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Philip Helger edited this page Nov 24, 2020 · 2 revisions

This page lists known traps and pit falls when migrating from one version to another. It is highly recommended to only perform a step of one major version, and not skip a major version.

v5 → v6

  • The Maven group ID changed from com.helger to com.helger.schematron
  • In this version the submodule structure was modified
    • ph-schematron was split in ph-schematron-api, ph-schematron-pure and ph-schematron-xslt - you need to choose a different artifact
    • You need to pick either ph-schematron-pure or ph-schematron-xslt depending on the engine you want to use
    • Alternatively you can use the new ph-schematron-schxslt module
    • Note: the Maven Plugin and the ANT task support all engines
  • Some classes moved to different packages (e.g. SchematronResourceSCH was moved from com.helger.schematron.xslt to com.helger.schematron.sch)
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