just
_ <- sendRequest WorkspaceExecuteCommand $ ExecuteCommandParams (cmd ^. L.command) (decode $ encode $ fromJust $ cmd ^. L.arguments) Nothing
expectProgressReports ["Evaluating"]
, testCase "ormolu plugin sends progress notifications" $ do
runSession hlsCommand progressCaps "test/testdata" $ do
sendNotification WorkspaceDidChangeConfiguration (DidChangeConfigurationParams (formatLspConfig "ormolu"))
doc <- openDoc "Format.hs" "haskell"
expectProgressReports ["Setting up testdata (for Format.hs)", "Processing"]
_ <- sendRequest TextDocumentFormatting $ DocumentFormattingParams doc (FormattingOptions 2 True) Nothing
expectProgressReports ["Formatting Format.hs"]
, testCase "fourmolu plugin sends progress notifications" $ do
runSession hlsCommand progressCaps "test/testdata" $ do
sendNotification WorkspaceDidChangeConfiguration (DidChangeConfigurationParams (formatLspConfig "fourmolu"))
doc <- openDoc "Format.hs" "haskell"
expectProgressReports ["Setting up testdata (for Format.hs)", "Processing"]
_ <- sendRequest TextDocumentFormatting $ DocumentFormattingParams doc (FormattingOptions 2 True) Nothing
expectProgressReports ["Formatting Format.hs"]
, ignoreTestBecause "no liquid Haskell support" $
testCase "liquid haskell plugin sends progress notifications" $ do
runSession hlsCommand progressCaps "test/testdata" $ do
doc <- openDoc "liquid/Evens.hs" "haskell"
let config = def { liquidOn = True, hlintOn = False }
sendNotification WorkspaceDidChangeConfiguration (DidChangeConfigurationParams (toJSON config))
sendNotification TextDocumentDidSave (DidSaveTextDocumentParams doc)
expectProgressReports ["Running Liquid Haskell on Evens.hs"]

formatLspConfig :: Value -> Value
formatLspConfig provider = object [ "haskell" .= object ["formattingProvider" .= (provider :: Value)] ]

progressCaps :: ClientCapabilities
progressCaps = fullCaps { _window = Just (WindowClientCapabilities (Just True)) }

data CollectedProgressNotification =
CreateM WorkDoneProgressCreateRequest
| BeginM WorkDoneProgressBeginNotification
| ProgressM WorkDoneProgressReportNotification
| EndM WorkDoneProgressEndNotification

-- | Test that the server is correctly producing a sequence of progress related
-- messages. Each create must be pair with a corresponding begin and end,
-- optionally with some progress in between. Tokens must match. The begin
-- messages have titles describing the work that is in-progress, we check that
-- the titles we see are those we expect.
expectProgressReports :: [Text] -> Session ()
expectProgressReports = expectProgressReports' []
where expectProgressReports' [] [] = return ()
expectProgressReports' tokens expectedTitles = do
skipManyTill anyMessage (create <|> begin <|> progress <|> end)
>>= \case
CreateM msg ->
expectProgressReports' (token msg : tokens) expectedTitles
BeginM msg -> do
liftIO $ title msg `expectElem` expectedTitles
liftIO $ token msg `expectElem` tokens
expectProgressReports' tokens (delete (title msg) expectedTitles)
ProgressM msg -> do
liftIO $ token msg `expectElem` tokens
expectProgressReports' tokens expectedTitles
EndM msg -> do
liftIO $ token msg `expectElem` tokens
expectProgressReports' (delete (token msg) tokens) expectedTitles
title msg = msg ^. L.params ^. L.value ^. L.title
token msg = msg ^. L.params ^. L.token
create = CreateM <$> message
begin = BeginM <$> message
progress = ProgressM <$> message
end = EndM <$> message
expectElem a as = a `elem` as @? "Unexpected " ++ show a

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