To use the library you need to first include openphoto.jar in your project, then instantiate the class OpenPhotoClient and start making calls.
OpenPhotoClient client = new OpenPhotoClient(host, consumerKey, consumerSecret, token, tokenSecret);
// it will get the list of photos in the server
String result = client.rawGet("/photos/list.json", null);
export host=your_host
export consumerKey=your_consumer_key
export consumerSecret=your_consumer_secret
export token=your_access_token
export tokenSecret=your_access_token_secret
You can test the client with JUnit. First, set the details on You can start the client also like that:
// first checks if the parameters are defined as system properties
// otherwise look inside ConfigurationProperties
OpenPhotoClient client = new OpenPhotoClient();
host = your_host
You can get your credentals by clicking on the arrow next to your email address once you're logged into your site and then clicking on settings.
If you don't have any credentials then you can create one for yourself by going to /v1/oauth/flow
Once completed go back to the settings page and you should see the credential you just created