This role creates the Message Of The Day (motd) file with some additional information about the distro and the hardware.
# This is a playlist example
- host: myhost
# Load the role to produce the /etc/motd file
- motd
This playbook produces the `/etc/motd' file looking like this:
[root@localhost ~]# cat /etc/motd
_ _ _ _
/ \ _ __ ___(_) |__ | | ___
/ _ \ | '_ \/ __| | '_ \| |/ _ \
/ ___ \| | | \__ \ | |_) | | __/
/_/ \_\_| |_|___/_|_.__/|_|\___|
FQDN: localhost.localdomain
Distro: CentOS 6.6 Final
Virtual: YES
CPUs: 1
RAM: 0.49GB
: ASCII art shown at the beginning of the motd.motd_info
: List of additional information to show under the ASCII art. Look into thedefaults
for an example.
Jiri Tyr