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Dictionary: Funders

VAISHALI ARORA edited this page Aug 17, 2020 · 24 revisions

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Vaishali Arora

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SPARQL to ami :

My SPARQL dictionary funder is committed here :

Attributes in my SPARQL dictionary :

		<variable name='item'/>
		<variable name='Crossref_funder_ID'/>
		<variable name='Crossref_funder_IDLabel'/>
		<variable name='country'/>
		<variable name='countryLabel'/>
		<variable name='funder'/>
		<variable name='funderLabel'/>

*Can you find a way of extracting the funder

Me: @PMR it is there in FunderLabel. This query does fetch names of the funders. They are there in FunderLabel.

SELECT ?FunderLabel ?Country ?CountryLabel ?instanceofLabel  ?Funder ?crossrefid  WHERE {
  ?Funder wdt:P3153 ?crossrefid .
  ?Funder wdt:P31 ?instanceof .
  ?Funder wdt:P17 ?Country .
  SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "en". }
LIMIT 20000000

@PMR I converted my dictionary funder into the amidict format using the syntax :

amidict -v --dictionary funder --directory mydictionaries --input funder.sparql.xml create --informat wikisparqlxml

I got the output as:

Please check this and let me know if it is fine.

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