Advent of Code 2021 solutions written in Python. 🚀
The file structure is follows:
├── data # Contains the input files for each day
│ ├── day01
│ ├── day02
│ └── ...
├── problems # Implemented solutions for each day
│ ├── day01
│ ├── day02
│ └── ...
├── tests # Tests for each day
│ ├── day01
│ ├── day02
│ └── ...
├── utils # Utility methods to read in files and examples
├── # Package information
(Optional) Create a conda environment:
foo@bar:~$ conda create -n adventOfCode2021
foo@bar:~$ conda activate adventOfCode2021
Install local package in editable mode:
foo@bar:~$ cd advent-of-code-2021
foo@bar:~$ pip install -e .
Run tests:
foo@bar:~$ pytest .\tests\
Happy coding 🥳