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Vagrant setup for a 3-node confluent kafka/kafka-connect/zookeeper cluster. Provisioning is based on shell scripts.

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Vagrant - Confluent

This is a Vagrant project to set up a 3-node Kafka cluster with

  • Confluent Kafka
  • Confluent Schema Registry
  • Apache Zookeeper 3.9
  • Datamountaineers Kafka Connect
  • Cassandra Sink

This configuration will start and provision three CentOS7/64-Bit VMs each of them containing a zookeeper, kafka-server, schema-registry and kafka connect server.

Whereever possible the vendors ( ) tar.gz / deb packages have been used to have greatest flexibility in installation.


A kafka installation without source and sink does not make so much sense. This vagrant setup is meant to be part of a larger environment. It is prepared to connect to a Apache Cassandra cluster on the sink-side.


  • Vagrant (tested on 1.8.1)
  • VirtualBox (tested on 5.1.10)
  • Linux host. The Vagrantfile has been tested on a Linux Mint 18 machine. There are still known issues when running on Windows platform ( e.g. rsync problems, Guest Addition issues )

You can improve provision times and downloads by providing all necessary downloads one in the pkg folder.

Node Configuration

All three nodes base on a core Centos 7. They are configured to get 2GB RAM so you will need >= 6GB RAM for the cluster. The nodes are members of a "Private Network". These IPs are assigned to node names :

Nodename IP-Adress

Each node can see the others but the host can not access the boxes. As the netmask is the cluster nodes can access other Vagrant boxes with private network and IPs like 10.30.x.y

To ease the network handling all name/ip combinations are put into /etc/hosts so we have a simple name resolution system.

IPV6 is turned off to avoid any impacts.

Only a few CentOS packages will be installed during provisioning :

  • wget to simplify download of additional software
  • net-tools ( for /sbin/ifconfig )
  • nc
  • ntp ( to have same date on each node )

Two operating system users have been prepared :

  • zookeeper with homedir /opt/zookeeper
  • kafka with homedir /opt/kafka

Both users have an password equal to their username. You can su to the users by typing su - zookeeper from the vagrant users shell.


Zookeeper is more-or-less the configuration memory for the kafka,schema-registry and kafka-connect cluster described in this README.

The Zookeeper installation is done independently from the Confluent stuff. As it is pretty standard, Zookeeper is running on port 2181 here as well. Zookeepers data directory is in /tmp/zookeeper. Zookeeper is configured to run in cluster mode, all three nodes of this vagrant cluster are part of it. Plain Apache Zookeeper tar.gz have been used for the installation. You can work with the zookeeper cli by :

su - zookeeper # use zookeeper password
cd bin

Zookeeper is started during the provision phase of this vagrant cluster by simply calling the command line. To stop the zookeeper process you have to find out the process id first, e.g. by typing

su - zookeeper
cd bin
./zkServer stop

To start zookeeper again use 'start' as a parameter to .


Kafka Server is setup as a 3-node cluster like zookeeper, too. Each kafka server is listening on port 9092. As kafka server is installed in user kafkas home directory /opt/kafka you have to switch to that user before starting and stopping the server.

Kafka server will be started during cluster provisioning.

During the provision phase a /vagrant/config/server[1..3].properties will be copied to /opt/kafka/etc/kafka/ The /vagrant/config folder within the vagrant box is a copy of the config folder in this git project. The properties files will be copied regarding to the following map :

Node Name Property file

We need a special file for each node, because the IP adress is hardcoded in there.


The schema-registry is not started by default. You have to do that on each node of the cluster by

cd /opt/kafka/bin
schema-registry-start -daemon ../etc/schema-registry/

Currently the logfiles of the schema-registry go to /tmp/schema-registry. To verify if the service runs please use ps -ef | grep schema or equivalent. Check the logfiles for warnings or errors.

The schema-registry depends on the zookeeper service. If zookeeper is not available schema-registry does not recover and has to be restarted manually.

To stop schema-registry simply run

cd /opt/kafka/bin

on the node you want schema-registry to stop.


Kafka Connect is included in the Open Source package. As we want to check out the Cassandra sink capabilities later on some parts of Datamountaineers Stream Reactor software is installed during provisioning. Part of the Stream Reactor software is a CLI for kafka connect, that enables the operator to simply maintain sinks and sources.

To start the kafka-connect server run

cd /opt/kafka/bin
connect-distributed -daemon ../etc/schema-registry/
tail -f ../log/connectDistributed.out

as user kafka for each node.

A Cassandra sink Use-Case

[See here] (

kafka-avro-console-producer --broker-list $BROKER_LIST --topic orders-topic --property value.schema='{"type":"record","name":"myrecord","fields":[{"name":"id","type":"int"},{"name":"created","type":"string"},{"name":"product","type":"string"},{"name":"price","type":"double"}]}'


Vagrant setup for a 3-node confluent kafka/kafka-connect/zookeeper cluster. Provisioning is based on shell scripts.






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