en·sconce/en'skäns/ Verb: Establish or settle (someone) in a comfortable, safe, or secret place
A .net command line tool for aiding deployment of server components.
- Update configuration files and other XML
- Initialise/update related databases
- Render arbitrary text files with environment specific variables
- Move the updated files to their final locations on disk
- 'Snapshot' the final deploy location for audit and easy roll back purposes
- Cope with multiple instances of the same component
- Get a copy of your component with default configuration to the target server (at 15below we use Octopus)
- Set up your environment; Ensconce expects one of the following environment variables sets to exist:
- ClientCode
- Environment
- DeployService
- OR
- FixedStructure = true
- Run Ensconce: d:\DeployTools\Ensconce.exe -finalise -replace -deployFrom . -deployTo c:\targetDir -updateConfig
- Stuff happens: check the wiki for details