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uPort Developer Portal

This is our documentation site generator, built with GatsbyJS and a heavily modified fork of gatsby-starter-docs.

Get started

Check out the repository and from the root of the project:

  1. npm install
  2. Edit repos.json to list markdown sources
  3. Edit gulp/copy.js to copy the desired folders from your remote repo to the /content/public folder
  4. npm run setup
  5. npm run dev


  1. Node v10.1.0
  2. NPM v6.0.1
  3. Ngrok (for deployment steps)

There is a known issue with Node 10 and gulp gulpjs/gulp#2162


rm -rf node_modules/
rm -rf package-lock.json
sudo npm install --unsafe-perm=true


npm run setup

Run this command if you need to reset your workspace or have just cloned the repository for the first time.

Running this command will do the following:

  1. Installs custom plugins contained in the /plugins folder.
  2. Cleans the /repos folder.
  3. Fetches markdown from remotes configured in repos.json.
  4. Cleans the /public folder.
  5. Copies cloned content from /repos to /content/public

npm run copy:markdown

Periodically it will be necessary to apply updates to the documentation markdown contained within the /repos folder. When a local development instance of the site is running, this changes can be applied by running this command to copy the files from /repos to /content/public.

npm run watch:repos

This command watches the /repos folder for updates. Any time an update happens it will run copy:markdown. This enables live updates of markdown in development mode when compbined with npm run dev.

npm run update:docs:remote

To pull in documentation updates from the remote repositories, run this command. It does the following:

  1. Fetches markdown from remotes configured in repos.json.
  2. Copies cloned content from /repos to /content/public

npm run dev

Run this command to build and run a local instance of the developer docs at http://localhost:8000. GraphQL queries can be inspected at http://localhost:8000/___graphql. npm run update:docs:local and update:docs:remote can both be run while the site is running locally to apply apply updates from local or remote markdown sources.


There are a few main points of configuration.

  1. Site /data/SiteConfig.js
  2. Styling /src/layouts/theme.js
  3. Content /repos.json
  4. GatsbyJS configuration gatsby-config.js

1. Site configuration

The SiteConfig.js file contains properties that are used by the site generator at compile time. It contains configuration options like setting a path-prefix, the site name, logo images, etc.

At a minimum the siteUrl and pathPrefix should be set.

Example SiteConfig and each properties explanation:

module.exports = {
  siteTitle: "Simple and secure login for your Ethereum app",           // Site title.
  siteTitleAlt: "Uport ID makes blockchain easy on desktop and mobile", // Alternative site title for SEO.
  siteLogo: "/logos/[email protected]",                          // Logo used for SEO and manifest.
  siteUrl: "",                                  // Domain of your website without pathPrefix.
  pathPrefix: "/",                                                      // Prefixes all links. For cases when deployed to
  siteDescription: "Uport ID makes blockchain easy on desktop and mobile", // Website description used for RSS feeds/meta description tag.
  siteRss: "/rss.xml",                                                  // Path to the RSS file.
  googleAnalyticsID: "UA-8xxxxx",                                       // GA tracking ID.
  userName: "uPort",                                                    // Username to display in the author segment.
  userTwitter: "uport_me",                                              // Optionally renders "Follow Me" in the UserInfo segment.
  userLocation: "Universe",                                             // User location to display in the author segment.
  userAvatar: "", // User avatar to display in the author segment.
  userDescription: "Your ID.  For you.",                                // User description to display in the author segment.
  segmentProdKey: "",                                                   //Segment key for prod
  segmentDevKey: "",                                                    //Segment key for dev
  copyright: "Copyright © 2018",                                        // Copyright string for the footer of the website and RSS feed.
  themeColor: "#5c50ca",                                                // Used for setting manifest and progress theme colors.
  backgroundColor: "#e0e0e0",                                           // Used for setting manifest background color.

2. Styling configuration

The theme.js file contains a couple attributes that are used to toggle CSS properties. For convenience the theme styles are included, but others can be added as needed.

const theme = {
  // named colors:
  brand: '#5c50ca',
  accent: '#ADD2EB',
  accentDark: "#35495E",
  lightGrey: '#F6F6F6',
  darkGrey: '#91a2a3',
  ink: 'black',
  errorRed: '#FF6666',
  codeEditBlue: '#2973b7',
  codeEditGreen: '#42b983',
  themedWhite: '#f5f2f0',
  // content width:
  contentWidthLaptop: '850px',
  sitePadding: "25px",


export default theme;


  1. Code highlighting is done with PrismJS. Prism Themes have been installed, and is utilized in /src/layouts/index.jsx
  2. Our CSS is imported from weblow.
  3. The only CSS file that should be modified directly is src/layours/css/index.css. Use this to make changes to the defaults that are imported.

3. Content configuration

Our content is stored in remote repositories which are configured in a file called repos.json. In this file any repository that is configured will be cloned into the /repos folder. For convenience this folder has been added to .gitingore.

Each repository listed can optionally pull from a specific branch. Use this property to test out the documentation changes before they are merged to develop/master.

Example repos.json:

  "docs" : {
    "githubURL": "",
    "branch": "move-docs-to-reference"
  "specs" : {
    "githubURL": "",
    "projectTitle": "uPort Specs",
    "branch": "update-specs-for-docs-site"

4. GatsbyJS Configuration

The gatsby-config.js file bootstraps all the plugins that are utilized by GatsbyJS to build the site. Most of the options here are configured through SiteConfig.js and utilized within `gatsby-config.js`` at runtime.


There is a /plugins folder that contains custom code. At this time the following custom plugins are:

  1. gatsby-remark-copy-linked-files
  2. gatsby-remark-catch-relative-markdown-links

This is a plugin provided by GatsbyJS. It's purpose is to iterate over all markdown documents and copy any files/images that are linked to the /public folder. It then re-writes the links within the markdown to point to the new file location. We have extended it to ignore relative links to markdown files otherwise the relative links would be broken.

It is configured within gatsby-config.js and now accepts a new option ignoreRelativeMarkdownLinks

            resolve: "gatsby-remark-copy-linked-files",
            options: {
              ignoreRelativeMarkdownLinks: true

This is a custom plugin that is used to re-write the relative links to markdown documents. It detects if a link is a relative link and is a markdown document then updates the link to point to the new location within the /public folder.


There are a few things to take note of, or would be good to know while working with this repository.


This is the brain of the site. It contains two functions, createPages and onCreateNode.

The former uses the output of onCreateNode to physically create the pages.

The later is used to apply updates to the page frontmatter that are used by GraphQL queries to build the site. In this instance it sets the slug for each page. Slugs are eventually used to create the static content at the location that the slug specifies during createPages.


This contains configuration for several plugins used by gatsby. Without this configuration gatsby-node.js will be unable to find the files and operate on them.


We deploy the github pages from the master branch. That meands we work off the develop branch and tag releases.

ngrok is required

  • Because we are using GitHub pages Ngrok Should be used to serve a production version of the site for feedback.
  • Deployment is made easy with the provided command npm run build:gh. This will read configuration details about path prefix, and site urls to statically compile links for production.
  • For our purposes it is also necessary to update the DNS name within the repositories settings after each publish to the gh-pages branch:

The deployment steps for uPort are:

Always run the build:gh from a release tag. Never from the develop branch

  1. Check out the latest release tag.
  2. Clean the project and pull content: npm run setup
  3. Build a production version of the site: npm run build
  4. Serve the production built site on a public DNS (ngrok) for feedback npm run serve
  5. After validating the build with ngrok, build and deploy: npm run build:gh
  6. Go to and update the custom domain to reflect our documentation home (

Manual deployment can be done. Simply build the site and copy the output to its destination.

  1. To build the site execute npm run build.
  2. Copy or push the contents of the /public folder to its intended destination or gh-pages branch

Depending on the deployment destination (S3, Netflify, **), this command can be modified.