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Roadmap (2016)

Menshikh Ivan edited this page Jan 20, 2018 · 2 revisions
  • Collaborate with other ecosystems (spaCy, sklearn, Spark etc).
  • GPU and distributed computing
  • New Deep Learning models

May - July 2016:

  • Beginner doc2vec tutorial. See tutorial
  • Intermediate word2vec and doc2vec tutorials based on common mailing list questions. Fixed via code warnings.
  • Visualisation for comparing two LDA models based on PyLDAVis. See tutorial

Jul - Nov 2016:

  • Sklearn integration (here's how keras does their sklearn wrappers, add module to sklearn_contrib github repo) WIP by @aadityaj. See sklearn_api subpackage from Chinmaya.
  • GPU integration. Keras integration. Evaluation of word2veckeras by @simonpavlik. See w2v keras integration
  • update website on
  • Add a Keras neural network model to Gensim
  • Running Gensim on Spark or Hadoop.
  • Reading the ouput of Spark MLLib LDA model into gensim.
  • SpaCy collaboration: sparsetools, common API.
  • GPU part 2. TensorFlow SVD for LSI, word2vec and glove integration. Replacement of existing word2vec code.
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