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Hernán Morales Durand edited this page Feb 25, 2023 · 1 revision
  • CoInterpreter: a subclass of the interpreter that knows how to use (and communicate with) Cogit for the JIT service.
  • Cog: codename of the Opensmalltalk-vm developed originally by Eliot Miranda and described in two decades of smalltalk vm development.
  • Cogit: the just in time compiler used by PharoVM. See Cogit in the VMMaker package.
  • FFI (foreign function interface) allow PharoVM to call dynamically loaded C libraries.
  • headless: codename of a previous version of PharoVM where the graphical components where removed from the VM and moved as a image responsibility (with the help of FFI).
  • Melchor: part of Slang (or the other way around). See Slang.
  • PharoVM: efficient virtual machine for Pharo systems (and the name of the related the project). Is based on Opensmalltalk-vm.
  • Slang: transpiler to convert a small subset of Pharo to C (this language is also called slang). Is used to convert the code of the virtual machine in C. See the Slang and Melchor packages.
  • Spur: current memory model (and garbage collectors) implemented as a part of PharoVM.
  • VMMaker: main Pharo package of the PharoVM. Is mostly written in a C-compatible subset of Pharo.
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