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petermr edited this page Aug 26, 2020 · 3 revisions


ami assert emulates Assertions in Java and JUnit tests, and acts as a mechanism to debug the results of operations independently of procedural code or operating system.


Still under active development


A typical unit test runs a command and we test the expected behaviour or results. Java Example:

File projectDir = new File("${user.home}", "ami/");     // directory with PDFs
AMI.execute("ami --p " + projectDir + " makeproject --rawfiletypes pdf";
Assert.assertEquals("files in directory ", 33, projectDir.listFiles().size());

will test that the new directory has the right number of files. This tests the correctness of the code and also acts as a regression test to make sure that new enhancements don't introduce bugs.

ami3 assert syntax

example - file count

In ami3 this could be:

ami -t my/project/PMC3211491 assert --message files_in_directory expected=33 --type=dir --count --expected=16


  • analyze CTree PMC3211491 in my/project as a directory
  • --count the number of files.
  • compare with the --expected value
  • throw an error if count is not the expected value

example - file size and range testing

ami --input fulltext.pdf -t my/project/PMC3211491 assert --type=file --size 8543000 8544000 --message size_of_file

This runs a test of type file on my/project/PMC3211491/fulltext.pdf and asserts that its size is between 8543000 and 8544000 bytes (because filesizes may vary on different operating systems).

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